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I couldn't sleep. The last few months had been non-stop. So much had happened, I couldn't believe it.

I was fired, found out I was pregnant, my lover had been sent to Azkaban, I spent a few days with the Weasleys, Waverly contracted a fatal fungus, I was drugged, attacked by a Deatheater, Ella Mitchell murdered her sister, Ron walked back into my life, then to top it all off, re-hired.

I thought that my fighting days from the war were over, though it seemed someone had other plans. I should have known better than to believe that my life would be steady and stable. I was Hermione Granger, brains of the Golden Trio, brightest witch of my age.

My life would always be anything but normal, no matter how hard I tried.

My hand fluttered to my belly. I let the glamour fall, caressing the bump where the baby grew. It was small, but it was there. I still had no idea what I was going to do regarding the baby's father. I couldn't seem to find the courage to tell him.

I knew it was because I was afraid. Afraid to force him into a loveless relationship, a binding contract against his will. He had said so himself... Waverly was the only good thing to come from his miserable existence.

Why would he want another child roaming about with his blood, his genes, his heritage?

I was being stupid. This was Severus Snape. He didn't run from anything. I should tell him. He would advise me on how to handle the situation.

Then again, he wasn't my Severus. He was holding back. He was hiding behind his teacher's mask, keeping away.

I felt ridiculous. Deciding to change my thoughts, I wondered about the baby and its gender. How they would look, how they would sound... I had never seen myself as a mother. At least not when I was with Ron. Spending time with the Potions' Master's girls changed that. I could picture it more clearly now.

I decided then, that I was going to have this baby with or without the father. Molly had said I could return whenever I liked, she could help me raise the baby. Surely, Minerva and Waverly would be a great help, as well. The other staff would, of course, be supportive. They always have been.

Thoughts of little laughs and tiny footsteps sent me into a dreamless sleep.


The halls were bustling, as usual. I couldn't wait to get to my chambers and block out the noisy students.

I loved attending the classes, though Snape had me note taking for hours on end. I didn't do anything other than that. He didn't have me clean the cauldrons, organise the now terribly disarrayed ingredients cupboard, nothing.

He was punishing me. For what, I wasn't sure. The man was so difficult to read.

Finally, the hall cleared and I crossed it. Merlin, my room was right there and I was having so much trouble. Imagine if they'd have been on the other side of the castle!

I was surprised to see my instructor exit my rooms, turning to face me with an indifferent expression on his face.

I frowned. "What were you doing in there?"

He shrugged. "What I do of my spare time is none of your concern."

I wanted to laugh, he was being absurd. Instead, I stomped my foot, placing my hands on my hips. He wouldn't scare me away. "I believe it is, as those are my personal chambers."

He exhaled sharply. "I was returning your book series. Waverly has finished reading them."

I was sceptical. Why would he do such a thing without my knowledge? "And you thought it would be better to return them, rather than give me them to put away myself?"

He raised an eyebrow, as if daring me to question his authority, his credibility. "Precisely," he tried to sidestep me. "Now, if you will excuse me-"

I placed my fingertips on his chest, pushing him further away, stunting his escape. "You must understand how I find that to be odd, Professor."

He smirked, though his eyes flashed darkly, briefly hiding the pain that resided there so much these past few months. "You may want to rethink your password, Miss Granger. Maybe also altering your wards so that one cannot enter them so easily."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You git, they only let you in because of who you are." His temper flared as I spoke. "As for the password, I believe I'll leave it that way."

He nodded. "It isn't as though anyone else would try to break in. What would they want with an insufferable know-it-all?" His smirk grew. "Who, might I add, has gained a rather large amount of weight recently. Careful, would not want to mistake you for a relative of Millicent Bulstrode, now would we?"

That was it. I felt my hand fly before I was aware of what I was doing. The impact of my hand against his face echoing through the corridor. I couldn't help the tears that stung my eyes. "Probably a lot more than what they'd want with a miserable old fool, chasing after a dead woman, and his psychotic murderer of a wife!"

He sneered, backing me against the wall. I was stuck between him and the cold stone of the dungeons. "Ex-wife."
He spat, taking our proximity to his advantage, he lay one hand against my neck, the side leaning on my shoulder, the other tucking away a small curl from my face.

There it was again. He wasn't denying anything, only adding to the information relayed. The hand that pushed away my hair came up against the wall, cornering me. I was trapped. His breath was warm against my cheek, his eyes softened. "You are a pain in my side, Miss Granger." He whispered, his voice wrapped in honey and sin. His lips were centimetres from mine. If I leaned onto my tiptoes, I could meet them.

Onyx eyes flickered from my gaze to my mouth and back. It took all I had not to snog him senseless. Despite all he'd put me through, I couldn't deny the attraction I felt toward him.

Merlin, I loved him.

I tried not to, but I loved him.

He caught himself and stood up properly, realising how close we were. He sneered, raising an eyebrow. "The Headmistress has requested that you teach the next three classes." 

Then he was gone. I leaned heavily against the wall, letting out a shuddering breath. Merlin and Nimue above, I never would learn would I?

Heading to my chambers, fell into the sofa, taking a break before my next few hours of teaching numbskulls who couldn't tell the difference between Boil-Remedying and Dreamless Sleep.

My eyes drifted to the bookshelf. Surely enough, the Narnia books had been placed back onto the shelf, surrounded by all the other Muggle novels I owned.

He had told the truth... Then why all the secrecy? Why so nasty?

I laughed humourlessly, because he was Severus Snape. That's why.

Evil man.

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