A Family Thing

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"I haven't found anything on these surveillance cameras. It's like they just disappeared." I ran both hands down my face and then looked around the empty study. "And I'm just talking out loud to myself. Again. Pull yourself together, Brit" I muttered under my breath.

"Do you always have conversations with yourself when you're worried?" Mary asked as she came around the corner and sat down across from me.

"Only on Tuesdays," I joked lightly. "Can I uhh...make you some tea? Coffee?"

"Will's in there right now figuring out your coffee maker for me" she giggled.

"Oh uhh it's a keurig. It's a little different than..." I started to explain to her but then noticed her smile started to drop at the thought of something as simple as a coffee pot being different too. "How did you sleep?" I changed the subject.

She started to smile again, grateful. "I had dreams all night"

"Good dreams?"

"Stuff I had forgotten about. Funny stuff that Sam and Dean's father did...he was a great father" she mused and I saw the vacancy fill her eyes as she reminisced about the past...which was her present not even a few days ago.

I think Sam and Dean would disagree with the kind words she had for John, but they didn't know him the way Mary did. He was the love of her life and vice versa. I used to feel such anger toward John for putting Sam through so much shit...but I've been able to see differently lately...

"So...you and Sam..." she grinned as she leaned forward as if I was about to tell her some big secret. "You don't have to give me details. I'm just curious. Are you both happy together? Even while...being in this life?"

"How did you..." I started to wonder how she could even assume that me and Sam were together.

"Will slipped it in somewhere between trying to explain the internet and the way people now brew coffee mechanically"

I just nodded slowly and then shrugged. "Even though we're hunters we still try to find time to just be a couple. To just be us. To be happy"

I wasn't sure if she liked my answer or if she wanted something more or if she was thinking I would say something else.

"He makes me happy just being there every single day. I always feel safe with him...I always feel loved...he makes living his life so much easier. But, then again, he has that effect on most people anyway. He's usually the one we use to get witnesses to open up when working a case," I chuckled, hoping that would suffice her.

She was seriously hard to read, but then she smiled the way a proud mother would.

"And Dean and Melissa?"

"Well...they're not very happy people to begin with" I joked. "But when they're together...you can see it"

"See what?"

"See how much love they actually have for one another. When we first hit the road together, all four of us, Sam and I never thought it was even possible for the two of them to get along. It was a rough start, for sure. But there was this connection that was undeniable, they almost didn't want to acknowledge it"

"But you can't help who you love," she understood.

"When it comes to me and Sam...I always knew he was the one...and I like to think he thought the same way about me even though it took him a while to realize how I felt about him," I shook my head at the memory of me pining for a man who I thought saw right through me.

"But Dean and Mel...they've been through a lot. A lot of ups and downs...to hell and back..." Literally. "And they still always find their way back to one another. They don't let anything get in their way"

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