It's Better If You Don't Understand

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Here I am at the my fiancé's recoding studio. I love his fellow band mates like family, however sometimes I wish we would get some time off. Maybe, I should explain myself. Hi I'm Arianna Perez and my fiancé is Phillip Lawrence. That's right, Bruno Mars's right hand man. Phil is a great guy to me. Always polite, sweet, honest and caring. He's great with my family too. My baby sister, Tatianna especially. He's taken her under his wing, but at times can be a little over protective. I can't wait to tell him the good news. My head was currently on Phill's shoulder, his hands were running through my hair. I looked up and smiled.
"What's on your mind sweetheart?" Phill asked me.
"Nothing... I got a big surprise for you" I said a cheeky smile on my face, I then gave Phil a kiss.
"Eww Gross!!!" Cried Bruno "Get a Room!!"
I swatted my hand at Bruno and yelled "Shut Up!". Phill yelled "Quiet little man" he then changed his tone and asked "What surprise love?" "I don't know if I want to tell any of them anymore" I said with a pout. That got the band excited. They began to swarm the small couch. I could now see all of their features. Bruno with his curls loose, and sweating... Well they were working hard. Eric and Ryan's eyes large with anticipation. "What is it!" All three yelled in unison. "Jinx!" I yelled and
Laughed. "C'mon what are we in second grade?" Asked Eric. I punched Eric's shoulder. "What was that for?" He asked. " You talked when you were jinxed, so you get punched... You should know this!" I said with a smirk and a shrug of my shoulders. " and to awnser your question we are in fourth grade you know that, you better not talk again Eric or I might be forced to give you cooties!"
Yo Phil brother, check yo girl she's getting abusive,put her in her place, that punch hurt!" Eric yelled indignantly. Before I hit Eric again, Phil grabbed my hand and entwined his fingers with mine, he then raised both of our hands and kissed them.
"Will both of you please act your age?" He asked exasperated. " Besides Arianna... You mentioned a surprise?" I smiled and smoothed out my skirt, " Yea I guess I did" giggling, and playing dumb. Just to add to the suspense, I pretended to ponder what I was talking about for a few moments. Phil knowing what I was doing, whispered in my ear "could you at least tell me?" Giving me puppy dog eyes, which he knows are my weakness. "Fine!" I gasped pretending to be exhasperated. Growing tired of that, I changed my tone"Hold on to your horses gentlemen!" I yelled. " Because the beautiful, funny, singing, dancing girl we all love is coming to LA!!" I finally said. I then glanced around the room. Phil looked thoughtful, Eric, Bruno, and Ryan looked at me like I was crazy and asked "who?". "My sister Tatianna! Dummies!" I yelled. "Why did none of you guess that!" "For Real Tat's coming over!" Phil asked, he got off the couch and began jumping up and down. I giggled he looked so cute, like a kid in a candy store. "Yeah she called me a couple of weeks ago, she will be here Friday, I can't wait" I almost screamed. " Hey I hate to interrupt your tender moment....but who is Tatianna?" Bruno asked "And is she single?" That last remark earned Bruno Phil's death glare (see I told you he is a little overprotective), the mean glare that I give Phil when we fight from me, and a chorus of "Player" from Eric and Ryan. Oh man Bruno's done it now, he is going to get the nagging of his life! "First of all, Tatianna is the most loyal, nice, beautiful, intelligent, musical, dancing girl you will ever meet! Secondly, Player ,Tatianna is taken, by a man who loves, worships and appreciates her! His name is Armond Gonzalez! The football player. He plays for the San Francisco Broncos! He is 6'5 and is one of the biggest man I've ever met. Bruno I better not even see you eye my sister or I swear when I am through with you, you will not be able to have kids!" I yelled, I felt something on my stomach, I looked again and I saw that it was Phil's hand almost holding me back, I didn't notice that during my spiel I stood up and walked over to Bruno. But hey I love my sister! " That goes double for me Bruno!" Phil yelled out. "She's not even your sister!" Bruno yelled back. "She's my Sister-In-Law and I love her like a sister so you betta not test me little man!" Phil retorted. "Fine Jesus, Phil and Arianna I was only playin... Sorta" Bruno said raising his arms as if in surrender. "What does Tatianna look like and what does she do?" "She kind of a all around entertainer, she acts, dances, sings, and has the greatest personality. She's coming over to celebrate me and Philly's (oops that's my nickname for Phil when we we alone oh well it was bound to come out eventually) I mean Phil's engagement, her and Phil get along swimmingly, and Phil wanted Tat to see his work. I have a picture of her somewhere...hold on" I said almost longingly. I started to flip through my phone none of these pictures I wanted the guys to see, I think I always look fat. "I don't like any of these pictures... Phil do you have any nice ones?" I asked. " like the one where all four of us went to the club?" I said a flood of memories came to my eyes. I remember Tat introducing her new boo, he was handsome but made Tat look even shorter then she was, she topped out at 4'5. But back to her boo, Armond, he was absolutely gaga for Tat and he treated her like a princess. It was a great night, Tat loves dancing and we danced the night away. "No I posted that on Facebook, and deleted it" Phil asked snapping me back to reality. " fine I guess I have to show them the bikini one......" I sighed. "Yeah that one" Bruno interjected. "Shut up!" I yelled. "She doesn't like me showing people that one.. But I guess I have to" I sighed flipping through photos on my phone till I found what I was looking for. I showed the photo to the group. Phil was watching the three of them like hawks I knew that if any of them so much as gasped he would jump them. All of them had a different reaction. Ryan looked the photo up and down and whistled. Eric blinked twice and looked at me....and ultimately said "there is no way you two are related". Bruno said "she will be mine...she is no match for the Hawaiian lion!" And pumped his fist in the air. The photo had my sister, her black raven hair that ends at her ankles covering her sheer bikini top and running the length of her body to her bikini bottom. She had a seductive smile on her face, that really highlighted all of her fine features, nice brown eyes, a cute button nose, and beautiful high cheekbones. Her hands were behind her. And her legs were crossed. This was one of her model shots, ever since she was 16 she was modeling and has one miss Universe and Miss America countless times. I finally pulled the picture away I didn't like them eyeing my sister, she is not a piece of meat! All three men groaned and asked for the picture back, but one look at Phil's face they stopped. "She will be here next Friday and you will all be respectful" I said with a hint of finality and a test-me-and-I-will-knock-you-into-next-week glare. "She looks familiar....where is she from?" Eric asked. "H...Hawaii why?" I asked a little sheepishly. Tatianna is very quiet about her background and private life, I can respect that and I understand,you see Tatianna is a special girl and has one exceptional secret. "Good can't wait to meet her" Bruno said with a goofy grin that he typically wears when he knows something the band doesn't. "You betta not be planning anything Bruno" I said my eyes narrowing to slits. "Well I guess that ends out little jam session" Phil said. That's great! I swear at times Phil can read my mind, I wanted to get out before they asked anymore questions. As soon as everybody packed up and walked put to the parking lot. I gave everyone a hug and yelled out my goodbyes. In the car. "I know you wanted to leave" Phil said. "Yea" I confided shyly. "Don't worry... Be happy!" Phil said taking his hand off he steering wheel and placing it on my thigh. "She'll be here in less then a week, and I know you two will want to shop and party...we'll have fun!" "I can't wait!" I said a faint blush rising to my cheeks, I sank into the car seat. Later that night I woke up to my phone ringing. I took it out of the bedroom so not to disturb Phil.
"Hello" I said into my phone.
"Hola mi hermana" said Tatianna
"Hey girl not that it's not great to hear from you, but you'll be here in less then a week, can't this wait? At least till morning " I asked.
"Lo siento mi hermana but it cannot wait..... Un momento por favor" Tatianna said
I could hear her say to someone,I'm telling her right now.
"Tati?" I asked into the phone.
"Yes mi amor I'm here now" Tatianna responded. I smiled, I almost forgot that Tatianna used endearments when addressing people. It made me feel special.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"My sister I am so sorry but I can't come over in the foreseeable future, I am so sorry I love you" Tatianna said. I knew something was wrong. Tatianna always said You are my world to the people she truly adored, because she believed that I love you is so overrated especially, when it leaves a man's lips. Tatianna is so loyal,she almost never cancels unless it is a emergency, and she will always tell you. Tears are welling up in my eyes. I fell to the floor. Phil hearing he fall ran out and yelled "are you okay!". He picked me up in his arms and placed me on the bed and pulled me into his lap. He tried to wipe away my tears but it was pointless. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and all I could scream was"she hurt me" and "she's not coming".
4 months later.
The band decided to go out to breakfast. We settled at a comfy dinner, it was funny because Tatianna boyfriend's father owns part of this restaurant. I was still a little hurt that Tatianna canceled, I mean I know that life happens but still. I think something is wrong. Phil kissed my hand and whispered "forgive and forget , you know Tatianna will make it up to you. We settled in a comfy booth, and everyone started to ponder the menu.
Suddenly a beautiful, bell like voice rung through, it was almost like a tender whisper that was only ment for you to hear, and you almost had to lean in to hear it. "Hello and what will you have today?" only one person I knew had that beautiful tempting voice, I looked up from my menu. The waitress gasped "Mi Hermana! Como Estas? Lo siento perro Bienvinedo" I looked up hurt. "What are you doing here?" My voice full of venom. "I thought you were casted to the movie, starring Arnold Swarzanegger aren't you?" My eyes narrowing to slits, full of suspicion. "I am" Tatianna said. "Then what are you doing here?" I gasped exasperating. " They grant actors about one month or two to get into character, and I'm playing a waitress who helps the sheriff ,Arnold, bust a person in a sex trade ring. So she can protect her daughter, and eventually she also becomes a cop. I spent one week with each aspect of my character. This is my last job to do, so I'll be here all week, so what can I get you?" Tatianna asked her eyes opened so wide, like she was innocent. I guess she is,but still she hurt me, I just want to forgive her,but I'm to petty. Tatianna then opened her arms, I got up and entered them. "Lo Siento ,I'm sorry" she said while rubbing my back. I then Pulled out of her arms and kissed both of her cheeks, it was our greeting. " just because I greeted you does not mean I forgive you, you owe me a story!" I said, sitting down. Tatianna looked un phased" alright, no problem mi hermana, I see you still have that stubborn streak, well at least Phil knows you are no push over..... Speaking of which where is the love of your life? You two are my favorite couple you two are almost joined at the waist it is so perfect!" Tatianna said looking around clasping her hands together, Phil then decided to make his appearance. "How are you baby?" He asked squeezing through the booth past his angry fiancé. Tatianna squealed and hugged Phil" Hey mi hermano, how are you brother, I missed you two so much!" "Where were you sweetie we were waiting" Phil asked letting a little of his own hurt shine through. "I know I'm so sorry, big brother I'll tell you later, it's quite a story" she said kissing both of Phil's cheeks. "So what can I get you?" She asked once again. Bruno cleared his throat. "Phil and Mrs. Phil-to-be aren't you going to introduce us to this pretty little treasure?" Tatianna blushed. Phil rolled his eyes "Little one, This is my band. This is Eric, he does about almost everything, and he is the responsible one. This is Ryan our manager. And I believe you know the shorty over here is Bruno Mars" Phil finished with a final sweep of his hand. "Phil you really shouldn't judge or classify people by height, especially when introducing them to others, besides you all are tall to me" Tatianna scolded. "Thank you beautiful"Bruno chimed in. "So for the umpteenth time, how can I serve you today? " Tatianna asked earnestly. "Well you could be mine pretty lady" Bruno said. Tatianna blushed. Arianna yelled "shut up player, leave her alone, she is TAKEN!!!". "Um I think I speak for everybody here.... 3 cheeseburgers and one salad for the self conscious one, and two pitchers of sprite." Eric spoke out. "Okay" Tatianna responded "is that all?". "Oh yeah umm miss waitress can I have a diet sprite?" Arianna asked. "Sure" Tatianna Said with a innocent smile" With or without the spit?" "See you babe" Tatianna then walked into the backroom, I noticed it was her model walk. "What were you doing Bruno! She is my sister in law and I already told you she is taken!" Phil yelled. "First of all she didn't say she was taken, and two she liked it" Bruno yelled back. " God you two are loud enough to wake the dead, bruno leave my sister alone Mmk? Arianna Scolded. That didn't stop them. They argued until the food returned. Tatianna set all the food down and asked "all set?". Just when she was about to walk away. "Tat do you have a minute?" Arianna asked. "Of coarse babe"Tatianna said stepping into a booth right behind them. "So what's up?" Tatianna asked. "Well just to put this debate to rest, are you single?" I asked without hesitation. "Yes, I am single" Tatianna said hanging her head low with a blush. "What happened? What about Armand,he was good for you!?" I yelled "Did he hurt you?" I asked in a lower octave. "Well funny story about all this it ties into why I couldn't go to your house or contact you for months" Tatianna said for longingly. Suddenly grenade rang through the restaurant" Take. Take. Take it all but you never give" Bruno Mars' voice rang out , clear as day. All the band members looked to Bruno who shrugged and put on a satisfied smirk. Tatianna picked up her phone, and stared at it as if torn. She decided to let her phone ring a little, obviously enjoying the ringtone, then muted the phone. "Who was that?" Arianna boldly asked. "No one I want to talk to." Tatianna retorted, but she still looked worried. Tatianna muttered excuse me, and started to walk to the back room. "Oh no you owe me a story, a couple of weeks of us having girl-time, and a explanation for who was that on the phone!" I said grabbing Tat's arm and dragging her back to her previous place at the booth. Tatianna looked out the window as if expecting someone. "What's wrong?" I asked looking to the window. "Nothing" Tatianna replied quickly, I hated when she did that, she was trying to lull me into a false sense of security, but I let it go. Tatianna suddenly gasped. I looked out the window and saw Armand. "Was it Armand who called you?" I whispered. Tatianna nodded and slowly tried to recede back into the back room. But before she could get half way through, Armand stormed in. "Tatianna" he said it came out almost like a loud moan. Tatianna stiffened up "Armond" she said as still as a stone. "Please come back babe, look I know I've done some bad things in the past and I've hurt you, but I would change it if I could please come back. I need you." Armond said tearfully. " No Armond I am not coming back to you, you've hurt me beyond repair. It's over ,please don't hurt me" Tatianna said in a whisper. Armond came closer to Tatianna, and grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back" Who is the other man, You little Bitch huh!? Do you think I would not find out? I will never let you go! You think I'm bad now just wait, when we get home you're mine. Did you not think I would notice you took all your crap from my house?! But you left everything I bought you, you ungrateful whore" Tatianna's face was contorted in pain, Armond suddenly lifted her up in the air, in a chokehold. "Don't even think about leaving me again, five times is enough, you thought changing your number would help, well your wrong. I will hurt everyone you love if you leave again. Yep I know that you don't care about yourself as long as your sister is safe.....well not anymore. " He screamed and dropped Tatianna. Tatianna let out a scream as she hit the floor. Armond raced out, but not before saying goodbye to Phil and I. I dropped on the floor and raced to Tatianna. I screamed out her name and tried to move her head to my lap, I could hear people yelling call 911 but I was to busy crying to notice. I remember being swept into a ambulance with Emt's rushing over my sister, yelling get me a brace. They sat me in the waiting room but I couldn't stand still, when Phil caught up with us, he pulled me in his lap and I sobbed into his chest, screaming why her Phil, he hurt her! In two agonizing hours we were allowed to see Tat. Her face lit up when she saw me but I could still see that her face was wracked with pain. "Mi Hermana" Tatianna said barley a whisper. I flew to her side, "Tatianna baby I'm here don't worry, Armond won't hurt you anymore,you are coming home with me!!" I said stroking her long hair. Her eyes fluttered, her long eyelashes almost fighting each other. She closed her eyes, grasping my hand that was on her face and pressed it against her cheek. "As long as you are okay that's all that matters." She whispered. "Yeah I'm okay but look at you Tat! ...." I had to stop there i could feel myself tearing up, I wanted to be strong. Tatianna placed her hands on my cheek and whispered " don't worry about me, they gave me some pills to numb the pain, I will be fine. Good news sweetie nothing is broken. Soon I might be able to leave! My shoulder and arm is sprained but that is okay, and my back is achy but that will be fine! Don't cry beautiful, I'm strong okay. I'm going to get better for you" Tatianna said trying feebly to pull me into a hug. I gave her a strong bear hug, but when I heard her groan in pain I stopped. "Is there anything I can do to help you get better ?" I asked. Tatianna smiled "actually there is....... But will you do it?" She whispered. "I promise on my life" I said linking my pinky with Tat's as we did when we were kids, to us it meant the ultimate promise. "Smile and don't worry about me" Tatianna said. "You know I cannot do that!" I moaned. "Fine can you at least out on the radio then?"Tat asked exasperated. "I can do that!" I yelled , Tatianna winced with the noise and then I apologized I was just happy to do something for her. I turned on the radio to Tat's favorite station and guess what turned on. Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars. The fist couple of notes played, and were joined by a beautiful voice. We all looked to Bruno, but his eyes were fixed on the hospital bed. Before I could ask him what was he looking at, my sister's voice got a little louder. "I know you are somewhere out there.....somewhere far away" I was in awe I knew Tat had a beautiful voice but jeez. Tatianna then did something that astounded me , she got up and started to dance, through the pain. She was still carrying the beautiful melody, and I'm ashamed to say that she danced better injured then I did on my best days. We all just watched as Tatianna spun around the room, it was amazing. Just as the song ended, the door opened and out popped the doctor. "Are you serious Tat?" He asked. Tatianna faced the doctor, at first with a surprised face and then she smiled. "Yes I have to, are you?" She asked opening her arms. "I'll be better when you get into bed" The doctor,Dylan, replied. He went into Tatianna's arms and then he lifted her up,his hands on her thighs so to not disturb her back and placed her into bed. Tatianna pouted. He grined and gave Tat a kiss on the forehead. " Good news little one, you can go home in a hour, once I do your final checkup and have the person picking you up sign some papers. " Suddenly a man with dark cropped hair and a pale completion came out of the woodwork. I recognized him as Simon Cowell. Simon looked at the doctor and then at Tat. He strode over to the bed and hugged Tat, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and then asked "are you already to go home sweetheart?" Tatianna nodded. "Look at all these gifts from your fans and your family came out, don't you want to introduce me?" Tatianna nodded. "These is my beautiful charming sister Arianna, My funny fun brother in law to be Phil and his band..... I don't know them very well yet unfortunately, but I will tell you what I know. This is Eric, he is very responsible and takes care of the band, This is Ryan he is the manager, and this is Bruno Mars." "Everyone this is like my second father, this is Simon Cowell, my manager."Simon shook everyone's hands, and began light conversation, I kept to myself a little I wanted to know how much Simon knew about Tat. "So who was originally going to take Tatianna home?" Simon asked. "We are" Phil and I said simultaneously. " Would you mind if I take Tat to a nearby hotel tonight? And she could see you tomorrow?" Simon asked, I could see in his eyes there was nothing but love for Tat but I don't trust anyone right now. "You seem like a great guy Mr. Cowell, but I don't feel comfortable leaving Tat with you at this time" I said honestly. "Okay I understand...I'll try to call everyday, could you please make sure Tat takes her pills?" Simon asked. "Of coarse I will she'll stay with me as long as she needs" I said. "Okay I trust you" Simon said. He ran his hands through Tatianna's hair and left. After we signed the discharge papers, I took Tatianna home. I settled her up in our downstairs bedroom with adjoining bath, so she could be near us at all times, and if she gets tired it's not too long a walk. The band insisted on sleeping over, and I had to give in. These guys were true friends they were here when I was at my worst. They just started to relax around the couch, I was sitting on my sectional and Phil's arm was around my waist, but my mind was somewhere else. It was in the bedroom with Tat, she was sleeping when I last checked on her. I heard someone walking, and I looked up and saw Tatianna in her lavender nightgown, with a large smile on her face. "What are you watching?" She asked placidly. "I don't know....some dumb guy show I didn't pay to much attention....I was too busy worrying about you!" I said honestly. "I told you not to worry. I'm fine, besides you must have not been paying attention" Tatianna said eyeing the screen. "Because this is our movie, mi amor" I suddenly looked at the screen, just in time to see that the movie The Great Gatsby was playing. "Oh my god I love this movie!" I screamed. Tatianna giggled " I know mi hermana, the book is better, but the movie is a great representation". Tatianna settled in on the floor, and began to watch. "Tat come up here it's much more comfortable"I said. " it okay sweetie I'm fine down here I've been in a bed all day!" She responded. "Fine " I responded. We settled in and began to watch the movie. Tat didn't notice but she settled in next to Bruno. Oh god please don't let him hurt her. I saw Bruno look my sister look up and down, I wanted to hit him, but confrontation was the last thing anybody needed right now so I let it go. What is that boy thinking?

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