Chapter Seven - I've Broken Down On Memory Lane

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P.O.V Pete

I couldn't help but feel like I'd won once Patrick left crying. After the pain he put me through I couldn't have felt any better. Of course I'm not done just yet. I've got one more thing I want to do.. even though I know the guys will probably all hate me for it. 

"Woah, that was a bit harsh." Joe said, folding his arms and giving me a stern look. 

"He deserves it." I mumbled quietly so they wouldn't hear. Andy must have heard me though because he nodded slightly. 

"He'll be back soon enough, it's no big deal." Andy said, packing up his stuff. 

"He's clearly upset." 

"Well so am I!" I shouted, waving my arms around.  

"Okay, chill.."

To be honest, I'd rather he didn't come back at the minute. But I'll keep that to myself.

P.O.V Patrick

I sat in my car, trying to figure out what just happened. I can't believe he'd humiliate me like that. After all the girls he went off with, knowing I knew. I never said a word. 

I started driving anyway. Despite my little sniffs and the occasional tear I was happy. The freedom of knowing I could go anywhere right now and no one would know. I could fly abroad if I wanted to. But I won't because my manager would kill me. We're meant to be writing right now and I went and screwed it up.

No actually, Pete did.

I was so lost in thought I barely noticed once the city became lost in the horizon and I was surrounded with fields and the countryside. 

It was only 5pm but it was already dark. There weren't many lights out in the country except for the odd motel and petrol station. I'd already been driving for an hour.

I kept driving until eventually the road felt familiar. At first I thought I'd never been here before but sure enough, Rosendale farm was only twenty minutes away. I used to go to the little diner near there after school with Pete. 

As I drew closer to the diner I realised I was running out of petrol fast. If only I thought to stop in one of the stations back but I was too far away now. I broke down just down the road from the diner and got out, trying my phone to call someone. No signal.. 

The bitter wind embraced me, welcoming me back to the old diner. I walked up the lane. It was exactly how I remembered it.

The bell rang when I pushed open the door and the waitress gave me a glance. I returned a weak smile and went to my old seat where we'd always sit together. 

"Do you want something honey?"

"Maybe just a coffee please." 

"I'll get that to you in a minute." 

I nodded and tugged my sleeves down a little farther. Somehow it felt colder in here than outside. I thought about asking for the phone straight away but I thought it would be more polite to ask when she gets back. 

A faint song hummed out of the jukebox in the back. The waitress had a light pink dress on and ginger curls. The floors still black and white checks. If I didn't know any better I'd thought I was in the fifties. 

"Here you are darling." 

"Th-thanks.." I muttered, handing her a few dollars. She looked surprised that I knew the amount of it but I didn't say anything else. 

"Hey miss?" 


"Can I use your phone?" 

Boycott Love (Sequel to Don't Come Home For Christmas) ~ PeterickWhere stories live. Discover now