Chapter 13

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'I was laughing. I was only three. I was hanging out with my witch friend, Taylor. She showed me all of her sorcery powers. Then, I was a human and half sorcerer. I could control rain and water. I used to be able to cause thunderstorms and make water as still as glass. I loved pulling pranks on my brother with the water, by having the water rise and make the wave chase him.' Tears started to fall. 'My powers are now apart of the past, gone. The love to use my powers and enjoy the water slowly faded.' I got out of bed. Memories hurt a lot. My past never has been the safest place to be. "No, I can't fill my head with more sadness." I checked my phone, "Nothing," I gave a sigh. I walk to the couch, it's Saturday, so I'm home alone. My head started to hurt. "Nothing to do," I mumbled. My brother was with my dad and mom and Stoney are at work. "I that wouldn't work. What is if I... no." I glanced over at the note that came with the necklace around my neck. "Hmmm, I guess I can find out what's the deal with this necklace." After an hour of just sitting on the black leather coach, I got off my behind and got ready for the day. I wanted to text Aislynn, see if she wanted to come, but we stopped talking after last night. I gave an angered sigh. I packed a lunch for the long trip, then I started on my way. I looked at my necklace. "Why dose it look so fimallier, other than it being from the dream." I spoke while heading out the door to the Witches' Hell.

After a couple of hours of running, I took a lunch break. The sandwich I packed was the really addictive peanut butter. I also had some nutter butter cookies. Lunch was gone fast. "Back to the road," with my stomic still growling. I never packed enough to eat.

It was almost nightfall, and I'm sweating like a dog. Running for the whole day wasn't the best way to spend a day, but I was almost at Witch Street. I'm almost at point of crowding to there. Then I saw the street sighs. "Cool, I made it," I said walking over to a bench. The place was warmer than where I'm from. I laid my head on my arms and took a nap till dark.

I felt a nudge on my right arm. I glanced up to see a woman in a dark blue coat. Her hair is a dark worn-out brown. Her eyes are almost dark blue. "Wake up, little one," she spoke in a fragile voice.

"Uh, where...where am I?" I was looking around to see I wasn't at the park I fell asleep at.

"Hmm, you don't remember do you?"

"No, why should I?"

"This was your old home." She wore a smile a crossed her face. What dose she mean by that. "And I'm your original mother..."

"No your Not! I seen this in movies and trust me never turns out right! Just tell me what this is," I pulled out my necklace, "and tell me how to leave."

"Hmmm, I guess it wouldn't make seance unless you remembered who you were..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN! I KNOW Exactly who I ..." I started to mumble. I knew I had no clue who I am, and neither did anyone else. I wanted to go up to her and punch her. Making me question myself.

"So what do the humans call you?"

"Jasmine, why? You got a name?"

"My name is Daisy, and how funny that's not your name darling."


"Alright, I got it. So "Jasmine" what do you remember of your past. The farthest you can go," she spoke while walking up to me. I closed my eyes trying to remember everything, but the farthest I can go is remembering when I was two playing with Taylor.

"Nothing before I was one, why? And why is your name so similar to the one in my dream?"

"Because that's my past. And the one who is trying to kill you is your father." My eyes shot open, but they were looking on the ground. 'What happens if this is all true? What happens if my family isn't my family? What do I do?!' Tears started to fall. The woman looked at me real hard. "I been watching you for a while now. It seems you have a pack of young ones, and new-bees. They would never be able to defeat your father. They should just give up before they become dead meat. Trust me I learned that the hard way." 'They aren't mine, most likely I'm their property. Kameron is the Alfa and I'm the stupid runt. AND...'

"WHY SHOULD I!? HE ALMOST KILLED ME OVER THREE TIMES! AND YOU NEVER CARED FOR ME! SO, WHY SHOULD YOU BE CALLING YOUR SELF MY MOTHER! YOU SON OF A..." I wanted to curse in her face so much. I was about to do the same thing I did to the ugly horrible dog. "Just back off before you become my next meal, got it!"

"You defiantly have your fathers temper all right. And fine if you want your past to be a mystery then you should have never came."

"Fine! I just came for the information on the necklace, not my past. And you don't know me, or my strength."

"I bet it's like your fathers. And the necklace is almost worth nothing. It's just something our family has been passing down from generation to generation. Nothing more."

"Well nice too 'meat' you, ma'am." I growled, but I lowered my head for respect. Then I got my hind tail out of there. I ran home hoping that she-freak wasn't fallowing me like she has been.

After a couple of hours of running without any clue where I was going, I stopped. I rolled onto a thick sheet of snow. I passed out from exaggerated.

When I woke up, I saw it was past noon! I started to run back home, but I still didn't have any clue where I am. I just kept running in one direction. I stopped when I herd howling. They had a southern accents. They were talking about what was happening up north, how there is a brutal fight going on between pups and monster size wolfs. "Well at lest I know I went the wrong direction," I spoke in a low voice so no one was able to hear me. I started to run north, but I was night now, and I need sleep. I turned back into my human form and looked at my phone. My mom has been trying to contact me the whole day, so was Aislynn. I started to text Aislynn. She never respond. I felt like a complete jerk. I missed all of her text messages until now and now she isn't answering. Now, I'm stuck in the dark not knowing where I'm going. "Why won't my pack answer to me? I thought that was the reason why I joined them, for protection, but right now no one is helping," I gave a long deep howl. I got back to running. The darkness was slowly turning into light. It was morning.

I found my street before 4 am. I was in awe to actually make it home before my mom would wake up for work. As I entered the door, someone was on the coach sleeping. My mom was there. I decided to take a shower and go to bed, and I did exactly that. Leaving my whole weekend behind me...

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