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With only one vote, angsty ghost AU is out of the game

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With only one vote, angsty ghost AU is out of the game. But wait!!! I had another fic idea to add to the list!
This time around I'll give you guys a single sentence to hint at the plot of the stories!!

In order to inherit his childhood home from his retiring parents Matthew has to get married before his brother!

After Gilbert ends up with a broken leg due to Matthew's drunken mistake, the Canadian offers to clean the German's house until he recovers.

The night before Gilbert and Matthew tie the knot, enemies Francis and Arthur drunkenly beat them to the punch in a Vegas chapel.

Canada is pregnant but he doesn't know if the father is Russia, The Netherlands, or Prussia and now the trio is fighting for his love.

And the new one has an extra sentence to get you better aquatinted:

Arthur leaves Peter in the care of his estranged son, Matthew who hasn't had kids in his home before. Could this be what the writer really needs?

Three days passed and, even though Gilbert let him have meals now, he couldn't bring himself to eat.
What little of the food he was given was like eating socks. He noticed how each day the meals got better and better, starting with oatmeal and cold soup to actual cooked meals of rice and chicken with all the herbs and spices.
But it all tasted like shit to him. He never finished a single meal.
Every day he consumed less and less until Gilbert set down a few small pancakes and he didn't even touch it.
Part of the problem stemmed from the depression he was overcome with, and another part was because he knew Gilbert was trying to get him to eat.
But the third part was that the cold was getting to him. He didn't have much for blankets other than the sheet beneath him, and there was no heat source in the garage. The cold and his hunger had weakened him to the point of getting sick. He couldn't breath through the snot in his nose and his coughing was becoming violent. He couldn't stop shivering and coughing and sneezing long enough to get a word out.
Not that he had much to say.
Gilbert sat down next to him on that fourth day and put his hand on Matthew's pale forehead.
"Mein Bruder is coming over today und he doesn't know Jou're a spy." He explained in the most civil voice he had used in half a week. "I'm going to bring jou inside, but just know zhat if he finds out vhat jou are, he'll torture jou like I don't have zhe guts to do."
Matthew nodded. At least he could pretend Gilbert still loved him for a little while. Pretending was his only way to cope through all this. He would close his eyes and pretend he was cold because he was skiing in Quebec City, or pretend that the agency never existed, that he was safe and that his parents had never left him and Alfred in that awful place.
"Let's just be glad Jou're sick."
"Gilbird..." Matthew choked out, voice hoarser than the cast of Heartland. "Did you find him?"
"Gilbird is back in his cage, happy as can be." Gilbert smiled softly. Matthew only nodded.
"Let's get jou inside." Gilbert unlocked the shackle around Matthew's ankle and helped the Canadian up.
He knew it wasn't true, but Matthew let himself think that the albino's hand was as close to his butt as it was because Gilbert wanted it to be there, not because it was the best place to support his sickly weight.
He was set down on the couch while Gilbert dug between the cushions for yet another shackle.
"Zhis is attached to zhe frame of zhe couch. I'm not letting mein guard down just because jou have a cold." He clipped the restraint onto the Canadian's ankle.
Matthew nodded, lying down on his side. Gilbert pulled a heavy blanket over him, probably to cover the shackle more than anything.
"Promise to be a good little prisoner?"
Matthew nodded weakly.
"If jou behave, I'll give jou a treat."
Matthew didn't care about the treat. He was just glad that his body was warm again.
And he just wanted to sleep.

Wow. I told you this would get twisted. Heh heh.

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