Teen Team Crafted

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Mitch's POV

It's been seven years since the day Ty was taken. Seven years too long.

I look out from my room's window, over the huge army base. Houses that used to dot the field now cover it, all owned by the army soldiers. My eyes easily find the giant clearing used for training.

It's filled with butter colored soldiers, slicing down dummies. As usual.

I'm fourteen now, and I've seen more war and bloodshed than I should have, I know that much. We all have.

The door to my room creaks open, and I whip around, only to see my best friend's goofy face. Jerome. My face breaks into a smile.

"What's going on, biggums?" He asks, coming into the room. "Just thinking." I answer, and he nods.

"We've all been doing a lot of that." He says, his voice more solemn then normal.

We stay silent for a while, and I ask the question that's been on my mind for a while.

"What's up with Sky?" I ask Jerome, and he shakes his head.

"No idea. He hasn't come out of his room since yesterday's training session."

Sky. He hasn't been the same since Ty was taken. The happy-go-lucky guy I had practically grown up with wasn't there anymore.

I have a feeling that the only thing that will bring him back is bringing Ty back to the base, safe and sound.

"You know, Mitch, things have been getting kind of gloomy around here." Jerome smirks, and I know exactly what he means.

Time to bring out the special weapons.


Jason's POV

I'm out on the training grounds, hacking away at a dummy's chest. Even though I've faced the squids a lot over the past seven years, I need to set an example for the newer recruits as Major of the army.

Yeah, Sky made me Major. Mitch and Jerome were also Majors, but Quentin and Ssundee were Lieutenants.

Nobody said it, but I got the feeling that there was a spot saved for Ty as the third Lieutenant.

I struck the dummy across the face, moved sideways (a defensive move) and stabbed it in the side, and heard the buzzer that meant it was dead.

I smiled. I've been practicing, and my record was eight seconds. I checked my watch. Ten seconds for that one.

Suddenly, a loud battle cry sounded across the field, rendering all of the soldiers silent.

Two figures ran over the field, yelling their heads off and carrying a huge basket between.

"WATER BALLOON FIGHT!" One screamed, and I knew what that meant. Jerome and Mitch were coming.

"Ready the water balloon stations!" I yelled, and I spotted Red pulling the lever.

Tons of buckets of water balloons appeared at the soldiers feet, and they all grabbed two.

"Stand ready!" I heard Quentin yell, and I grinned. They weren't going to get us this time.

The first water balloon landed on the ground, and the field erupted in yells, and water balloons flying through the air.

Unfortunately for Jerome and Mitch, half the army was on the training field, and they were soaked in a minute.

Cheers sounded throughout the training base, loud and powerful.

Jerome stood, grinning. "That was fun."

I shook my head, laughing. "You two are crazy." "We know, Jason. We bring dat PARTAY!" Mitch yelled, bringing on another round of cheers.

I smiled. Jerome and Mitch kept our spirits up around here, especially after a battle, when we've lost soldiers.

"GG, Jerome!" I spotted Darkclaw screaming. Rose and A were by her side, laughing.

I smiled. They had been the first soldiers to sign up, and they'd been with us since the beginning. They were good soldiers too, only getting minor injuries in battle. The worst injury out of the three was the time when Rose was almost taken by the squids again and passed out. Luckily, we got her back in time. (Thanks, Quentin.)

Rose, Darkclaw, and A jogged over to us. "Over nine million soldiers in the army and you still try to take us down with water balloons." A joked, grinning.

"Never learn their lesson, do they?" Rose laughed. "I don't need to learn any lessons when I've got me a Betty." Jerome gave his signature goofy smile.

"Come on, biggums, lets go dry off." Mitch and Jerome ran back to the house for the Lieutenants, Majors, and the General.

Ty's POV (didn't expect that one, didja?)

I'm trapped in darkness. Nothing but darkness. I've been here for seven years.

And I feel broken.

I thought I understood what Ssundee meant when he said being the squid's prisoner was torture, but to say I underestimated how much torture it would be is an understatement. Especially for a twelve year old who's been here since he was five.

I press my hands against the iron bars, aggravated. If it weren't for these stupid squids, I wouldn't be here right now.

Without warning, a sharp, searing pain goes through my forehead, and I collapse, unable to fight the power anymore.

I don't think Ssundee knew what would happen if the squids found out he was "special".

The pain disappears as soon as it came, but when I stand, I'm trapped inside again.

And the outside is Darklox.

Almost a year after being held here, they found out. They found out about Darklox, and it didn't take them long to figure out how a tiny, weak six-year-old was able to keep him under control.

They took my headphones, and now I can no longer control Darklox. I could contain him for a while, but it would drain my energy to keep him locked up, and I eventually caved in.

The only thing I'm concerned about was the fact that they weren't trying to get him to fight for them. I had a theory that something was going on.

Something fishy was going on here, and it wasn't just the squids. (A/N: NO TY! NO SQUID PUNS ALLOWED! XD)

Something that would break the Sky Army, and it's General.

They wanted to break Sky beyond repair.



So it hasn't been seven years, but geez, it sure feels like it. How've you guys been? :)

BTW, just so you know, this book will be slightly darker then the last one, if you couldn't already tell. :)

Also happy late birthday Adam, and happy NINE MILLION SUBS HOLY SNOT.

Don't mind me, just chillin down here at 300 XD. (Jk, I love my followers )

Also, happy birthday to THE DUKE OF POWER MOVES, MITCH. Hai.

I hope you enjoy Teen Team Crafted as much as you enjoyed Young Team Crafted!!

If you read this, type "I'm in love with a cactus named Joe Bob" in the comments below. And confuse the hell out of everyone who didn't read this. >:)


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