Chapter 3

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Bruno's Pov:
What a turn of events! Here I am eating breakfast with the band, Arianna looks worried. "What's wrong Ariel?" I asked her, making sure I used the nickname Phil gave her to piss him off." Tatianna Boyfriend's father owns part of this restaurant.......". Hmm Tatianna Tatianna, where have I heard this name before.....Oh her sister that cancelled their plans! I don't blame her for it, but she hasn't called since. I decided not to respond, but I brushed her hand in a comforting way. We then settled into a booth, while everyone settled in and started to ponder the menu, I began to ponder a hook for a new song. Hooligans are waiting for another album, and I cannot bring myself to disappoint the people who love me the most. I just keep drawing blanks..........a break up song? No, those are the hardest to write.......when I was your man took forever. Another song like Gorilla? No, the last video didn't go over so well, I'm still avoiding Izzie, when you get to close to the fire, you are bound to get burned, and I'm not ready for that type of relationship. I guess some would call me a player. Maybe a love song? Well that might work. Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts by a beautiful dainty bell like voice, it was like a tender whisper and it captivated me. "Hello and what will you have today?" I looked up from my menu to gaze at the girl who possessed this beautiful voice. I looked her up and down, she was drop dead gorgeous. She was wearing black short shorts that really showed her butt, a red tank top that highlighted her curves, and black flats, her raven hair fell to her ankles. She was a doll, my dream girl. Look at her, all curves and me no breaks. She had on a smile, and looked around the table, waiting for someone to awnser. Arianna raised her head and the waitress gasped. "Mi hermana. Lo siento perro Bienvinedo" she responded, opening her arms. I knew just enough Spanish to know that she was Arianna's sister and was sorry for leaving and welcomed her to the restaurant. I swear I know her but where...........That's it the swimsuit model! Wow! I wonder why she doesn't recognize me,not that I need the recognition, but I would like to be acknowledged by this pretty young thing. While I was deep in my thoughts, I saw Phil get out of the booth and hug the pretty waitress. After he hugged her and asked her where she was, he kissed both of her cheeks. I glared with envy, I know she is his sister in law to be, but I would give anything to hold the pretty girl in my arms. I finally snapped out of my thoughts and decided to put my thoughts into practice. I cleared my throat and then with my most charming voice and smile I commented" Phil and Mrs. Phil-to-be aren't you going to introduce us to this pretty little treasure?" The waitress blushed. She is even more beautiful when she blushed, it lit up her whole face, and I swear the whole world stopped when she blushed. With a wave of his hands, Phil introduced us. He called me short. That bastard ! Introducing me to one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen! He gone get it when we get back to the studio. Before I could get my two cents in, the pretty waitress looked at Phil and commented on how he should not call people short, especially when introducing them. I thanked her, and again called her beautiful. Another blush, I swear I could walk to the end of the earth to see her blush. After her blush subsided, she asked how could she serve us today. If she wasn't Phil's sister in law and Arianna's sister, I would have said that she was already serving us by wearing that outfit. But I kept that comment to myself, instead I said that she could be mine, that would also help. That beautiful red hue overcame her face. Arianna, I guess was fed up with me hitting on her sister as she had a outburst calling me a player and saying how her sister was taken. Not for long......anyway, wait till I get her home. Eric finally broke the silence and gave in our order, I don't know why we even look at the menu, everyone just orders the same thing. The waitress then walked away from the table. I swear to god, she wanted me to attack her right on this table. She was walking with her hips and it was killing me. I guess I must have been blatantly staring, because Phil started yelling about how I shouldn't even think about his sister in law and to leave her alone. I felt someone kick me under the table. That hurt, I looked around the table for anyone that looked even remotely guilty. But it was hard to deduce as they were all glaring or rolling their eyes and whispering player. My only salvation was when the waitress came back. I wanted to know her name, I needed to know her name. When the waitress was about to sashay away, Arianna asked if she had a minute, the waitress grinned and said yes and sat in the booth behind us. Great, it gave a clear view of her. I felt someone hit my shoulder, I looked and saw it was E, giving me the infamous don't do it look. Arianna started to ask the waitress a question, I listened to me so I could hopefully catch the girl's name. "Well to put this debate to rest, are you single?" Arianna asked. Oh yea.....that's important. The waitress hung her head, blushed, and said yes. I was on cloud nine, she could be mine, she would be mine. I'm not going to love her and leave her, but I'm going to woo her and win her. Something was different about this girl, and I feel as though I need her. I started to listen in once more, and they were talking about the girl's ex. I might as well send that man a thank you card because he made way for me. Grenade started to take place throughout the restaurant. I put on a smug grin, as the waitress pulled out the phone and stared at the phone as of deciding. She then settled on listening to the ringtone and then muted it. She listens to my music, she might even be a hooligan. "Tatianna, who was that" Arianna asked. Tatianna the voice, body, and mind of an angel. Tatianna disregarded her question and started to walk back to the backroom. A large man stormed in. He was a giant 6'5, he started to beg Tatianna to come back. Tatianna said no but she also said don't hurt me. What did she mean by that? We soon found out, he twisted Tatianna's hand behind her back and threatened her, he lifted her up in a chokehold and then dropped her. Her agonizing screams filled my ears and I couldn't take it, I didn't care about anything, I just wanted to beat that man' ass. I would have to, unless Eric grabbed my shoulders and forcefully threw me down in the booth. Arianna rushed out of the booth and tried to place Tatianna's head in her lap. The next few minutes were a blur. I remember a Emt running in, taking both girls to the ambulance. The band ran to the car, and raced following the ambulance. In the waiting room, we had to wait two hours, it was torture. Arianna was sobbing into Phil's chest, and everyone was worrying or miserable. We were soon again chaffered to a hospital room. There laid Tatianna. With the blanket covering her, I could appreciate her delicate face features and beautiful skin tone. Her skin was tan like mine. She had beautiful high cheek bones, a button nose, long gorgeous hair, long eyelashes that seemed to pull you in, and deep mocha eyes. A blanket was covering her body, but the beautiful outline of it was not covered, I was mesmerized. Soon, I saw Arianna running over to a radio, and tuning it to a station. I heard one of my songs play............Talking to the Moon. That took me back, I closed my eyes and listened. I heard a beautiful voice join the melody, of course the band looked at me, but I looked to the hospital bed. I saw Tatianna opening her mouth releasing the beautiful melody from her perfect Cupid-bow like lips. She then got up and started dancing. I'll tell you she was a perfect dancer, she was singing her heart out and really dancing! I then looked at what she was wearing...........just a black bra and panties. Jesus, where is her hospital gown? I'm using all the self control I have already. After the song ended, the doctor came in. Him and Tatianna began talking, but I was too busy looking at her outfit. The doctor then lifted up by her thighs! What the hell? Once she was settled, he said she could go home. Good! I don't trust her with him. Then Simon Cowell appeared! What? Tat introduced him like he was a second father. I noticed that he eyed me, oops I must have really been eyeing Tat. Well okay then, I pulled out my phone, and just played games, until I felt a hand on my shoulders. It was E saying that we are staying a Phil's house today. Alright cool. Once we entered the house, Arianna settled her sister in their downstairs bedroom. The band started to get comfortable on the sofa, and Phil turned on Arianna's favorite movie,The Great Gatsby. We were not even five minutes in, before I saw a vision in lavender. It was Tatianna. Her nightgown really showed all she had to offer. After her and Arianna started to talk about the movie, she settled right next to me. Great, now I can think about how I'm going to make my move.
Tatianna's Pov:
While I was gathering character, I saw my sister! It was shaping out to be a great day, I never meant to hurt her, but I was scared that Armond would hurt her and that would kill me. I left Armond months ago, but he won't leave me alone! I can't believe he beat me in front of my sister, I thought I would die! My sister took me to her house, I didn't want to impose but she insisted. I can't wait to spend time with her.

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