Chapter 13: Disqueting Nostalgia

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It was really late at night, so the museum was totally empty. Immediately after stepping inside, I was entranced by the pristine marble floor, leading to an ensemble of stairs so perfectly symmetrical it was appealing to the OCD side of me. There were two rainbow patterned paintings on either side of the stairs, which I assumed made for a nice indication of what was ahead, for those visiting for leisure or artistic purposes. Too bad that's not why we're here.

Acheron veered to the right, leading me to a marble wall, with absolutely nothing on it. He closed his eyes, and muttered an incantation and the wall dissipated from sight, to reveal an elevator. He stepped inside, and I followed suit, watching the wall reappear as if nothing had happened, and the elevator magically moved downwards, to our mysterious destination. When the doors dissipated again, we stepped out onto an area fairly resembling our HQ, except with a lot less technology. The halls were much more lavish, yet cozy, and part of me felt like I'd been there before, we kept passing doorways that had Latin words written on them. We stopped walking when we reached a door that said 'Tabularium'. Acheron looked at me inquisitively.

"You seem...unsurprised."

"Yeah, I learnt not to be surprised by anything. It's an acquired trait really."

"I can see that."

"I just have to ask, why the hell isn't this place in any of our files?"

"It's a fairly old, from even before my time."

Yikes...when is that? Before time itself? This guy is as old as history itself. But thankfully us Plight members don't age after 21, well not look-wise anyways. Not that I'm complaining, Acheron has all the knowledge of the world, and isn't bad to look at either. He's the full package, too bad my heart belongs to James. I really need to learn how to censor my feelings around Acheron. His abilities could prove...problematic.

"So, Shall we?"


We stepped into a dimly lit room, which had files strewn about, and books all over the floor. It looked like a tornado had hit. I focused my mind and my breathing, and then everything around me changed, from dingy and dark, to brightly lit and incredibly organized.

"A Glamour?"

"You really are the best of your kind. This particular Glamour is made to conceal the truths of these archives and withstand even a Plight Agent's mind...well a normal Plight Agent's mind, but you are far from normal aren't you Raven?"

"I wouldn't say that..."

"Don't underestimate your strength, you are stronger than anyone could ever imagine. I feel it inside you."

That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. I can tell he's not lying too.

"Thanks, Acheron."

He just smiled. It's so weird, all of the stories about Acheron highlighted what a cold guy he was, but from where I stand he seems...sweet. Well at least with me.

"Alrighty, so what are we looking for, Acheron?"

"There's a shelf at the back, dealing with all things...sensitive."

"You mean all things Azeroth."

"There's that impressively discerning nature again."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment."

"It is."

So we made our way to the very back of the archives. It looks like this is where they put things to forget them. Not that I blame them, I thought Azeroth was a myth...maybe that was for a reason. I grabbed the first file I found and started skimming through it, when Acheron looked at me.

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