Chapter 6

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Handsome P.O.V***

" lets get out of here " i say...After the body shots and a few rounds...I wanted to go, I wasn't feeling this shot anymore. Isis is going to have my nuts.

" 10 more minutes " Ssan says taking a glowing drink.

" You stay here bruh. I'll just see you when you get back. Be safe "

" You sure man? "

" Yeah " I dapped him and made my way to get out of this place...The girls were trying to take it further and do somethings but I didnt do my baby like that. It was bad enough that I did that naked body shot.

But I had to think of what I got and what I could loose. These temporary hoes aint worth it.

I went to my floor and opened the door closing and locking it behind me. The room was empty besides ,myself. I dropped out of my clothes and dropped onto my bed pulling out my phone.

It rang a couple times before she finally answered.

" Hey, baby "

" Can you Come over for a little? "

" I cant..Chelle and Tay got into a fight and Chell stormed out the roon a little ago upset..I been trying to find her and make sure she good "

" Damn, for real?! Chelley Chelle win?  My nigga " I say rolling over with a smile.

" Yeah, she pretty much dragged tays ass though the room " She sighed with a laugh. " But how about you come overe here? And bring Ssan "

" He is out at a party...but i Can come " I say gettig up and putting on something quick. " Ill be there in 10 "

" Kay, Love you "

" Love you too " We hung up. I grabbed my keys and everthing I needed. I headed out the door and locked it up behind me.

I went down to my truck and got in headed over to Isis dormroom. I parked infront of her building where girls were hanging out. I cut the engine and got out locking it up behind me.

I headed inside the. up to her floor. Whe. I entered her room it was a mess.

" Hey, Morgan " I say as she cleaned up.

" Hey, Handsome. Isis is in the missed he festivities of tonight " She laughed.

" Shit, im mad...I wish I could see it. I know that was a good as fight "

" Well you can " Kyle comes out the bathroom laughing.." WORLD STAR!!!! "

" Nigga whe did you get here? " I asked dapping him.

" Today and im glad I did. Man look at this fight " He passed me his phone with a video of Chelle and Tay fighting. His ass was instigating the whole damn thing. I was dead seeing it.

"  Yall are a mess!! Where is chelle "

" Ion know...she left out " He shrugs.

" We aabout to make a wal mart run..wanna come? "

" Im long you here? "

" Couple years...Im enrolled " He smiled. " God is good huh? "

" Quite bullshitting me " I laughed. Him and Hassan was going to be going to the same school, give ne strength. " This is crazy "

" Im a kill you in some 2k when I get back "

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