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I’m so tired. I want to sleep. I blame Lou for this one. We couldn’t sleep so we kept chatting and talking until we both fell asleep, I think maybe until 3AM and the thing is, now that we are kind of a thing, we can’t spend any time apart. Okay, so maybe yesterday we also kiss a little bit. A little too much. Okay, a lot.

I don’t know how the boys hadn’t managed to discover us now. I mean, it’s been a week and if we hadn’t past first base it’s because we all sleep in the same room. And I mean, by now, with all the snogging and secret kisses we’ve been sharing, it’s difficult to not stay needy. You know, needy as horny as fuck.

I’m in the kitchen, trying to make a cup of tea without spilling everything and make a mess, and I can hear voices coming but my eyelids are slowly closing so I don’t pay so much attention to them.

“Hazza,” I hear Louis say behind me.

“Hey,” I say in a low voice, not meaning to do it.

“You know, the boys want to see a movie in the living room, along with Rebecca and Cher, you know, since it’s only Thursday and tomorrow we have to rehearse and everything,” Louis says, motioning his hands in several movements, “So, you want to come?”

“Nah, I think I’ll pass,” I say shaking my head, “I’m too tired, so I guess I’ll go and rest a bit.”

“Right, it’s okay my boy,” Louis says, “Sleep and rest.”

And he’s gone. Everytime Louis is not on my sight, one part of me freaks out because I’ve been noticing Aiden has been flirting with my Louis. And no, I’m not having it. Let’s be honest, maybe Aiden is handsome, yes. And maybe he has that cheeky smile, okay. But nothing can compare with my curls and dimples. That’s what Louis loves the most.

And I know he has told me he cares for me a lot and that he it’s just good friends with Aiden, but it’s Aiden I don’t trust.

Anyway, I take my cup and go to our room, looking forward for a bit of time in peace to rest.

I sit down in our bed and take a sip from the cup, feeling the warm tea go down through my throat.

Really nice.

I leave the cup in my nightstand and lay down in the bed, my head against Louis’ pillow; and I can’t control it, but my nose is searching for Louis’ scent and it’s precious, because it’s sweet and endearing and before I know it I fall asleep with his smell around me.

“Haz..Hazza.. Harreh..”


“Wake up.”

I open my eyes and just inches away from me, his blue eyes staring back at me with a soft smile and hair falling in his forehead, it’s Louis.

“Hey, what’s up?” I say in my husky raspy voice.

“The boys are downstairs and the movie is still going on and I thought… you know, maybe we could— like have some time— private intimate time, since you know,” Louis says desperately and I try to understand everything because he’s talking so low but so fast and I’m still sleepy.

“So what do you think?” Louis says, with cheeks flushed and shy smile.

So I nod, I can only nod because Louis is so precious this way and I love how he wants things and he just asks for them and I can never say no, so I nod.

And I open my arms, and he lays right there, next to me, fitting perfectly in my shape, which is just like a little sign from destiny, telling us we are meant to be, because there’s no other pair of humans in Earth who have fitted so perfectly like us, there’s no puzzle who could ever look so align like us right now.

And he’s kissing my lips, so gentle and so soft, because maybe he is still aware of my state, which is sleepy by the way but I’m trying to fully awake. And I respond his kisses, all of them short and soft, but I know he needs more the moments he lowers his lips to my neck, leaving traces all around it, almost making himself on top of me to move better, sometimes biting and I can sense his smirk when he does.

And all of this is beautiful, so perfect and beautiful because it’s what we have been needing and wanting all along, just a little time for us since that first kiss and now I’m fully awake and I have to admit I’m getting turn on slowly with all this teasing.

So I put my hands in his lower back around him, finally he’s on top of me, with his arms in each side of my head, lowering only to put his lips in different parts of my body.

My hands slowly start to lower until I reach Louis’ perfect bum and I try to squeeze it, you know, trying to rise up the heat here, but Louis breaks the kiss he’s giving in my neck to smirk.

“I knew you liked my perfect ass,” Louis says finally, proud of himself.

“Who wouldn’t?” I ask, trying to think of someone who wouldn’t want to spank, touch, squeeze and see that ass of his.

So he leans in and kiss me in the lips, now the entire thing; he’s biting my lower lip and I’m opening my mouth. His tongue is now all inside my mouth, playing and fighting with mine. And we are just there, savoring each other when I hear the door suddenly opens.



Louis stepped back from me the moment he heard Niall scream, standing up and fixing his clothes, while I’m still in bed trying to think of an excuse of this.

“You two sneaky bastards,” Niall say to both of us, shaking his head with a little smile.

“It’s not what it looks like,” I try to say, now standing up from the bed, fixing my curls.

“Yeah right,” Niall says buffing.

“Niall, listen to me,” Louis says, getting closer to him, almost whispering, “You can’t say anything, nobody knows, so you can’t tell this to anyone, promise it and we… we will tell you all about it.”

“We will?” I say now to Louis, and I can say by Niall face with his eyebrows raised that he is shocked as well.

“Yes Harold, is the only way he’s keeping the secret,” Louis says defeated.

“No problems lads, I would never reveal your secret anyways, if it’s what you want,” Niall says smiling, “Besides, meself and the boys knew something was going on anyways.”

“Still, they can’t know Niall,” Louis says, “Not until we know how we are going to deal with this, okay?”

“Okay, okay Lewis,” Niall says, rolling his eyes, “I promise not to tell a soul about you bloody love birds,” he says wiggling his eyebrows, “Now, tell Captain Niall all about it!”

So we sit down, three of us in Niall’s bed, with our legs crossed, Louis and I taking turns to explain Niall how everything began. Since the second he met in the bathrooms in auditions, to this present day. Niall is leaning over his hands with his elbows on his knees, looking like a little girls listening to a fairytale, with big shiny eyes smiling like an idiot.

And I can’t quite understand why Niall adores our relationship, even before he knew about it and now that he knows all about it. He nods sometimes or smile, when he knows or remembers the day we are explaining or the stuff we were doing.

And by the time we finish telling the whole story (the story of our relationship), he nods and straights back, alternating his look to see both of us, waiting for something; maybe he’s just trying to get in all the information.

And after what seems hours, he speaks,

“What are you guys going to tell Simon?”

And well, that’s the real question, isn’t it?



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