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The winner is option two! The new idea. I know it looks like everybody wants who's the father but I was doing votes on other sites too.

Pre-Revolution Americans: oh no! Britain's putting a tax on our tea! We need to start a war over this!

Pre-Revolution Canadians: this tea is getting too expensive. Let's just make tea...without the tea...

"Jou know, he had been pecking away at zhe windows for a few days before jou let him in."
Matthew looked up, startled, to see Gilbert in the doorway between the back deck and the living room. Matthew ducked his head down, feeling guilty about moving.
Gilbert was silent as he approached the Canadian, sitting beside him. "I vas tempted to put him back in his cage to see jour reaction."
"Does he normally go outside his cage?"
"Ja. I don't really mind vhen he gets out of his cage because he alvays comes back."
Matthew nodded.
"I guess zhat makes two birdies in zhis household who refuse to run."
The Canadian lowered his head, shamed.
"Hey, do jou vant to hold him?" Gilbert opened the door to the cage and stuck his hand in. Gilbird hopped onto it, excited for attention.
"Yeah." Matthew nodded, cupping his hands in his lap.
Gilbert placed his pet in the bowl Matthew had made and smiled as the Canadian lifted him toward his face.
Gilbird chirped and nuzzled his fingers, jumping around excitedly.
"He's too cute." Matthew giggled for the first time since he was captured.
"Ja..." Gilbert was smiling faintly. It was probably at his bird, though.
He leaned forward, pressing his hand to Matthew's forehead. Surprised, the Canadian's hands fell apart. Gilbird flew off while he focused on how close Gil was getting.
Was he going to kiss him?
Probably not, but Matthew closed his eyes anyway.
"Jou're burning up." Gilbert whispered, voice low and intense. Matthew shivered at the sound.
"Maybe jou should sleep inside tonight. It vouldn't be good if jou died before I could get information from jou."
Matthew opened his eyes, feeling disappointment as Gilbert took his hand back and stood.
"I'll get jou an extra blanket. Do jou vant chicken soup for supper?"
"Uhm..." Matthew lowered his head, hiding his look of hurt.
Of course Gilbert wouldn't kiss him. They were enemies.
"Do jou or do jou not?"
"Is it Campbell's?"
"Jou're my prisoner und jour being picky about brands of soup?"
"But is it Campbell's?"
"Ja. Of course it's Campbell's. Jou can't get anyzhing better here."
"Then yes." Matthew nodded.
"Are jou actually going to eat it zhis time? Cuz I'm not going to vaste mein food on jou like zhis anymore."
Matthew crawled across the floor and climbed onto the couch. He shrugged.
Gilbert groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Jou're zhe vorst person I've ever met."
"I know." Matthew curled up on his side and pulled the blanket over him, trying not to sniffle.
He heard Gilbert walk into the kitchen and shuffle around. There was the clattering of dishes and then the sound of the microwave running.
Matthew let himself cry silently for the time being. He pulled the blanket over his head and allowed the tears to flow as much as they wanted.
Heartbreak was the most painful wound he would ever have.

*replaces the word USA in American music to DOC for Dominion of Canada*

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