Chapter 5

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Tatianna's Pov:
The rest of the band left some time ago, i decided to pull a all nighter, that's okay, I'm used to spending my sleep on making music. That's how I lasted all those months with Armond. Besides without someone in my bed, I can only sleep two hours.....more about that later. Bruno stayed behind with me......I told him he should get some rest but he insisted. I don't mind, Bruno and I get along great. "So what do you think of the song?" I asked. "I knew you could do it! You don't even really need us." Bruno said hugging me. I love our hugs, it feels like I'm loved, something I never got with Armond. " Yes I do need you guys, if you didn't like all of me I would have scrapped it, besides I'm not the best with instruments..." I said with a blush. "You're great with instruments...... What a lot of people don't realize is that the voice is a instrument. You have to find the right note, and have to tune it." Bruno finished. I giggled, Bruno always knew what to say. We only met a little while ago, but it feels like we've known each other for years. "Don't worry that you're not good with instruments, I can teach you." Bruno said offering me his hand. " The famous Bruno Mars is going to teach me! My girlhood dream is fulfilled!" I said pretending to swoon. Bruno caught me and giggled. "Are we going to get any work done?" He asked me. "No I'd rather stay here!" I said, playing with one of his curls. "Sorry darlin" he whispered almost dropping me. He then strode over to the piano bench and patted a spot next to him. I sat and he then pulled me into his lap. I could smell his yummy cologne, and was a little hypnotized. "Place your hands on the keys" Bruno told me. I placed my hands on the keys. His large hands overtook mine. "It really is easy when you know the keys" he muttered. He began to play When I Was Your Man, and began to sing. I smiled, I love this song, I looked up at him, and I could see that he was really in to the music. When he finished he looked at me. "See it's not so bad, baby." He said. "Well because you were doing all the work!" I said. "Alright fine" he whispered."you sing and I play". "Alright" I said. I got out of his lap, and began to sing all of me. He played and played. When we finished we looked at each other. "Ureka!" We screamed, we found the melody. Bruno grabbed me, lifted me in the air and swung me around. " you want to go on?" I asked. "Nope let's go home!" He said. We hopped into Bruno's car, and began to blast music. We happily sang along to the beat. At a stop light Bruno asked " Can I have your address?" I read off my address and he smiled. God those dimples. Bruno and I are friends and that's the way I want to keep it but, dimples are my weakness. Bruno drove to the gated community and drove right in. We drove up to a beautiful Tuscany like building, it had a terra-cotta roof and everything. "Mi amor welcome to Casa de mars,or as I call it the sex dragon's den." I blushed. "It's beautiful! I love it!" I yelled. Bruno opened the door and welcomed me in. I felt something jump on me, and lick my face. What? I looked up and saw a puppy. "Geronimo down!" Bruno yelled. The puppy bounded off of me. Bruno helped me up. "Are you okay?" Bruno asked me. "thanks for saving me! I was scared he was going to lick me to death!" I laughed. "some guard dog you got there." "aww shut up' Bruno said poking me in my side. "I don't shut up, I grow up, and when I look at you I through up." I said with a smirk.Bruno picked me up and slammed me on the couch,he began to tickle me. "Stop, stop I give I give" I said, laughing out of breath. "I'll only let you go if you say I'm your favorite artist,and you have to use one of my nicknames" Bruno said. "Never!" I screamed. "Fine!" Bruno said, increasing the tickling. I couldn't take it anymore, so I swallowed my pride and screamed. "Bruno Mars is my favorite artist. Long live the Hawaiian Lion!" "That's more like it doll" Bruno said with a smirk, and sat on the sofa. I poked him in the side and muttered jerk. Once I sat on the couch, guess who's head ended up on my lap? That's right Geronimo's, he's so cute, me and him started to play. He started to cuddle up next to me, this dog is my baby now. "Do you want anything?" Bruno asked. "No thanks you have any good movies?" I asked. "Well I don't really care what you want to see" Bruno said with a grin. "Hey!" I protested hitting his chest." You'll be banging on my chest, bang bang gorilla!" Bruno said laughing. "God you are so Immature!" I cried out, with a severe blush. Bruno laughed and popped in a dvd. Sixteen Candles started to play, I laughed "I love this movie!" I cried out. "Twining" Bruno said. I rolled my eyes and looked down at Geronimo. " why is Daddy so corny?" I asked him. Geronimo grumbled back. I laughed. We watched the movie and I could not stop laughing. By the end, Bruno and I were cuddling. He was so warm, and I'm ashamed to say I loved every minute of it. But we are just friends right? "Another comedy?" Bruno asked. "Yea" I said. He popped in a Its always sunny in Philadelphia disk. I never saw the end as I was nodding off during the opening. I awoke in Bruno's arms. I began to rise and heard "five more minutes, please?" Bruno whispered in my ear. Aww, he's so cute when he's asleep. "C'mon monkey, I need to get up and so do you. " I whispered. "No" he said wrapping his arms around me until he accomplished a vice like grip. I waited until he was truly asleep, until I slipped out of his arms. I took Geronimo for a walk, and made parfaits. I glanced back at the sofa and saw Bruno still snoring away. I giggled, I'm going to have some fun waking him up. I strode over to the sofa, and snuggled back into Bruno's arms. "Hey Bruno" I whispered sweetly. "Tat" he moaned in his sleep. "Yea it's me mi amor" I whispered back stroking his face. "Baby you should really talk about last night....." I said trailing off. "Last night?" He whispered sleepily. " yea, it was crazy. The sex dragon came out, speaking of which.....the lingerie I came in is gone, you ripped it in half, do you have anything I can cover myself in? I can't go to the studio nude." I trailed off, as soon as the word lingerie came out of my mouth, Bruno's eyes snapped open. He looked me up and down, but unsatisfied that I was clothed, tried to go back to sleep. I wasn't about to let that happen, I grabbed Bruno's arm. He swung his arm around , dragging me with it! I ended up straddling him! He moaned, before I could get off, the door swung open. "Bruno wake up, Little man! We got five minutes before we have Rosa, Gordy, and Ariel on our asses." Ryan yelled coming in from the door. "Ryan!" Bruno and I screamed. Ryan looked at both of us and raised his eyebrows. "Am I interrupting something? And if I am,good job Bruno!" Ryan said with a smirk. "No, big misunderstanding!" I said. "No, she's mine Ry" Bruno said, pulling my head down to his chest. My raging blush giving me away. I couldn't look up at Ryan, Bruno suddenly shifted positions and I was pulled onto his lap, and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'll be in the car" Ryan called back. "Bruno what did you do?" I said placing my head in my hands. "Calm down little one Ryan knows we are just good friends." Bruno said. "My baby loves me but she never shows she you don't see her kiss and hug me!" I sang out, more MJ references. Bruno laughed and grabbed my hand and we raced to the car. Ryan was driving." So how are my two love birds?" He asked. "We're fine thanks for asking" Bruno said making a face. I looked out the window feeling the air run through my hair. We arrived at the studio. I dodged any questions thrown my way, I knew I would pay for that later. Once we entered, amid the weird looks, Phil asked if we had the melody. Bruno nodded and headed to the piano bench, and I came over and started to sing all of me. I closed my eyes during the song and twirled around the room. When I opened my eyes, I was hugged. I looked down, and saw Simon. "That was beautiful, I cannot wait to hear the rest of the album" he said tearfully. "Thanks Simon, I'm glad you like it" I said kissing both of his cheeks. "I don't like it I love it!" He cried out, putting his arm around me. "Stop it" I said blushing. "Alright child, I got a surprise for you beautiful." Simon said. "Good or bad?" I asked. "Well we'll see....." Simon said, grabbing my hand, and picking me up. After five minutes of confusion, we entered a room and I could hear people scream. "She's beautiful!" And "she might not need makeup!". I opened my eyes, and Simon put me down. I opened my eyes and saw a photo shoot. I looked around, I could see Simon's face awaiting a answer. "Well I haven't modeled in a while, I think I actually missed it! Thanks for the perfect pleasant surprise,Dad!" I called out to Simon and gave him a hug. "Go have fun,I'll see your shots later" Simon left with a wave. I looked and saw a stylist approach me. "Tat?" He asked. "Darius! Baby how are you!" I asked. "Muwah Muwah" I said, greeting him. "I'm fine, are they going to oversee the shoot?" He asked. I looked at Darius. His dark skin was flawless, he had lost some weight, and looked healthier. "Yes, if that's alright." I answered. "No that's fine, you will need a person to help you get into some of these things anyway." He answered. "I'll do it" Bruno said. I looked at Darius and hung my head. He came close to me and whispered, " I can't let him in if he is not your significant other" he apologized. " no don't let him in,I'm afraid I'll get raped" I whispered pretending to be afraid. "Girl, it's not rape if you enjoy it, and we all know you will" he yelled, laughing at me. "Anyone else?" He asked. "I'll go" my sister volunteered. "She volunteered as tribute, right Cinna?" I said to Darius. "Right, now go get dolled up my little Katniss." Darius said, running his hand through my hair. I smiled, and entered the dressing room.
Arianna's Pov:
I followed Tat I into the dressing room. I am a little suspicious of what Ryan was talking about, Tatianna straddling Bruno? That's not like her....I'll ask. Anyway, this weekend we are going to the police station and getting rid of Armond once and for all. I sat on a bench, and saw the first outfit laid out. A pretty black bra, and a Fuchsia skirt with black tropical designs. This will highlight Tatianna's exoticness and make people realize that she is a island beauty. I watched Tat put on the clothes. "Tat" I whined. "Good morning Mi hermana what up?" She asked. "Did you straddle Bruno?" I asked. "No, what happened is, I grabbed onto his arm and he forcefully swung his arm around forcing me with it." Tat finished. "What a morning huh?" I asked. "Yea I guess, I met Geronimo, he's a sweetie." Tat said. I giggled, I didn't say anything more, I trust Tat, but Bruno can be a wolf in sheep's clothing. If Ryan had any brains, he would have not told Phil, because Tat is his baby. Tat fixed her hair, and we walked out of the dressing room.
Bruno's Pov:
I had a great night with Tat. She is so sweet, and I love spending time with her. She is so much better then Jessica, I've told the band we broke up, but the truth is I'm avoiding her. Truly, I think she is a gold digger, but I don't know what holds me to her. Am I afraid of being alone? I want something more then a friendship with Tat, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable and come on too strong, and besides I don't even know if she wants something more. Tat runs through my mind all day, no matter how hard I try, I can't think of anything else. I shook myself out of my thoughts and saw the band with stony expressions. That's odd, their usually more upbeat then this. "Is it you guy's time of the month?" I asked. They all shot me death glares. Ooh though crowd. "I'm going for a smoke break" I announced and made my leave. I lit up and saw Ryan approach me. "What's with you and Tat?" He asked. I pulled out the cigarette and exhaled, I looked at Ryan. "What's it to you?" I asked. "Bruno you may not know to but it is everything to me! She is so sweet, and such a great person! The last thing she needs to be is played, she's gone through enough stuff already! Bruno, you go through girls like tissues, I was surprised you and Jessica lasted that long! You're a player Bruno, plain and simple " he said. "First of all Ryan, mind your own business. The last thing you want me to do is get mad. People lose their jobs if I get mad comprende? Secondly, what me and Tat do is none of your business. Ryan, I suggest you learn your place." I said with a tone of finality. Ryan stalked off somewhere. Whatever, he needs to know the truth, besides why does he care? He better not try to steal Tat, or there will be problems. I looked out and saw Phil. Great. "Hey brother" I said. "What the hell is going on between you and Tat?" He asked menacingly. "Chill chill" I said using hand gestures. "I'm still friendzoned. She grabbed my arm, I swung it around , and she ended up on top. She doesn't think of me that way, okay Phil?" I said. Phil nodded and apologized. I put out the current cigarette in my hand. And lit up a new one. Another form came up to me. Oh great, It's Arianna coming to tear me a new one. I felt a hand stroking my face and one in my hair. I looked down. I saw Tat's pretty brown eyes looking up at me. I kinda felt ashamed smoking in front of her. "Hi Bruno,what are you doing?" She asked me. "Smoking, is it a crime?" I asked. "No Bruno it is not" she whispered, playing with my curls,driving me crazy. "Bruno do you love me?" She asked. What did she mean by that? Oh god what is the right answer? Well, honesty is the best policy. "Yes " I breathed out. "Do you love your hooligans?" She asked. "Yes" I repeated. "Do you know what me and the hooligans have in common?" She asked. "What?" I asked, her hands were now roaming through my hair as she peered into my eyes. "We both love you and your music" she said. "But cigarettes kill your vocal chords, and we want you healthy. Please give me the cigarette, if not for the hooligans and I, then for your family. Please Bruno, you're bigger then this" she said, pulling her hands out of my hair, and opening them towards me. I guiltily gave her the cigarette, she gave me a piece of gum. I looked up quizzically, "Nicotine gum, it should help you quit" she said. "Okay...why do you have this?" I asked. "In the case of anyone I love is a smoker." She responded, snuffing out the cigarette. " what are you wearing? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked looking at Tat. She was wearing a black bra and a Fuchsia tropical skirt, with gold sandals. She flushed. "Why? is this distracting your Mr. Mars?" She asked, moving her hips in a circular pattern. Jesus, take the wheel. "This is my fist outfit of the day, and we are about to shoot. Are you coming?" She asked opening her small hand to me. I took her hand in mine, and hand in hand we walked back to the photo shoot. Once we entered, the photographers overtook Tatianna. They began with a beach scenery. Tatianna fell right in immediately. Her fist pose was spread out among the sand, her hands over her head. She looked perfect, her smile was so warm and inviting. She was a natural at this. After a couple more outfits, they called break and gave Tat a robe. "How did I do?" She asked. "Wonderful,you looked great!" I said, opening my arms. "Come here my model!" Tatianna smiled and entered my arms. We broke way sooner then I would have liked, but we were under the watchful eyes of Phil. "Tat how did you learn to model?" Ryan asked. "I started out as a this is a piece of cake." Tat answered. I couldn't stop looking at Tat in that robe, it was see through! She looked great. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. "Bruno Mars?" The stylist asked. "The one and only" I said with a nod. " what can I do for you?" I asked. "Well, you are scheduled to take some shots with Tat, you don't mind do you?" The stylist asked, almost like she was afraid I would say no. "Of course not, may I see my outfit?" I asked. They handed me a black pant suit with a cheetah top, and some jewelry. I liked it and quickly got dressed. I waited on the next stage, it was a leather sofa with a type of lounge scene. I waited for Tatianna, I didn't have to wait long, She entered and caught everyone's eyes.
Tatianna's Pov:
Bruno and I are doing a shoot? That's spur of the moment, but you've got to roll with the punches. I looked down at what they handed me. A super short black skirt, with flats, and a cheetah top with a deep, deep V neck. I liked how I looked in it. My hair covering part of the v neck, this highlighted everything. I walked out to the set, and saw Bruno on the set, a leather sofa? Bruno looked hot, he had on a black pants, black blazer, a cheetah shirt that highlighted his chest, gold jewelry, black dress shoes, and his curls were out. I sat next to him. "Damn, you look good" he whispered to me. " I can say the same about you." I whispered. Darius went up to the couch. "The theme of this scene is about sex, this will either go for gorilla or one of Tat's songs, have fun with it" he whispered. Bruno and I looked at each other. He mouthed this morning , and I laughed. "Go" Darius yelled. Bruno and I looked at each other. Bruno grabbed my waist, and threw me down on the couch. His lips crashing into mine. I could hear the photographers shooting away. "More" Darius yelled. Bruno shifted us so that I was on his lap, and my head was buried underneath his curls. I could tell the photographers were loving it. For the next shoot, I straddled Bruno, and looked straight into the camera. As if we were caught, and the photographers couldn't get enough. Bruno reclaimed his dominance, he lifted my legs up, and placed them behind his head, and he looked into the camera. "One more!" Darius yelled. Bruno picked me up, and place me against the wall, again his lips over mine, I wrapped my hands around his back. He then placed me on the floor. "Are we done?" He asked. "With this shoot. We have one more for the both of you and you two may leave" Darius said. "Good work". Bruno and I waved our hands as it it was nothing. We walked back into the dressing rooms. That was such a weird shoot, I don't know why, but Bruno's lips felt so good on mine. He had so much passion, it was exhilarating to see him that way. I then looked at the new outfit laid in front of me. They were going for sweet. A black short dress, blue flats, and a gold locket. I threw on the outfit and got out there, I saw a park scenery. Bruno was wearing blue jeans, and a white shirt. I looked out and the leather sofa was replaced with a park bench. I shrugged and walked into the set. Darius ran up and whispered "we are doing a complete 180 from the sex shoot, this is nice spring time romance. Do you think you can handle that?" He asked looking at me. "We'll succeed or die trying" I responded. "Action" Darius yelled. Bruno grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the center of the scene and set me down on the bench, he placed both of our hands in the middle, and kissed me. It was a slow, long kiss as it took the photographers forever to get the shot they wanted. We then went to the side, and Bruno hugged me. He pulled me close and placed his head on my head, as he was so much taller then me. He then picked me up, and twirled me around in the air. I squealed and spread my arms out wide, savoring the moment. The photographers yelled "cut. Great job everyone" I got undressed, and headed out of the door. The band began to titter about the photo shoot,but I wasn't really paying them any mind. Bruno backed up and congratulated me on the smooth photo shoot. I giggled and said "you weren't to bad yourself." "You didn't mind me taking over did you?" Bruno asked. "Don't worry about it, everything was perfect. I wouldn't change one pose" I said. We arrived at the studio, and we could overhear some voices. "Tat..." Phil beckoned. "Yes?" I asked. "Well we knew today would be a short day, so we decided to introduce you to some of the artists we worked for,and the artist that are interested in collaborating with you." Phil said. "Okay" I said. He pushed open the door, and I was in awe at the people in front of me.

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