Chapter 16

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When I arrived back home, it took forever! I went into my bedroom. All Saturday and Sunday I slept. Monday I just chilled around the house. Played some of my Sonic the Hedgehog games. Everything seemed peaceful. Not a care in the world. Tuesday came around, there wasn't any school because of snow. So, I had another day of chilling around my room. When Wednesday came around, I had to listen to my annoying alarm wake me up. I knew I was going to be a lot slower this morning, so I got up to the first alarm and got ready. I grabbed my bag and left the house. The snow was vary high, but with our temperature of 38 degrees, I was sure it was going to melt away.

After running for a couple if minutes, I arrived at school. I waited a few minutes until Cheyenne came. We had random conversation. It went from what she did this weekend to the game My Sims. When the doors to the school opened, Aislynn was no where in sight. I gave a light sigh. 'I will see her in lunch,' I thought to myself to cheer myself up. After the boring morning classes, I went to my locker. On the way there, someone tripped me. I growled at them, they gave a laugh. The teachers just watch me pick up my stuff and went to my locker. 'Does everyone really care about us anymore?' That's what kept going through my head the whole time I was at my locker. I quickly sped through the hallways, making it on time for lunch. I sat at the end of the table, away from the middle of the room.

"So how was your weekend, Jazz?" Aislynn spoke trying to break the silence at the long table of our friends/ pack members.

"It was good. I got rid of my biggest problem in life," I took a big bite of my sandwich. I looked up at her, a confused look had taken the light smile she gave me a minute ago. "What? Something on me?" I looked down at my shirt to find nothing on it.

"It's nothing," she whispered while shaking her head to lose the confused look away. After that we dropped the subject. Once lunch was over we went to the gym. After we got our seats, everyone stayed at least five feet away from us. The teachers said that everyone can go and play, then Aislynn whispers in my ear, "What did you mean by 'got rid of'?"

"Oh th...that, well um. I killed the real Jackson after he sent some guys to kidnap me on Valentines. Apparently, I might be his daughter. Heh...funny right?" I tried to make it sound really funny, but she didn't fall for it.

"Wait your saying you killed your "dad", the Alfa of the Distance Worlds Pack, because he kidnaped you?!" She was whispering every single word she said, but still putting all the shock in them.

" that bad?"

"Dude! You just killed your biological dad! And to top that you're the new pack leader!"

"Wait, what?!" I had no clue what she was talking about. Becoming the pack leader and him actually being my 'biological dad' was getting to my head.

"If you kill the pack leader, and there's no Bata, you become the Alfa," her words were stern. I tried laughing at it to see if see was joking, but her look just became even more stern.

"So your saying I'm a low class, lone dog, Runt, that just became a leader from killing Mr. Whack, of the Distance Worlds Pack?!" My voice slowly became more shaky with every syllable. Aislynn just nodded her head up and down. "What did I just got myself into!?" Tears started to roll down my checks. "I...I ca...can't ha...handle a pa...pack of vic...vicious mon...monsters!" Aislynn started to rub my back to comfort me. "Ca...can I just give it to someone else?!"

"That's against pack rules. Ether you get over thrown, witch is being killed, or die from age. Sorry." The stream of tears became a heavy waterfall. I jumped off the bleachers and ran outside. I transformed and ran away from the school and city.

What seemed like hours of running, I stopped. I went back into my human form, and climbed a vary tall tree. Once I found a branch that could sport my weight, I took a long nap.

I was startled when I herd someone calling my name. "Jazz! JAZZY! Come on, I know you're here!" The voice is deeper female voice. It almost sounded like...then a thud sound came from underneath me.

"Ow...maybe I should stop sleeping in trees," I spoke to myself while rubbing my head.

"Jasmine! Are you okay?!" I looked behind me to see Aislynn running up to me.

"Yeah, not the first time I did that!" I screamed at the tree for some reason. Aislynn shucked her confused face.

"Why did you run of like that!?"

"Oh...well emotions were building up in me. So I needed to get it out. Why are you out here? And how did you find me?"

"I got here from your sent, and why, because you ran off before the end of the day. That's not like you to miss half of the school day like that."

"Okay, I will give you that one. Do you remember what time it was before you left?"

"Yeah, it was pasted 4. Why?" I gave her the obvious stare.

"My mom is going to kill me!"

"Is she your real biological mother? Or you don't know?"

"I don't know anymore. Life has taken its told on me. My sanity is slipping away. Ugh, why can't things be like before?! I wish I still had my innocence, and I wish I could have told you what I am without already being half dead. Only if I wasn't being so naive durning that one night, all of this would have past. A whole different role in our lives. I'm just a weak link pull you guys around with my problems. Sorry you didn't want to hear a single word I just said, but it's true." I looked at the pity in her eyes. She felt sorrow, and I knew that. We knew most of this pain, misery, and trouble wouldn't be here if I wasn't the case. I looked at the sky, hoping I could see, or at lest hear an angel give directions for this life I'm living.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way. I know it's not your fault, even if you don't see it, it's not your fault. Its just...destiny I guess." She tried to break the sad quite silence, but it didn't work. It just left a longer silence, this time more creepy and sad.

"Well I probably should break into school to grab my stuff..."

"Oh! I have right here!" She handed me my backpack and coat. "It took forever to crack your numbers," I knew she overextended about it, so we both started to laugh. "Well I probably should head back home. We still have school tomorrow," she gave a guested for me to come. I got up and transformed into the chocolate wolf colored me. We started to run, both taking the lead every now and then.

Once we arrived at her house she gave me a wave goodbye, then went in side. I slowed down my pace when I was walking back home. Something told me I was going to be in serous trouble. When I was about 10 mins away from the house, a pack a wolfs surrowened me. "THAT'S HER!" A carmel wolf screamed, then the rest of the pack respond by attacking me.

"Fifteen to one, now that's not fair," I joked with them. They had smiles upon their faces, but something tells me it wasn't from my joke.

"Oh runt, life isn't fair!" A dark grey wolf laughed at me.

"I already knew that!" I launched at his fat neck, and it was a hit. My teeth crunched his bones and the blood oozed out of the marks in his neck. I saw a tear roll down his check, but a laugh came out instead of a cry or a speech of mercy.

"More you kill, more you lose your..." the wolf life was gone. The other wolfs attacking me until nightfall. There was only two injured wolfs that finally gave up and booted it. I had a couple of scratches on my back and legs, but that's all. Just scratches. Once I arrived home, my mom was waiting for me. I knew I was busted, and my secect was gone.

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