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The last few weeks of summer flew by quicker than I could say Pigmy Puff. I'd written to Ron, Harry and the rest of the Weasleys often, though I hadn't had the chance to visit at all. Snape had me in the dungeons day in and day out, scrubbing the cauldrons, preparing lessons, arranging seating plans, learning potions by heart, and brewing them without the textbooks. I had to redo a great many of these often, seeing as he was never satisfied with the end result unless it was absolutely perfect.

Unfortunately, that was nearly never. Honestly, why on Earth had I chosen to do this? I couldn't work as Snape's apprentice! I was happy to see him alive, but now remembered why I had despised him so. Though, a part of me couldn't truly hate him. There was something different in his walk, in his manner of speaking. He seemed more approachable now. Perhaps it was the cane or the occasional upward quirk of his lips that made him that much more appealing to be around for hours at a time.

I was pleasantly surprised when Harry and Ron showed up in the dungeon corridor a few days before the students arrived for school. Ron had run down the hallway and scooped me into his arms, surprising me. I had just stepped out of the Potions' class to tidy up for supper.

He set me down and I whacked him playfully. "Ronald Weasley! Don't scare me like that!" I wrapped an arm around Harry and kissed both his cheeks, before turning to Ron and doing the same. "Don't I get a kiss, 'Mione?" He asked.

I bit my lip and swallowed thickly. "I don't think my mentor would allow it, he's very strict, and we haven't discussed that sort of thing yet."

Ron shrugged and leaned in to press a kiss to my lips, pulling me into his strong arms. Arms I'd always felt comfortable in. "My, my, you're looking fancy. What's the occasion?"

I glanced down at my pale blue dress that reached the floor, brushing the tops of my shoes. "Well, a teacher needs to dress well."

I had long since abandoned my sweaters and jeans. Minerva had taken me out shopping, and we'd seen a tailor. I had an assortment of new dresses and cloaks now, each of different colour. They were dust and dirt repellant, so I could wear them in the dungeons, without worrying of getting them dirty. Snape was approving of my new wardrobe. He said it made me appear more distinguished, and proper. It was something I could get used to hearing.

Harry was pulling at his sleeve and I leaned back so that he could speak to him, but he hadn't the opportunity before someone else spoke.

Ron started when he heard the familiar voice. "Mr Weasley, I suggest you keep your wandering hands off of my apprentice while she's working. This is a school, after all."

Harry sputtered like a vintage car, and Ron released his hold on me immediately. To say I was unimpressed and a little disappointed was an understatement. So much for brave and brilliant Gryffindors. The boys were utter pansies when it came to Snape. Though in their defence, they thought him to be dead, just like I did. I hadn't told them because I hadn't known either, and clearly, he wanted to keep a low profile. Did I feel the slightest pang of guilt?

Nope. Not a stitch.

Harry was the first to react. "Professor, brilliant to see you alive and well." He stuck his hand out and shook the older wizard's firmly. Despite having offered his memories to Harry in his final moments, when he expected to die, he still strongly disliked him. If there was something more to the story than they were aware of, it was beyond them. Yet, he gracefully shook his hand and nodded courteously in response.

There was something so elegant about him. His etiquette was perfection in itself. It made him so much more interesting. I realised that I was mooning over the dungeon bat himself and shook my head quickly, turning my attention back to my friends. I took a few steps back and stood next to the man in question. Unfortunately, Harry seemed to have noticed my fascination of the professor. His look warned me that there was to be a conversation between the two of us in my very near future.

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