Jelousy and Anger Issues

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Felicity' POV

I was walking peacefully to school by myself. I had a boring Sunday and was ready for school again. I know, I'm going insane. There was one thing about school that I wasn't looking forward to though, and it went by the name of Erica.

I was at my locker, quickly getting my things so I could meet up with Malia and Elle when I was stopped by Seth. Malia, Elle, Daniel, Seth and I had gotten quite close over the past four weeks. Daniel and I very close. Seth stared me in the eye for a few seconds. I had learned many things about our group and the people in it.

Seth, was very quirky and strange. Malia seemed to be a secret bookworm and fashion addict. Daniel was an artist and played guitar. Elle loved science and rock music. We were a very strange combination of people. But we were weirdly close. We all ate together at lunchtimes and hung out often together. I had gotten quite used to my small group of friends.

Seth let out a sudden gasp. "You're dating!" He said darkly. I rolled my eyes out of confusion and irritation and walked away. I managed to stay clear of Seth until it was lunch time. I passed Erica once during the day, but we didn't have any classes together so I didn't see her much. I walked up to the table that our group usually had lunch at. I let out a sigh of exhaustion when I saw Erica glued to Daniel's side.

I sat down next to Elle. Seth was sitting on the opposite side of the table all by himself. He was glaring daggers at Daniel. Elle leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. "What's his problem?" She asked. I shrugged. Malia and Erica were enthusiastically chatting about their favorite books and I felt myself getting mad for some reason. "So your from Scotland right?" I asked not being able to control what I was saying. "Yeah, did you know our national animal is a unicorn!" She bragged smiling at me. I nodded and burned holes through my sandwich with my glares.

Daniel stole a few chips off Erica's plate. I found myself getting angrier at every small thing she did. Whether it was her annoying laugh, or how she smiled at Daniel, How Daniel smiled at her, How s- I stood up when she pecked Daniel on the cheek. I grabbed my drink and poured it on her head without thinking. Anger rushed through my veins as I grabbed my bag and rushed away. I heard my name being called but I ignored it, just like I did for or of the stares that I was getting.

I was sat in the principals office getting lectured by the principal about behavior and anger issues. "I do not have anger issues!" I shouted raising my voice. "I'm not saying that you do, I'm just suggesting that maybe you should see someone about your feelings," Mr. Calliousa said calmly. I huffed and left his office. A worrying thought trailed into my mind. 'I can't turn into my mother,' I grabbed my bag and walked down the empty hallway. I made my way to my geography class. It was one of my only classes with Elle.

I entered the silent classroom. Everyone was scribbling away in their books. I handed my slip to the teacher and found a seat. I looked over at the seat next to Elle that I would usually sit in. It was occupied by Erica. They were whispering and giggling with each other. I glared at my desk and began to work. I stood up at the end of the lesson. I groaned when I remembered what lesson I had next. I had history.

I entered the class just in time and sat in a seat. In history we were doing a project in groups of three about the history of maths and numbers. I was in a group with Elle and Malia, as I guessed they weren't the happiest to see me. I walked over to them and gave them a small awkward smile. "I can't believe what you did to Erica," Elle said dryly, it was obvious that she was upset. I rolled my eyes and muttered something under my breath. "What did you say?" Malia said glaring at me. "I said she deserved it, and she did." I said. I ignored them for the rest of the lesson and worked silently.

Just as I was starting to get attached to Elle and Malia something had to get in the way and ruin everything. I was cursed.

When I went home that night I spent a good 30 minutes screaming into my pillow before my mum came home. When she did I made sure to stay out of her way and not to get her mad. I laid on my bed and stared at my roof for ages. I was in my dark room as I couldn't be bothered to turn the lights on. "Why does the world hate me?" I asked myself. "It doesn't," My head shot up as I looked at the tall girl that stood at my door way. It was my older cousin Aubrey. She came once a month to make sure things with my mum aren't too bad. When I was younger we were best friends. She'd always give me advice about life and we would both gush about our crushes. She's in university now and I hardly see her anymore.

"Aubrey? What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up. She chuckled and sat next to me on my bed. "The usual, tough day I imagine?" She asked playing with my hair. I nodded. Aubrey was kind of like a mother figure to me. "There's this new girl at my school and she's stealing all my friends and my boyfriend away from me. They're all taking her side even though they've known me longer." I said sighing. Aubrey gave me a sympathetic smile. "I understand your pain," she said sighing.

"What's been going on in your life?" I asked looking up at her. "My boyfriend cheated on me, nothing much" she jokingly said, resting her head on my shoulder. "University is so stressful. Appreciate your easy high school work before it goes away." Aubrey had a light soothing voice, it was like honey and sugar. She had shoulder length, dark brown hair and green eyes. Her hair was in a ponytail, out of her face. Aubrey was always seen wearing something red, even when she was a baby.  Today she was wearing a red coat and scarf. "Thanks Aubrey, your the best cousin ever," I said. She chuckled and hugged me. I hugged her back never wanting her to leave.

A/N Do you hate Erica just as much as I do?

What are your opinions on Aubrey? 

You probably won't see Aubrey for another 20 chapters.

Who's side are you on?

Team Felicity?


Team Erica, Elle and Malia

Do you think what Elle and Malia said to Felicity was wrong or right?


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