Chapter 10

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Arianna's Pov:

From the studio, we can hear the click-click of the woman's heels. We could hear her before we could see her. "Tatianna" she yelled. We all cast a look toward Tatianna. All the color drained from her face, and she looked like she was two seconds away from a panic attack. She looked around and ran to the drum set. Without explanation she readily hid. We then heard a pounding on the door. When no one moved to open the door, it swung open. A woman stalked in."Tatianna!" she screamed. I glared at her, this woman is cruel. Hopefully she will leave without provoking a conflict. Her eyes scanned the room until they landed on me. "Arianna" she sneered. "Mrs.Perez...." I trailed off. "its Your Highness to you!" she snapped. "I'll keep that in mind" I said coldly. "See that you do!" she commanded. "Well Arianna despite my demeanor, I did not come here to fight with you." Mrs. Perez said, lifting up both of her hands as if in surrender. How fake....let's just get this over with, I'm not in the mood. "oh? so what are you here for, my queen?" I asked, nonchalantly. "I'm looking for your half sister......Tatianna. Last I heard of her,she was signed to this recording studio." Mrs. Perez said,as she glanced around. "umm she took a day off" I lied. "hmm I'm sure she you mind if I look around?" she asked. "Go ahead" I said, daring her. She stalked close to the drum set. "Don't" I screamed. "how dare you tell me no! I could behead you!" she screamed. "Give me one reason, I should not venture further to the drum set" she whispered. "Because! that's Lady! we are very protective of our instruments, and if you touch the drum..... well it will mess up the tuning!" I lied, Lady is the piano, but she won't know. "nice try" she snarled, as she is dragging Tat up by her arm. "Leave her alone! " I yelled, I was going to grab Tat away,but Phil set me down on the couch. "I will do whatever I want, this is palace business love." she whispered. She sat Tat down on the floor. "So Tatianna.....have you found a presentable young Hawaiian man yet? Or are you still with Armond?" Mrs. Perez asked. I could see by the look on her face that she knew that Armond and Tat were having problems. "Armond and I are trying to separate." Tat whispered. I could see that she was no longer under the spell Armond cast on her in the interrogation room. "So you are going to leave a perfectly good man, who would do anything for you,for what?" Mrs. Perez said. Tatianna looked down, ashamed. "who are you going to end up with, huh? Do you want to settle like your half sister here? This abomination is engaged to a black man. Can you believe this!? I gave you a chance to choose your own man, and you blew it! You know what, I liked Armond! You are going back and are going to make it work!" she scolded Tatianna.

"Please leave Arianna out of this! Just because Dad was unfaithful, shouldn't mean you get to take it out on her! She is not a abomination, she is a beautiful person. Her engagement is none of your business." Tat spoke. "and you don't know what Armond put me through!" she said, hurt. "and what did he put you through?" she asked. "he hit me, demeaned me. Isolated me, and cheated on me! How can you defend him!" Tatianna yelled. "I can defend him as you probably deserved it! Besides Armond wouldn't hurt a fly! Even if he hit you,it would have been a little tap." Mrs. Perez finished. "No, he would beat me! He once thought I was pregnant and tried to kill the fetus. If I stayed with him he would kill me! You can defend him now, but would you still defend him when I am lying in the cold hard ground." Tatianna spat back. "Don't worry Tat, I already thought that you were incapable of keeping a man........I planned ahead. Here" she said handing Tat a folder. Tatianna took the folder with a glare. "Glare at me all you want, my job is to make sure you don't end up like your half sister." Mrs. Perez spat back. Tatianna looked down at the folder, she then set it beside her, and scooted away as if it was acid. Mrs. Perez took a different approach, she put her arm around Tatianna, and held her. "Listen, I just want you to be happy. I want you to have a handsome husband and beautiful children. Ok? I'll always be here when you need me." She whispered. She then stood up, and gave me a icily goodbye. I stared down at the floor. "Are you ok Tat?" I asked, she's always had a hostile relationship with her mother. Who wouldn't? "I'm fine honey! But what about you? She said all those terrible things! I'm so sorry, she's so old fashioned.You and Phil's relationship is so beautiful! I hope one day I find something like the love you two share." Tat rushed over to me, pulling me into a hug. I'm tearing up, that is so beautiful. That's why I love Tat, she's always supported me and my decisions when others were so cruel. I closed my eyes for a while, stroking Tat's hair. Time stood still, I felt the closeness that I feared was lost, but I have been keeping something from her for a while. I've made up my mind......I need to tell her......I should have told her a while ago. "Tat there is something I need to tell you" I whispered. "What is it?" She asked, eyes wide. I sigh, and raised my voice. "I'm pregnant".

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