Chapter Eleven - I Really Need You Right Now

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P.O.V Patrick

I think that went pretty well. I walked into the tour bus singing a line from 'Tell that Mick he just made my list of things to do today.' again. 

"Now ash yourself out on the insides, when I said I loved you I swear I lie-" I stopped before finishing the line due to my band mates giving me a 'death glare' as you could put it. 

Okay I admit, I was a bit harsh on Pete. Ah who am I kidding he deserves it. 

"What's wrong with you guys?" I said sitting down on the sofa beside Joe who simply got up and mumbled something I couldn't quite hear. 

"What was that, Joe?" 

"Want to know what's wrong, huh Patrick?" He snapped back.

"Yeah.. Yeah I do!" 

"You. You're tearing this band apart with your mood swings." Joe slammed the door before I could defend myself.

I was pretty affronted. I never argue with Joe, no one does. He's almost always right and certain to win any argument. 

"Go change, we're going to the after party in an hour." Andy sighed before following Joe. 

Pete didn't look up at me, he was writing more lyrics. He was already fully dressed for the party. Actually I'm the only one who isn't. 

I gave in and went to get changed, pulling on black skinny jeans, a plain white t shirt and the greyish casual blazer I wore in Spotlight. 

I walked back into the main part of the bus, expecting Pete to compliment how I look even though I look terrible. He always does. Except there was nothing but complete silent. He still didn't even look up at me. 

"Uh.. what are you.. um.. doing?" I stuttered out, pretending to fix my hair. 

Pete looked up at me, emotionless and looked back down at his sheet he continued to write on. 

"Are you.. mad at me?" I tried again, sounding a little more confident. 

He tapped the arm of the chair, still ignoring me. 

"I'll take that as a yes." I shrugged, sitting down beside him and picking up one of the pens. 

"Pete.. please." I pulled myself closer to him, putting my head on his shoulder. He shrugged me off without saying anything. 

"I'm sorry!" Pete remained expressionless. 

"Fine! If you won't accept my apology then I won't apologize." I shouted before storming out to the party. 

What the hell have I done, honestly. 

I put on a brave face and went to the after party, just wanting a drink. I went straight up to the bar and sat down, ordering something I'd never even heard of.

Brendon sat down beside me, looking furious. 

"Patrick Martin Vaughn Stump! One, you shouldn't be drinking and two what the hell were you doing on stage tonight?!" He took the drink out of my hands and placed it beside him. I groaned.

"Brendon, it's been months since I've had a drink and after tonight believe me I need it." I snatched it back from him and downed it before he could do anything.

"Fine, I won't help you then. A word of advice, don't pull a stupid stunt like that on stage again. You hurt Pete like hell. Me and him are going back, come whenever you want." Brendon growled and left me to myself. 

I ordered a vodka while a girl I'd never seen before sat down beside me. She flashed me a seductive smile before speaking to the barman. 

"I'll have whatever he's having.." 

I couldn't quite make her out in the dim lighting but as far as I could tell she had long blonde hair and a skimpy black dress on that revealed more than I wanted to see. 

I smiled weakly and kept my head down, trying to go unnoticed. "Patrick isn't it?" She shouted over the loud music. I nodded, still drinking. "Cool, I'm Tiffany." 

"So is the rest of your band staying in a hotel tonight?" 

"The one just down the street." I blurted out. I didn't want to really tell this girl anything but I guess I was a little tipsy. 

She continued rambling on about herself, not really requiring much of my attention. Once I finished one drink she'd order me another, and another. Until eventually I couldn't think straight. Hell I could barely see. 

"Hey, you feeling alright? Wanna take this? It'll help." She handed me an aspirin looking thing. I shook my head mumbling out a small "No.. no I'm fine." 

"Okay. Whatever." 

We continued talking for an hour. Or she did anyway.

"I want to go home now." I muttered. 

My head was pounding and the only thing on my mind was that she probably slipped that damn pill into my drink. I needed Pete to come and tell me it'd be alright.. going back to the hotel was my best bet. 

"I'll walk you back." She said, taking my hand and pulling me away. 

"No. I can manage." I stuttered, suddenly feeling terrified. "It's alright. Just come with me." 

"I want Pete." I tried to shout out but my words slurred and even she couldn't understand. "Shh." 

I felt the cool air embrace me, I wanted to vomit, I wanted to sleep, I wanted to go to my hotel room.. alone. 

She dragged me into the lobby, asking me over and over again what my room number was. 

"I.. I don't remember." I lied, maybe she'll finally leave me alone. "Yes you do, come on." I wasn't fooling Tiffany one bit. 

"307." I lied again.. it was Brendon's room. She smiled and hopped into the lift. Brendon said him and Pete were going back to their rooms, I really hope so. 

"Where's your key card?" I didn't think this part through very well. I took a chance and said "It should be open." 

Lucky for me it was. 

"Well.. you can leave now.. thanks." I said sternly and loud enough to hopefully wake Brendon up. 

"You're so innocent." She smiled, leaning in and kissing me. I pushed her away from me but she didn't give up. "Feisty too." 

She pushed me down onto the sofa and took off my shirt. "No, wait hold on!" I snapped, trying to fight her off me. "Stop struggling sweetheart." 

We must have been pretty loud because sure enough I woke Brendon up and he came into the living room, outraged. 

"Patrick Stump, what the hell do you-" 

"Oh, wait get off him!" Brendon ran over, pushing her onto the ground. 

"Whatever, you're no fun." Tiffany said, walking out. "WAIT! DUDE!" Brendon shouted after her. "Just leave it." I sniffed. 

"Babe, come here." He put his arm around me. "Want to stay with me tonight?" I nodded, tears spilling out of my eyes. 

*Poor Patrick. Anyway, I'll be updating tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be a little cheerier than this haha..*

Boycott Love (Sequel to Don't Come Home For Christmas) ~ PeterickWhere stories live. Discover now