Chapter 1- * 2 Months Later *

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Handsome P.O.V

" Give me 50 rounds since you all thought it was okay to fuck around on my court " Coach G yells. I sighed... College Basketball was kicking my ass man!

We all lined up and we to doing our laps like we was told.

Coach didn't play that...I learned that early..and so did my twin smart mouth ass.

After almost 30 minutes we were done. " Go to housing and get some rest..Im giving you the week off just because I don't wan to see your face and your muscles need relaxing " He an asshole, right?

Everybody sighed in relief.

" Im a punch his old ass one day " My team mate Cameron says and we laughed as we headed to the showers.

I was hurting like a bitch and hopedfily Isis could come over and give me a massage. I needed it, I really haven't been able to see her all week either due to both of our busy scedules so hopefully this gives us time to just chill together. I miss her yellow ass.

" Right..He killing me man " Twin says as we headed into the locker room. We all wen our ways and quicky took a shower before putting on clothes and heading back to our dorms. I as going to shower again there. I tossed my bag in the back seat and got into the drivers seat and twin climbed into the passenger seat.

" I can hardly move my arms " I say wincing as I startted the truck.

" Lets go to Isis..Im a make Da'chelle give me a massge "

" She don't even like you "

" She likes money though..she'll do somethings for some me " He looked at me and I laughed..He is such a lair..He knows thats not true..Chelle not a ho.

I drive across the large campus and around to Isis side..We got out locking the car behind us I walked up the stairs rushing to get inside.

" Who is it ? " A voice asked as I knocked.

" Handsome " The door swung open and Isis roommates friend stood there..Chelle hates the roommate an her friends..Morgan is like eeehh whatever..and Isis ass is peacemake..Homegirls friends are always here.

" Hey " She says. I nod stepping in with twin behind me. All we both had on was our shoes, basketball shorts and muscleshirts. The kind with the long rip all the way down under the arms...and we entered into a full livingroom of girls.

" Where the hell is the girls ? " Twins whispers behind me.

" Oh my gosh its the twins " Some girl goes..Like these hoes be acting like we famous..I be walking to get some lunch and I hear bitches whispering talking bout some ' I told you we had some cute twins..they live on the east end ' or ' oh my gosh girl loookkk its the twins ' when we alone ' girl thats one of THE twins over there..look at him ' Its weird as hell..People back at home really didn't act like this.

" Hey, baby " Isis comes in from her room. I headed over to her with Twin behind me.

" Im sore and tired..I hate I hate coach " I tell her giving her a hug anf leaning down so she could kiss me.

" You'll be fine " She tells me. We followed her into her room where Da'chelle was across the room on her bed. Her ' cover up ' was open..Okay so the girls came up with an way for their " privacy " they have these long blankets around their beds and split down the middle of the room..Its actually smart and not as crazy looking as I thought it would be when they described it. They smart. Hassan gon' flop on Chelle bed.

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