Chapter 11

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When end of the day came, everyone felt iffy around us. So instead of taking the bus, I just transformed and ran home. It started to snow, but I don't care. I just been through a bloody fight with a werewolf, I think I can handle some snow. When I got home I did my chores and left. I went to the pack territory. When I arrived, no one was here. I should of guessed that. So, I just laid down on the snowy floor, with my belly up. When I saw the snow flakes fall, it reminded of the song A-Team by Ed Sheeran. I started to sing it. I don't know if I sang good or not, all I knew at this moment was, I was happy and painless. I fell asleep to the soothing sounds of my voice and the forest.

"Hmmm, I wonder where I am," I spoke to myself waking up to a warm forrest. "Am I in a dream or something. If I am, where and when?" I saw a hazy figure run on by. I started to run up to her. She was laughing and smiling. Her arms were out wide, like if she was acting like an airplane. I started to laugh too. So much joy came through me. The warm breeze touched my flying fur. The tall bright green grass was soft as could be. I loved it here! 'This is my paradise!' We both tripped over a log, and we laughed. I have no clue if she could hear me or not, but I kept talking to her if she was listening to me. When came nightfall, I herd a distant voice call a name.

"Daisy, come home!" With those words I saw the girl get up and started to run home. I followed her, to see a little wooden cabin. I could feel the heat from inside.

"This must be your home," I gave a light sigh. As she walked in, I snuck in through the door. I saw a big chicken on the little wooden table. I looked around the house, when the family started to eat their meal. I came to the back room, there was a little bed. The rug was a bear skin. "That's a little freaky to go to sleep with that there," I mumbled to myself. I saw a little toy chest. I don't know why, but it looked so fimialer to me. I picked up a little necklace. It was in a shape of an angel over a ruby heart. 'It's a very pretty piece of jewelry to have,' I thought.

BOOM! The smell of a werewolf overcame the smell of the chicken. I ran into the small living room. There was a big black wolf. 'It can't be Jackson! There's no marks over his eyes!' The father of the household turned into a werewolf, and sketch his right eye, 'THATS THE MARK BEFORE I GAVE HIM THE SECOND ONE!" I tried to fight, but I just went through the figure. All I could do is watch the missable fight. The mother and kid were holding each other, scared faces speared through the house. The black wolf grabbed the dad's neck, blood oozed out of the new marks. A little whimper came out his mouth. The mother got up and changed. Her fur are lovely shades of whites. She jumped up and bit the neck of the black wolf holding the died wolf still. Jackson started to give a horse laugh. He flipped his neck up, the white wolf flew off. Jackson bit the neck of the beautiful white wolf. The blood and the life of the mother was gone. I started crying. "YOUR A MONSTER, JACKSON!" I herd myself yelling at the viscous beast. The little girl got down on the floor, sobbing her love out.

"Why...Jack? Why?!" The little girl said while she looked at the ground. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME AND KILL THEM!? THEY WOULD UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE MATES! YOU DONT HAVE TO KILL FOR MY HAND! Jack your dead to me," she yelled at the black wolf while looking into his eyes. I saw tears run down both of their eyes. I had to run away.

"JAZZY WAKE UP!" A voice was yelling at me.

"Huh, what, where, who, when," I looked around to see the snowy forrest I had fell asleep in.

"Jazzy, why are you sleeping at below -13 degrees?!" I looked up to see Aislynn crying and screaming with fear. I could see she needed a hug. I gave her a nice warm hug, she was shocked to feel the warmth of my cold fur.

"Its okay, I'm fine. No need to worry about me anymore, okay?" I looked at her seeing the shocked face nodding up and down. I have no clue why she is crying, but she was and I was there to help her. Even without knowing the problem. After a couple of hours of quietness, I went home. I knew mom would freak out if she knew I was gone and not asleep in my warm bed.

When I arrived, someone was knocking on my door. I didn't have to pretend I was really tired. My brother, Tyler, was there looking at me. "So are you hungry, sis?"

"No, I'm just really tired. Tell mom and Stoney, I'm missing the meal. I don't feel that hot," I responded with the tired voice that was overwhelming me.

"Okay, I get your pizza!" He jumped and ran to the table. I giggled at the sight. I knew me and Ty didn't see eye to eye on a lot of subjects, but we found a why to make it up sometimes. I returned to my bed and went to sleep. I drifted to sleep with the talking in the other room, about how they are really worried about me.

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