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Sorry guys. Our internet stopped working and it was a holiday so this chapter is going to be a bit behind.
It just means you had to wait longer for smut.

"Kiss me, Gil." Matthew begged softly as Gilbert crawled into the sheets behind him.
The German smiled and nipped at Matthew's lips playfully. The blond cupped his face and pulled him in for a much deeper one. Their soft breathing became pants in no time as Gilbert's kissing turned into sucking at Matthew's neck.
"Mnh!~" a strangled moan escaped the Canadian's lips. His body was burning with want. He didn't think he'd ever get the chance to do this and knew he would never get to do it again, so he wanted it to happen now. He wanted to know what it felt like before his life collapsed underneath him.
"Is zhis okay?" Gilbert asked, voice lower than usual. Matthew gasped at the sound. He wanted that sound to follow him to the grave.
"Please!~" Matthew pulled at Gilbert's collar, wanting that black t-shirt of his on the floor.
Gilbert stripped it off, revealing his pale chest which Matthew ran his fingers over.
"Jou sure are frisky tonight.~" Gilbert purred. "Vhat's come over jou? Not zhat I mind..."
"I love you." Matthew whispered, hands moving to get a feel of the German's firm back.
He was so warm.
So utterly, disgustingly warm.
Matthew wanted to cry.
"I love jou more."
"That's so gay."
"It's zhe only vay to be." Gilbert lowered himself so he could bite playfully at Matthew's earlobe. The blond let out a tiny squeak.
"Mmnh.~" The sound of Gilbert growling against his neck made his loose pants tighten. He let out a shaky breath.
"Mattie.~" Gil's hands slid up Matthew's stomach as he continued licking and biting at his neck.
Matthew bit his lip and cried out as Gil's fingers brushed his nipple.
"I vant to be vizh jou forever."
"Me too."
Gilbert pulled Matthew's shirt off and threw it where his own had gone. He started to kiss and nip at the blond's chest and ribs and belly, moving downward every time the moans got louder.
"Have jou done anyzhing like zhis before?"
Matthew thought back a little. When he was thirteen, he and Ivan had held hands. The agents took the Russian away that day and he came back wearing a scarf that he refused to take off. They all knew what was under there, but nobody wanted to talk about it.
"Nnh.~" Gilbert had found a soft spot on Matthew's tummy that made his body buzz with excitement. These feelings were better than pancakes and hot cocoa in front of a wood stove in the dead of winter. He wanted to experience them until he died.
"Vhat vas zhat?"
"I said no." Matthew bit at his fist, ready for Gilbert to take over the last few centimetres of his body between where he was now and where he wanted to be.
Unfortunately, Gilbert stopped. He swallowed hard, the lust in his eyes giving away to guilt.
"I can't do zhis."
"I can't take jour virginity over a lie."
"What are you talking about?" Matthew's heart was pounding out of fear now. What lie? Did he know?
"I don't vant to make love to jou if zhere's no love in it."
"But I do love you."
"Do jou? Or are jou just trying to steal zhe documents I hide between mein mattresses."
Gilbert reached into the top drawer of his nightstand. He was open to attack but Matthew didn't struggle. He was in shock.
He knew.
He knew what Matthew was trying to do.
"Gil, I..."
"Don't call me zhat." Gilbert pulled a bottle of clear liquid and a cloth out of the drawer. His voice was low just like it had been before. But this time it was terrifying.
"Gilbert, please!"
"I can't believe jou zhought I vas stupid enough to believe jou vere mein birdie."
"I didn't-"
"Zhen vhy didn't jou escape vhile I vas still leading jou on?"
"Because I love you."
"Stop spewing bullshit." Matthew could see tears in Gilbert's eyes as he dumped some of the liquid onto the cloth and pressed it against the Canadian's mouth and nose.
He could smell something sweet and tried his best not to breath in, but he was scared and the fear caused him to start sobbing.
He sucked in the chemicals on the cloth without having any control over it.
His vision turned red, and then black.
And then he was gone. 

Everybody reading this fic: lol Gilbert's so dumb not knowing that mattie isn't a real bird.

Me: *struggling not to leave spoilers that he knew all along* haha yea.

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