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Damn right it's time for my favourite part of a fic. I've been working on these ideas for ages. So I've got quite a few, and I've divided them into categories because why not?!


You're a hot mess.

High school AU- Pete's constantly getting into trouble and his best mate Patrick is constantly being dragged along with him. Unfortunately for Pete he's fallen for the quiet boy he's been friends with since forever.

Order Up.

"You don't know his name?" Gabe laughs, throwing his head back onto my pillow. I sit up straighter on my chair, "No, but-" Gabe gives me a serious look, "Pete, dude it's never gonna happen unless you go talk to him." "I do!" He rolls his eyes, "Asking him for his order doesn't count."

Ryden *nervous laughter*

Fool Like Me -A.K.A the one I've all planned out and have been writing snippets of for m o n t h s. screw you all I'm writing this idegaf. (hey i'll post it on my other account if you don't pick it it's fine)

High school AU- Brendon and Ryan are put together for a school project. They barely know each other but already Brendon's invited Ryan over to his house to start it. Ryan tells him nothing about his past or about his situation at home and Brendon doesn't ask. When in reality, living with an alcoholic parent isn't as easy as Ryan makes it sound. The two slowly become friends and when something happens, putting Brendon in a difficult position the only person he can count on is Ryan.


College AU- Brendon joins a fraternity his parents sign him up to. All the males in Brendon's family have gone to this fraternity and Brendon's quite well known when he gets there. The entire fraternity are insane, they party nearly every night yet seem to maintain perfect grades. Brendon's new roommate is no different. He's an English lit major and also does Classical Music and is probably the smartest person Brendon's ever met. Ryan thinks differently of Brendon, he hates him.

Multiple Ships


High school AU-- Peterick and Ryden -- Pete has a crush on Patrick and as Ryan is is best friend he obviously has to wingman for him. Pete says it's in the 'Guy Rule Book' though Ryan's pretty sure he just made it up. Ryan has a hard time focusing on helping out Pete with Patrick though because Patrick's best friend is.. well hot.

Untitled -- Oh the ships, can you smell them?

Possible Ships: Peterick, Joncer, Ryden, Frerard, Gabilliam, Trohley.-- Ryan applies for a job at the new multi store down the street. It has a book store, a clothes department, a music shop, a cafe and an arcade. Patrick Stump runs the entire thing and seems to have a thing going with his assistant, Pete. Not that they'd ever admit to it. Spencer and Brendon and William are the barristers at the cafe. Brendon's hyper active personality is draining to everyone in the entire complex. The boy never runs out of steam. Gabe and Victoria work in the clothes department and bicker constantly. The Way brothers, Gerard and Mikey run the music store but mostly mess about with the instruments and listen to the albums rather than help the customers. Frank is the Co-Manager, and never does his job. Andy and Joe work in the arcade, giving out prizes and fixing broken machines. They're too busy playing the actual arcade games.. Jon is the guy who works with Ryan in the bookshop and is the only sane person around.

Multiple Bands/No Ships

Untitled but I'm pretty excited about it.

Pete and Brendon are wild vampires, they don't belong to any cult or pack. Along with their human friends they are risking their lives to protect Patrick's strange powers from the vampires hunting him.

Boycott Love (Sequel to Don't Come Home For Christmas) ~ PeterickWhere stories live. Discover now