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Matthew regretted this decision the moment he found himself between the wall and a very affectionate German man

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Matthew regretted this decision the moment he found himself between the wall and a very affectionate German man. He was draped in an oversized t-shirt that smelled like beer and bad decisions and a pair of pyjama pants that were much too short for his tall body. Gilbert and Matthew's contradicting body types had never been more evident and probably never would.
"Jou seem tense..."
"I guess I'm still worried you're gonna squish me." Matthew lied.
"Awww! Zhat's so cute!" Gilbert wrapped his arms around Matthew's waist and pulled him close. Panic started to build in Matthew. Memories from his childhood came back to him like waves splashing over his face.

"What do you two think you're doing?" The man asked, voice coated in anger.
Alfred sat up in bed, followed by his younger brother. "He couldn't sleep, sir." The blue eyed boy said.
"It's not your duty to protect the weak. He is a disgrace to your countrymen and does not deserve your help."
Matthew let out a choked sob. The man turned his attention to him instead.
"Get back to your own cot, Jones. I'll take care of Williams."
Alfred didn't make a sound as Matthew was dragged out of his bed by the ear and pulled past dozens of similar beds filled with boys in similar situations. Not one of them was dedicated to the cause yet. Only Alfred. He was the star pupil and the agents wouldn't hurt him if their lives depended on it.
However, they wouldn't think twice about harming Matthew, or Lars, or Ivan, or Francis. They weren't good enough. They weren't useful.
Matthew still had scars on his back and legs from everything that man did to him over the years and there was so much he wasn't allowed to do. If he hadn't-

"Jou're shaking, Birdie." Gilbert whispered, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"I'm just...I feel sick is all."
"Like, zhrow up sick?"
"I think I'm going to puke up my esophagus."
"Shit. Jou better get to the bathroom." Gilbert let go of Matthew and moved so he could squirm out of the bed. The Canadian stumbled into the hallway and peeked in all the rooms as quietly as he could until he found the bathroom.
He wasn't actually sick. Not physically. But he was still shaking madly. He pulled himself into a ball and tried to take deep breaths.
After he had calmed down, he pulled his phone from his pocket and sent a short text to Alfred.

I'm okay. I managed to infiltrate the target's home and I'm going to stay here undercover until I find the documents.

Within seconds, his older brother had texted him back.

Dude! Wtf! I was so worried!

Matthew sighed and sent another reply.

I'm sorry. Just tell the boss that I'm working on it and don't interfere.

Matthew turned his phone off and put it back in his pocket. He rolled onto his back and closed his eyes.
Maybe if he slept right here he wouldn't have to go back to being coddled by Gilbert.
It wasn't like he hadn't slept in worse places.

Some kid: hey wanna watch Dora with me?

Me: sorry kid! The only Dora I watch is toradora!

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