Road To Recovery Part 2

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"Dean, is this really necessary?" I looked up at him from under my cowgirl hat.

"What? Is it the pink? You know, I thought that gift shop owner was a little sexist. Not all cowgirls like pink," he took it off my head and inspected it. "I know, it's the jewels. It was too much." he went to take the bedazzled jewels off by hand.

"It's not the hat...well it is. But it's also...don't you think Mel would have been a better choice to actually indulge your...cowboy hobbies."

"Brittney has a good point. Melissa really does put up with a lot of your..." Cas started to agree.

"You know what? I'm not letting either of you ruin this for me." he shoved the hat into my hands and turned to walk away, his cowboy clinking along the way.

"This is worse than I imagined," Cas commented.

"You have no idea," I sighed, putting my hat back on as we followed behind him.

We found out that the victim had his throat slit and the police thought the bite marks were from coyotes but we didn't find anything else so we went back to meet the others at the motel.

"Brittney, we can't let this go on the way it has," Cas whispered to me as we made it through the motel lobby.

"What do you want me to do?"

"You've always been the voice of reason. So reason with him. The road to recovery is a long one, but it can be done with a little help from family. That's what you've all shown me. As Mel would say, set him straight."

"You really think that's something Mel would say?" I laughed.

"Well, I feel like it's something she would do," he shrugged.

"I've tried..." I started but the look Cas gave me told me he wouldn't lay off.

So I sighed as I jumped forward to grab Dean's arm and stop him in his tracks and I threw him up against the closest wall.

"Jesus, Brit. What the hell..."

"Shut up." I snapped and he clamped his lips together. "You're going to listen and you're going to listen carefully. Hasn't this nonsense gone on long enough? You both made your points. Now it's time to make up and move forward," I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Is this why you and Sam split us up on different teams?"

"No, we did that so that you wouldn't kill each other. You really think Sam has the nerve to talk to Mel about this right now? She'll rip his throat out."

"Good point."

"Dean, you guys won't even look at each other. You need to fix this."

"Why should I be the one to..."

"Because you know where Mel is coming from. You know her heart. It isn't fair for you to play the absent son card."

He widened his eyes at me as if I had just stabbed him in the gut.

"Yeah, I went there. Because if that therapy session did anything, it made a good point about how you guys can't even say Jesse's name. You don't talk about him. Like ever. And you should be able to talk about him. You both have so many good memories as a family. It's okay to feel sad and to miss him but it's also okay to feel happy and be reminded of the good times you had together. So, your homework is to remember a fond memory and find a way to talk about it out loud."

"Brittney, I don't think..."

"I'm not done." I barked and he shut up again. "You have to think about where she's coming from. She once saw herself as a monster with powers she couldn't control. Lucky for her she had her dad to help her through it but even then, it was a part of her that she was not proud of. Jesse already knew he had powers before you met him so he didn't need Mel as much as Jack needs her. She's the only one who can truly understand what he's going through. And you asking her to choose sides is a real dick move. So just...stop being a dick and get your shit together." I finished and then turned to walk down the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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