Asa Fox

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The first case we had since Mary and dad took off was pretty rough to say the least. It felt good for the four of us to finally be back to normal, working and getting back into the swing of things, but it wasn't a very easy start. We were all on edge, walking on eggshells around each other, trying to figure out how to get passed this one. I mean, Sam and Dean's mom was back from the dead but she was choosing to stay away and my dad...well his hero complex was worse than anything I've ever seen. He needed to be needed and so Mary was the obvious choice for him. Mary chose distance over her boys...and my dad chose Mary over me and Brit. How were we supposed to feel about that? It's not like there's any manual that tells us how to act when our dead parents come back to life after years of being gone. We were used to being on our only having each wasn't our choice, it just was what it was. 

Dean wasn't upset with me like I thought he was. He just needed his own space for a bit, which I understood. But he was also being a baby about the whole thing and it was taking everything I had in me to not go off on him again like I did while working Mary's case with the children.

At least our new case was interesting, thanks to Brit. She worked hard to find the right case to try and take our minds off of everything that's been happening, including the fact that Cas teamed up with Crowley and Rowena to hunt down Lucifer, and she definitely came through. She found a newspaper that talked about a caseworker who walked into a church, bleeding from her hands and feet and chanting the words "save me, oh God" in Latin. The caseworker was connected to a couple who told everyone that their daughter was dead when really they hid her away in the basement because she had psychic abilities and blamed her powers on the devil. The boys couldn't stop arguing and they had different theories, forcing us to split up, so I ended up going with Sam to see if we could find any ghost activity while Brit went with Dean to take care of the case worker who Dean thought was a witch. I tried telling him that she was only a wiccan and there was no dark magic surrounding her but he was being stubborn and didn't want to hear it. Turns out, both of them were wrong anyway so it didn't even matter, but by the end of the case, Sam and Dean were finally able to agree that Dean's been a dick and that Sam has been a bit pushy on the subject of their mother...and they called us out on hiding away what we really felt about the situation which we also couldn't deny. We were pissed and upset. We all were. But there was nothing we could do about it. Mary and dad just needed time to figure things out and who were we to get in the way of that?

The case we had after that one is one that Dean will never let us ever forget about. I mean, killing Hitler is a seriously big deal, and yeah, in the beginning it was a serious turn on because, I mean, wouldn't be turned on by their guy killing one of the worst human beings to ever walk the Earth? But now he's just being annoying about it. But it's not like we can tell him to shut up about it because, well, he fucking killed Hitler.

We were now in the area of an old friend and decided to make a stop. Brit and I jumped out of the truck as Dean and Sam climbed out of the Impala and we walked up to Jody's house and knocked on her door. When she swung it open, her wide eyes met ours as we grinned at her while she stood there in her pajamas.

"Wow! You look terrible. What's wrong?" she asked quickly.

"Sure, we'd love to come in." Dean walked passed her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi there" Brit sang, following his movement.

"Hey there" I sang as well, following right behind them.

"Hey...there" she made a slow kissing noise every time our cheeks touched hers as she tried to wrap her mind around our sudden appearance.

"Hey. Yeah, we just, uh, finished a hunt in Brookings." Sam was the last to make it into the house.

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