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Yeah right, calling us back. What kind of joke is this? They just want to show some good telly to the people watching the show. That’s why the first three episodes of every reality show like this get the most viewings, because people love watching horrible auditions and people crying and drama in general. And I’m not going to be part of that.

“Harry Styles” the producer reads from his paper and I walk to the front, wiping my eyes with beanie, and then putting it back on my head. I can feel my eyes stinging from all the crying, I put my hands inside my pockets and wait until he finishes. I can see Louis standing behind a girl, next to a blonde boy, and both of them are biting their nails at the same time and it’s actually funny, seeing them so in sync when they don’t even know each other.

“Liam Payne” the guys calls again, and I see the boy who smashed his audition with Cry Me A River. I heard that boy auditioned back like one or two years ago. We sang the same song at bootcamp, how could they have not passed him? In the end, we are five boys and four girls that make it on stage again.

Louis is walking in front of me, looking at the floor, until he feels my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it and gives me a genuine smile. I don’t know how but we apparently decide it’s better to hold onto each other as we stand in front of the judges. There’s Louis who is fidgeting, that Payne guy on the left with his arm over another brunette’s guy shoulder and the blonde little chap between me and Louis. On the other side of the stage, the four girls are together, holding hands.

“Hello,” Nicole says, “I know and judging by some of your faces that this must be really hard for you. But we have made a last minutes decision.”

I literally can’t understand a word Nicole is saying. The only thing I see is a camera guy under the stage, recording us and I can’t concentrate enough because this blonde guy next to me is moving a lot and it’s getting impatient.

“And each of you, as individuals, are too talented to let go off.” Nicole continues.

What is she talking about? I just want to get the he-

“We decided to let you through.” Simon announces and everything happens so fast.

In just a matter of seconds, I turn to see Louis and he jumps into me for a hug but I can’t handle it and I have to carry him and all of the sudden, his legs are wrapped around my waist as he breathes into my neck, holding me in so tight and I’m laughing and smiling because I have made it. We have made it. We are going to the Judges’ Houses. I’m making my dream come true.

Louis has a smile on his face that pulls the corners of mine like I just can’t frown when he’s smiling, it’s infectious. And I see the other lads next to us, yelling and jumping of happiness. All of this is unbelievable.

“Guys, guys!” Simons laughs, “You know you will have to work hard, ten or even twelve hours a day. But we have faith in you guys.” He smiles and let us go and I turn around to see the lads next to me again, because I don’t even know their names but apparently we are in a band together and we have to work together and I don’t even care because I’m too happy to care right now about everything else.

The blonde guy brings us into a group hug and we all snuggle in with smiles on our faces before we are running out of stage and falling into the arms of the other contestants who have passed. And I’m happy; I’m so so happy.

“Harry!” I hear my name and turn around to see that is Louis calling me. “Come here!” he waves at me to come over and I run toward him with a smile on his face. “Well, I think we should introduce ourselves, don’t you think?” he suggests smiling, “I’m Louis.”

“I’m Niall!” the blonde boy chirps loudly. I can see he is so excited.

“I’m Liam, nice to meet you guys.” Payne smiles at all of us confidently.

“I’m Zayn.” The brunette says shyly.

“Uhm, I’m Harry.” I say slowly.

“Ohh, uhm, I’m Harry and uhm, I’m from Cheshire.” Louis mocks me, trying to make a heavy accent like mine but his voice is already too night to succeed so I just smack his head.

“Wait, you two know each other?” Liam asks.

“Eh, kind of…” Louis answers blushing, scratching the back of his neck. “We met a couple of hours ago, actually.”

“You’re joking!” Niall exclaims in a weird accent. “You look like you’ve known each other for ages.”

“You are exaggerating.” Louis says, calmly.

Niall just shrugs it off. We stay in silence for about five minutes before Liam speaks up.

“So… what are we going to wear?” he asks.

We turn to see each other, inspecting us before Niall speaks up.

“We should wear the same things as Louis. He looks cool. I like his shoes.”

At this point, we all burst out laughing, even Zayn who seems extremely quiet and shy, he cracks a grin and you can see the twinkle in his eyes.

“Well, now that that’s settled, I’m going to be the leader, apparently. So I make all the decisions!” Louis announces loudly enough so a couple of people turn to stare at us.

“Lou, we’re not five year olds.” I say before I realize the nickname has slipped from my lips.

“What did you call me?” he asks laughing and for some odd reason, I feel my cheeks getting hot.

“I called you-“

“Alright, I say we grab something before you start mating in front of everybody.” Liam laughs and starts to walk to the cafeteria, grabbing Louis and Niall by his arms, leaving me confused.

“Dude, you’re totally into the guy.” Zayn tells me before walking off too. Great, out of all the time he could have chosen to speak, he chose then.

I don’t like Zayn. 

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