Remember This Moment Part 1

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Quick Side note: I love Lea Michelle's song, Burn With You, so much that I just couldn't resist throwing some of the words into Mel and Will's conversation because I felt that song resembles Dean and Mel's relationship so much. End of side note.



"Melissa...hey, Mel, anyone home?" dad waved his hand in my face to get my attention. "How long have you been in here? You should go get some sleep"

"No dad, I don't have time to sleep" I told him for the hundredth time.

"You don't have time? Or you're just avoiding it?"

"Does it really matter?" I snapped at him.

"Okay, come on." He took my hand and forced me out of my chair.

"What? No, I can't afford to mess around. Where are we going?" I demanded.

"We're going to get some air" he said and led me up the stairs, forcing me out the door and onto the gravel.

The sun was bright...when did it become morning...?

"Feel that fresh air on your skin" he sighed deeply, taking in the sun's rays.

"Yeah, this is nice, dad..."

"Have you ever wished that you could just all be normal and do normal couple things?" he suddenly asked.

"What are you talking about? Sam and Brit do couple things all the time and just a few weeks ago Dean snagged some tickets for me and him to see Hamilton on Broadway. Do you know how hard those tickets are to get? He complained the whole time even though I knew he was secretly loving every bit of it" I smiled at the memory.

If only we could go back to that moment.

"Hamilton? As in Alexander Hamilton? The founding father?"

"The one and only. You should see it sometime. I think you'd like it. But what's this about anyway, dad? I thought you and Mary came back to help me and Brit get Sam and Dean back"

"We did...but Melissa..."

"If the next words you're about to say does not involve a helpful idea then I don't want to hear it. Cas should have never called you guys. We have it under control" I went to walk passed him but he stood in my way.

"Melissa, listen to me...there comes a time when you have to...let go..."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're kidding me, right? It's only been a few weeks. We're no where near letting go yet"

"Let me ask you something...wouldn't you rather have a life with Brittney...just the two of you...where you don't have to..."

"Choose your next words carefully, dad" I snapped, incredulous at how he could be suggesting such a thing.

"All I'm saying and Brittney could have so much so much more...if you just..."

"So we're on this again? Dad, Brittney and I are nothing without Sam and Dean. We're a team..."

"No, you're more than that. And that's the problem" The stern tone in his voice threw me off. He was serious about this.

"Look, don't get me wrong. I like Dean, I really do. He's Mary and John's son for cryin out loud and I loved John like a brother...but you know what he was like...the path he took...he was consumed by the hunt...he put fighting monsters above everything else, never thinking about anything or anyone else..."

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