Chapter 21: Flee

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I woke up the next day with a pair of warm familiar arms around me. I don't even remember getting into bed, let alone with Matt. I looked up at his sleeping face, placing a hand on his cheek, slowly tracing every curve of his face. He gently stirred, before his eyelids fluttered open.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

A smile graced his beautiful lips, while he absentmindedly brushed my hair out of my face, answering sleepily.

"Mornin' Angel."

He's even gorgeous when he wakes up first thing in the morning. My eyes flew to his lips, feeling my body start to gravitate towards them, before snapping myself out of it, and getting up out of his arms.


"I'm hungry. I'm gonna go see if my dear Father plans on starving us." My voice was dripping with sarcasm, and the contempt that was bubbling beneath the surface was evident. Matt got up from the bed, and gently took my right hand in his.

"We'll get through this Angel, I promise."

I nodded, unable to find my voice. What if we never get out of here? Azeroth knows my weakness...Matt. If he threatens to hurt him, I might have no choice but to join him. I will do everything in my power to prevent anything from happening to Matt.

I pulled away from Matt's gentle grip on my hand and walked towards the ornate black door in the room. I started yelling, hoping Azeroth was listening in.

"I wasn't kidding about being hungry you deranged psychopath. If you're gonna keep us hostage the least you can do is feed us."

The door then opened with a force that should have broken it off of its hinges, but didn't. Then the Azeroth stepped in, his expression as impassive as ever.

"You bellowed?"

I sneered in response, giving him a dirty look before answering.

"You aren't planning on starving us are you? Cause if you are I'd prefer to know now."

"You can have everything you want once you join me."

Matt moved to stand protectively in front of me.

"She's not joining you, you sick son of a bitch."

Azeroth regarded Matthew with a chilling smirk.

"Oh but she will..."

He took a step towards Matthew, raising his hands in a threatening manner.

"Once I end your pathetic life."

I tensed up moving to stand in front of Matt.

"You so much as touch him..."

"You'll what? Kill me?"

My eyes lit up by an idea forming at my anger. I shifted my palms to both sides of my head.

"No, I'll kill myself."

Matt jumped in glaring at me.

"Raven, have you lost it?!"


For the first time ever I saw something I never thought I'd see on Azeroth's face: fear.

"You're bluffing..."

"Am I? Why don't you use your special empathy magic to see if I am?"

He shifted uncomfortably, clearly hesitating between getting what he wants and losing his most valuable asset. He hung his head.

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