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Three weeks went by before Severus was permitted to return to Hogwarts. Waverly was allowed to come back to school and attend regular classes. 

The day they had taken him, I had barged into the Minister's office with a heaving Ron. I delivered my statement and was quickly asked to leave. Kingsley had been behaving rather oddly. Worried I was biased, other sources were called in, they put me under Veritaserum a few days later and questioned Minky, as well. 

Reluctantly, they had set him free. 

I was packing up the rest of my papers from the class that had just finished when I felt the violent wave of nausea that hit me. I closed my eyes, hoping that the dizziness would pass. It didn't. At least not at first. I sat back in the chair at the desk, trying to steady myself. 

I tried to remember if I had skipped a meal, or if I had been getting enough sleep. In all honesty, I wasn't. I was so preoccupied over Severus and the Ministry and giving classes, and the entire Ella affair, that I hadn't been taking care of myself. Minky had been wonderfully helpful, reminding me here and there of the little things I would so easily allow to slip from my thoughts.

A cool breeze floated by me, the subtle swish of fabric and a familiar scent wafted by me. Only there was something different. There was parchment, nettle, a myriad of spices, old books, spearmint toothpaste... And something cold...

Long fingers I could have recognised anywhere, pushed hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear. Warm lips dropped a kiss to my forehead. "You smell different," I muttered, slowly letting my eyes flutter open.

Amusement danced across his dark eyes. He looked exactly the same as he did the day he was taken away from me. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure what I was expecting. I knew they had kept him in Azkaban, that he had been in the same prison as people he had sent there. Though, I admitted to myself, I hadn't expected him to be clean shaven, and well-dressed. Hell, I didn't expect him to be clean, end of story. That place was filthy. Yet there he was, in the flesh, as though nothing had ever even happened. 

He leaned against the desk, his hand resting on the tabletop. "Interesting." He murmured. "How has class been?"

"Good." I breathed. I felt the same way I did when I had first seen him in the summer. Everything was so surreal... He looked no worse for wear. He was back, he was alright. "Any news of who attacked Ella?"

He breathed in deeply. "Unfortunately, it isn't the news anyone wanted to hear. Gruesome details. They informed me as I was leaving two days ago."

I felt a pang in my heart. He'd been back several days already. Why was this the first I'd seen of him? I refrained from asking, the question of Ella ringing through my head. "What sort of details?"

He shook his head. "I am not at liberty to discuss it."

The man in black was troubled, even an idiot could sense it. He was nervous, too. I placed my hand over his,  and he flinched from my touch. I pulled back my hand, resting it in my lap, trying not to let the tears escape from beneath my eyelids. "How are you?" I asked, mentally cursing myself as I heard the waver in my voice. "I haven't seen you in so long... I was worried."

Severus shut his eyes, taking a deep breath. "I am as anyone would be coming out of Azkaban."

I winced at the harshness of his tone, though I could tell he was doing his best to contain his emotions. I swallowed thickly, fiddling with the pearl hanging from my neck. I was lost for words. He was distant, they had hurt him, I was certain of it. I didn't know how to help. "I started reading that book you gave me." I offered. He didn't like small talk, but maybe I could distract him with some form of intellectual conversation.

He nodded curtly, standing. "I believe you have my wand, Miss Granger."

Hearing my formal name nearly had me falling from the chair. I didn't stop the tears that rolled down my face. He had to see the effect his words had. 

I was thrust into my thoughts, taken back to the day he had been arrested. 

His wand had appeared in the pocket of my robes, he had wanted it kept safe. Surely, the Ministry would have snapped it in two as soon as they found it, even before they knew whether or not he was guilty. During the time he was gone, I kept it on my person at all times. It was the closest thing to him I had. The very centre of his magic. He had entrusted me with his most prized posession. It was an act of love, a sign that he intended on keeping his promise. That he would come back.

Or so I thought.

His words were cold, his tone clipped, his voice hard. I'd lost Severus, my lover, I now only had Professor Snape, the former Deatheater gone rogue.

I fished it from my robes, holding it out to him, handle first. "Of course, Professor." I spat, my heart heavy with the weight of a thousand suns. 

I imagined the look of hurt in his eyes. I mus have. There was no way this Severus Snape could ever possibly feel anything other than anger and hatred. I'd known him too long to think any differently. It wasn't even the man I was studying under in September, he was gone too. 

I was face to face with the mean, vindictive man that was Professor S. Snape, Potions' Master.

The man that had been horrid to me as a little girl. The man who let his godson mock me in front of every other student. The man who had taken away points every time I had an answer because I 'spoke out of turn'. 

Very well. If that was the way things would be, two could play at that. 

He didn't scare me, not anymore.

I stood as well, picking up my books. I brushed past him, heading out the door and across the hall.

Once the door clicked shut behind me, I fell into the couch, and let the heartbreak flow through me, allowing the heart-wrenching sobs to consume everything I was. I had done everything in my power to get him out of Azkaban and out of trouble and he returned the favour by breaking my heart, by ignoring me. 

After a solid few hours of crying, I decided to wash my face and head to the Great Hall for supper. I wouldn't let him get the best of me, not again. I was too proud to give him that satisfaction. I knew he would revel in it. 

I settled at the table, turning to my mentor. I could have sworn he nearly flinched under my gaze. I clenched my jaw, forcing myself to meet his eyes. I lifted my hand to my throat and tore off the chain, slamming it onto the plate before him. 

He started, staring at the necklace. I glared at him. "I believe I had something of yours, sir." I snarled. "Wouldn't want your pretty little idiot of an apprentice running around with a Prince heirloom, now would you?"

He sighed, pocketing the jewellery. "By that logic, I believe I have something of yours as well, Miss Granger."

I lifted the goblet to my lips, but stopped midway. "What would that be, Professor?" The term was venom on my tongue, I hated everything about the situation. It wasn't right.

"Your dignity."

In one fluid motion I would have been proud of in different circumstances, I stood and poured my pumpkin juice over his head, grabbing a handful of mashed potatoes and throwing it in his face. "Correction, Professor Snape, it appears I have yours, or what little you had."

Minerva grabbed my wrist. I turned to her, fuming, a sharp comment on the tip of my tongue. Though she had nothing to say, she merely winked and placed a handkerchief between my potato covered fingers. 

I took that moment to leave the hall. Students were murmuring, staring at their feared Potions' teacher. No one dared laugh, though a few of them were smiling wickedly. I knew what they were thinking; about time someone put the bat in his place.

"Damn you, Severus Snape!" I called, refusing to glance over my shoulder. 



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