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ISIS P.O.V ***

Being at home has felt so good. Being around everybody and in the holiday spirit.

Like now I was helpping my mama cook some of the things for tomorrow thanksgiving dinner. It was going to be at my grandparents.

Handsome and Was going to spend the earlier afternoon with his family then come back over to mines. I loved his family and had met lots of them. He loves my family too...or thats what he tells me.

" I woke up like this, flawless.

Ladies we flawless.

Tell him I look so good tonight "

I smiled watching my mama sing and dance as she stirred the cream cheese filling for her special Cheesecakes.

" Carter's crying, ill be back " I say wiping my hands off. She nod reaching over to turn the music down and grabb her ringing phone.

I headed into the livingroom getting my brother out of his play pen.

" You up, man " I picked him up. I kissed his cheek feeling him. He was wet. " Lets change this diaper, stinka "

Handsome went to play ball with Hassan, D, Kyle, And Danico and a couple other dudes.

I wasn't trying to be clingy and be up under him. He wanted to hang with the boys and that was good.

Plus, Kyle and uncle Danico would tell if he did or said something he wasn't supposed to ....Just to watch that nigga get in trouble haha.

" I got it " I yelled going to the door cause the bell was going off. I opened the door and rolled my eyes.

" What are you doing here? "

" I came to see my kids " I stepped aside and let Ivan in.

" My moms in the kitchen on the phone " I say looking at the little girl in his arms.

I headed away and down the hall to Carts room to change his diaper. He was making noises and pulling on the loose ends of hair that had fell out of my bun.

" Chunky butt "  I blew air onto his face as he laid down and he cracked up laughing making me smile. I took the wet diaper off and changed him then put him on a clean Polo Ralph Lauren onesey,

Once he was cleaned I got a bottle out the mini fridge in his room and warmed it a little then gave it to him taking him back down stairs.

My parents were in the kitchen talking and I could hear them so I just sat on the couch and called my friends.

" Hey , big head " Chelle answers,

" Put Morgan on 3 way " I tell her playing in Carters curly hair.

" Fine. Hollup "she says. It was quiet for a few seconds until they both got on.

" Hey, sweeties "

" What are yall doing? " I asked.

" Nothing sitting around the house eating ice cream and donuts " Morgan replied.

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