Partners and Projects

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Elle's POV

We didn't talk much about what had happened yesterday. Malia had spoken to her mum and her mum decided that they weren't going back to Asia. That was all sorted out.

I was sitting in my science class with Malia, Felicity, Daniel and Seth, it was the one class that we all had together. I was waiting for Mr. Bonacini to begin the lesson.

"Good morning class, today we will be doing an experiment," he said standing at the front of the classroom. "This experiment is to test your senses," he said. "All day the girls will be wearing a blindfold, their sight will be gone for the day. Each boy will be assigned to a girl and will guide her around all day and make sure that no harm comes to her. You and your partner will have to work together."

"Lots of teamwork will be needed for this experiment to be successful. Okay, all girls come to the front of the classroom and grab a blindfold, boys then come and draw a name from this bowl, the name that you get is your parter," everyone got up and got what they. Needed. "Oh, and go sit next to your partner!" Mr. Bonacini called over the loud chatter.

I grabbed a dark red scarf, I guess this would be my blindfold. Seth came over to me grinning. "Thank goodness I'm your partner, I was hoping that I got someone that I know," he said. Daniel and a grumpy Felicity came over to us. Malia and a boy called Andrew with shaggy blonde hair sat down at our table. "Hey most of you don't know me but I'm Andrew," he had a very deep voice, kind of like a surfers.

"On three we all put the blindfolds on." Malia said. "One, two, three!" Felicity counted. I put my blindfold on seeing nothing but black. I always wondered what it was like to be blind and see what my mum went through. "Can you guys see anything?" Daniel asked. "No, only black," we all replied at the same time. "Whoaaaa! Freaky!" Andrew said in the background.

I sighed. This was going to be a loooong day.

It was now lunchtime. I was in the cafeteria with Seth, Malia, Felicity, Daniel and Andrew. I was secret wishing that Andrew and his annoyingness would leave but nothing happened. I felt around the table trying to find my lunch. "Something's touching my hand!" Felicity shrieked. "Thats just Elle's hand," Daniel told her amused. "Sorry," I said removing my hand. "Here," Seth said. He placed something in my hand. "It's your sandwich," he said.

I cautiously bit into it tasting my delicious sandwich which I had made the night before. I guessed that Daniel and Andrew had done the same to Malia and Felicity. "Thanks," I said eating my sandwich. It had been weird walking around blindfolded. I had to give my full trust to Seth. I got up once we all finished eating. Seth helped me as I slowly walked to art class. "Here we are," he said helping ne to my seat. "I Need to grab something I'll be back in a second," he said before he left the room.

I guessed that our desks were the same as the always were. An easel in front of us, pencils and oil pastels to our right and a set of paints to our left with a jar of water. Out of nowhere something pushed me into all the paints and water spilling them all over me. I shrieked getting up wishing that I could take my blindfold off so I could see who pushed me. "Oops," someone said in a girls voice. Mia. I gritted my teeth holding in my anger. "Mia! Detention!" Miss Bilchay roared. "Elle, please go get cleaned up, you can leave early if you don't have a change of clothes. I nodded taking my blindfold off as Seth entered the classroom.
"What Did I miss?"

I was in the girls bathroom with Felicity trying to get as much paint off me as possible. "I hate her annoying little face! her annoying fake voice! her fake hair! Her fake personality!" Felicity vented in anger next to me pacing back and forth. She looked up at me. "We should take revenge! Dying her hair green! Or w-" I cut her off. "Felicity we're in high school! Things like this happen to everyone! Everyone has friends and enemies, it's wrong to take revenge. She probably has a good reason for doing that," I said putting my blondish rainbow hair under the tap trying to make it only blonde.

"Whatever," Felicity muttered rolling her eyes. I sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a mixture or all the colors in the rainbow and there was still some paint in my hair. My clothes were sticky and covered in paint. My arms were clean and I didn't get any paint on my legs but I wouldn't be able to stay like this all day. "I'm going to go home early I'll text you later," I told Felicity grabbing my bag. "Okay bye!" She called as I left the bathroom. The walk home was very uncomfortable. The paint dried as it was cold outside and it was all flaky. It was going to be so much fun to wash all the paint out.

A/N hey here's a little chapter for you all its kind of a filler chapter and has nothing to do with the plot but it's a chapter's worth of my writing for you so yeah, you can skip it I guess?


A/N um its been a while haha, this was written in January and now its December so?? Anyways I just wanted to say that I have changed A LOT since writing this, my writing style is completely different and my ideas and plots are.. way less cringy haha. I decided that I'm just gonna publish the remaining parts and leave this story like that, just a piece of my past to show who I used to be and how far I've come. (Also I apologize if any part of my story offends anyone as I apparently did not think while writing this story.)

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