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Before you read today's chapter, please take a few minutes to think about the six killed and nineteen injured in the Quebec mosque shooting on Sunday. My heart is with the people involved (except the two shooters) and yours may be as well.
And if you're American and haven't heard because you're too caught up in your own shit (which is bad, sure, but it's all we've been talking about) please take some time to research.
CBC news is a reliable source.


Me: oh no now that Yuri on Ice is over what will I look forward to every week?
Killing Stalking: hey
Me: oh never mind hello.

After a large dinner of wurst and mashed potatoes with sauerkraut, the two men sat down in front of the television to watch the news.
Matthew tried his best to settle in as quickly as he could. He was used to moving from place to place so it wasn't very hard to make it look like he had lived in this house for a while. He was thankful that Gilbert had brought the broom to him, or else he would have had to search for it and would probably give himself away.
He would have to make sure to explore where the German kept everything the next time Gil left him alone.
If at all...
"Hey, Gilbird?"
"Uhm...can you not call me real name is Matthew."
"Sorry...can I call jou Birdie?"
"Yeah. Go ahead." It was a struggle to stay polite with this guy knowing that he held enemy information.
"Alright, Birdie. Can I ask jou somezhing?"
Gilbert shifted on the couch. The two males' hips were touching and it took every ounce of Matthew's strength to remain casual about it.
"Do jou have any family or anyzhing to return to? Any place to live?"
"I was renting so I probably got evicted and my family probably thinks I'm dead. I don't even know where any of them are now."
"How old are human years..."
"Twenty three."
"Shit. Jou're just a baby." Gilbert looked surprised.
"Oh yeah? And how old are you?"
"Forty six."
"You're kidding me."
"Ja. I am. I'm tventy six. But jou knew zhat."
Matthew nodded, worried that if he said anything else, he would be discovered. This was a risky mission and he could blow it with the smallest of words.
"Do jou vant to stay here, zhen? Just until jou find family...or forever really..." Gilbert's ears were tinted a bright pink. Matthew tilted his head, confused by the expression.
"You don't have to..."
"Birdie, I saved jou vhen jou flew into mein vindow und broke jour ving. I've taken care of jou for so long und jou being human changes nozhing. I still vant to care for jou."
God, this guy was a complete idiot.
"Fine. I'll stay here." Matthew offered up a small smile.
"Great! Jou can sleep in mein bed!"
"I can't let you take the couch...this is your house."
"Who said I vas sleeping on zhe couch?"
"I just assumed that..."
"Birdie, I've let jou sleep in mein bed vizh me so many times. How is zhis any different?"
"Well...I'm a person now..."
"Who cares. It's lonely sleeping by myself."
Matthew wanted so badly to object. If he had to share a bed with Gilbert, he wouldn't get a chance to text Alfred about his situation. Plus he wanted to do more research to back up his lies. But he was supposed to be Gilbert's pet and pets slept with their owners if their owners were as devoted as Gil.
Also...who the fuck slept with their pet bird? How did he not squish him?
"Fine. I'll sleep in your bed."
"Awesome! I'll find jou some pyjamas to wear!"

I drew up the cover because I don't really like stealing art that much. :/
The first half of this is gonna be fluffy but there will be so much angst and I'm not telling you whether the ending is angsty or fluffy but I can tell you that I usually end with
A: smut
B: a wedding
C: a funeral

Or maybe I'll mix it up. You don't know my life.

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