Play Date

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Months go by. I spend a lot of time at Namjoons house. His parents are very understanding and caring. My father ends up coming back home after a couple of weeks, which confuses me. Although I decide to not make a big deal out of it. There is only one day left before the summer break.
Namjoon and I walk out of the school building.
-We're almost done Taehyung-ah! Just one more day! Says Namjoon.
-Yeah! I reply.
We say bye and start walking to our houses.
I get in my house and I suddenly become depressed. The vibe in this house isn't positive, not at all in fact. All there is is hate and alcohol. I go to my room. I get a phone call.
-Hello? I say.
-Taehyung? It's me, the sexy cop.
I giggle.
-That's my name! He replies while giggling.
-What is it? I ask him.
-I want to see you.. can I come over? Don't worry, I'm not coming as a cop. I'm coming as Jungkook.
-Are you sure it's a good idea?
-I don't know, up to you to tell me! He says.
-They probably wont even notice you. Sure, come over.
I send him the address. I smile as I put on my favorite fragrance. I go outside the door and wait for him.
My step father seems to still be at work, and my mother must be in her room.
I see Jungkook walking on the sidewalk.
It's the first time in a long time I see him wearing his everyday clothes. For some reason, we would always see each other, but when he would be wearing his cop uniform, which I am not complaining, because he looks like a sex god in it. I smile as a picture of him arresting me pops up in my mind. He walks up to me and lays his soft lips on mine. We both giggle. I open the door and tell him to be quiet. He slaps my ass as I walk in the door, which makes me laugh.
-Don't! I say while laughing.
He smiles and follows me. I bring him to my room. We get in, I close and lock the door. He jumps in my bed and lays in it.
-Your bed is comfortable, he says.
I smile as I take off my shirt to change.

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