Chapter 8

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They lead a man in, he's wearing shakes and handcuffs. I look into his eyes and see longing and that shame? No, Tat wake up. This monster cannot feel. They sit him in front of me and Sargent Daniels begins to speak. "Mr. Armond you are charged with domestic violence, and stalking.........what is your defense? We have the victim here to describe the crimes and you will have a chance to deny or bring them to the light. Do not at anytime reach out to the victim." He finished casting a glance my way. " My lawyer informed me that at anytime I can have you removed to another room that can monitor the that true?" Armond asked his eyes never leaving me. "Umm.....well yes it is" Sargent Daniels said, tapping his pen against the table. "I would like to have you removed" Armond said. The police officers exited. Leaving me with my tormentor. I am sitting opposite him, and slowly I gather the bravery to look him in the eye. "Tatianna, lover" he cooed, he reached out to me, and began to stroke my hand. I look at him, indecisive. I feel that he still has some hold over me, that there was a time.....a fairly recent time when I would have loved this....and beg for more. "Baby, why are we fighting?" He asked, his hand moving to my face and stroking it. The police officers tap the glass, trying to get us to focus. I am mesmerized by his touch......he's so warm and he feels so good. "I don't know" I slowly breathe out. Was Armond truly that bad? Maybe if I just did what I was supposed to, he wouldn't even dream of hitting me. Hopefully, I can fix what was lost. "Sweetie, I only touch you because you made careless mistakes. I'm only human and so are you. Sweetheart we are human....I know that now, we make mistakes. Maybe, if you'll let me, I can change. I will love you when things are good, and even more when they are bad. Apart we are imperfect.....but together we can be perfect. Let me be with you......we can get the house you always wanted." He looked into my eyes, letting me peer into his. They are so perfect, I just want to hug him and love him. "The Greek palace? Pillars....lots of room?" I ask eagerly. I can see us now at home, safe, and in each other's arms. "Yes,there would be a lot of room for love and eventually children. Hopefully they would have your eyes and hair." His hands roaming my hair. Children! Does he really truly want children?They would be beautiful with mocha skin, dark eyes and long eyelashes. "Yes Tati. I want this for us, a big wedding. My family, yours" he trailed off, messing with the necklace that was around my neck. It was the amulet he got me, when we moved in. He hid it in a box, and had me reach in and I pulled it out, and gasped. It had a picture of me and him on our first date. His hair was a little longer and both of us were still fresh faced, just beginning to face the real world. Wait isn't he in handcuffs? How is he reaching me? I look at his hands, they were bound........but they hung off of him and he just slipped his hands right out. "Baby we should really just drop these charges...I'll get off and we could start on our new start. Ok baby? I know you've done some things and so have I. Healing will come in time. I'll have to punish you are my little concubine when we get home." He said with a laugh. I could feel a blush threatening to make an appearance. I nod, and sheepishly look into his eyes. I can't wait to feel his skin on mine. What if Armond is the one? He's put up with me through so much, he might just deserve to have our first time tonight. But after he showers though...... "Baby just sign the papers and we can go. Ok?" Armond said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh of course, sorry baby. I'll go now.....don't go anywhere." I whispered, stroking his face. "I won't angel" he said through a laugh, holding up his bound hands. I left the interrogation room, feeling like I was on cloud nine. I looked at Sargent Daniels, he looked at me like I was crazy. I don't even know why I even showed them the recording.......they don't understand the relationship Armond and I share. He gets mad at times but he's a big softie. He loves me and we have a great time together. " I believe I might drop the charges" I told him boldly. "Ok Ms. Tatianna, could you please call your sister....and Mr. Mars? While I get the papers. I think you might want to talk to them before making such a large decision." Sargent Daniels told me. Why would I need to do that? My mind is made up, I want, no I need Armond. But if I don't call, he might not give me the papers. So I pick up my phone and dial my sisters number.

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