She's Already Gone

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Quentin's POV

Sky had called an emergency meeting. I had no clue why, there wasn't anything really emergency-worthy going on at the moment.

I stepped into the kitchen, and was surprised to see all of our friends. A, Rose, and Darkclaw were there, seated far away from Jason I noticed. I spotted Hope and Shane in the corner, looking like they were arguing about something. Red was there, too, along with everyone in the Team. I was the last to show.

"Hey, guys?" Mitch called over to Shane and Hope, and they both looked up, Hope with a scowl in his direction. I waved a little bit at her, and I noticed her scowl lessened a little as she spotted me.

"We're coming, Mitch." Shane said, and they met up with the rest of us.

"Okay, seriously, Sky." Darkclaw muttered. "Next time, give me ten hours in advance for a emergency meeting. It's not fun being woken up at 4:30 in the morning by my craftPhone ringing like crazy."

"I second this." A yawned through her words. "And I have my craftPhone set to scream 'hello' at me until I pick up."

I didn't even notice it was so early.

Sky sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah. Sorry about that."

I decided to change the subject. "So, why did you call all of us here, Sky?"

"Oh, yeah." He said, almost as if he had forgotten what he wanted to say. Or he wasn't sure if he truly wanted to tell us.

Ten long seconds of silence passed.

"I...I think we should go for it." He said.

My jaw dropped, as did the other members of the Team. Everyone else looked very confused.

"What do you mean by 'go for it'?" Red asked.

Sky scuffed his shoe on the floor, staring down at it like he didn't want to answer that question.

"He wants to jumpstart this war." Jerome said.

"He's saying we bring the fight to them." Mitch finished.

The reaction was instant.

"Are you CRAZY?" Rose yelled. "Don't you REMEMBER what happened last time we tried to 'go for it'?"

"What happened?" Shane asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

"Let's just say that the ocean was more red than blue." A said, a grim look on her face, no doubt remembering that battle.

I shuddered. I wanted to forget that fight more than anything. We lost almost a thousand soliders, and back then it was almost half our army. 

"We cannot, cannot, go through that again. Last time it was almost half our army, and back then we were small, but so were they. How many players will die this time?" Red pointed out.

"I have to agree with Red, Sky." Jason said. "We can't risk this."

"What for?" Sky looked up. "It's coming eventually. We all know that. And I hate to say it, but it's inevitable that some people will die. I want to keep it at a minimum, I really do. But what other choice do we have? If we play 'defensive mode' or whatever, when they attack, you can bet they'll be more prepared than us. And they'll have the element of surprise. If we attack first, we'll take that advantage right away from them."

"He's got a point, guys." I said. "The element of surprise would tip the odds in our favor, and vice-versa. We can't miss this chance."

"We could wait just a little longer. Alert the army. Get truly prepared." Mitch said.

Sky slammed his fist on the table. "I don't want to wait any longer! Ty is in the hospital because of them. Nether, they might even be in control of him right now. I just..." He slumped backward in his seat, obviously worn out. "I just want it to be over."

"Sky. Mitch is making a lot of sense here, and we all know that may never happen again." Ssundee smiled a little. "What good is an army if it's scattered and unprepared?"

Sky sighed. "You're right, I know. Fine. We'll wait two more weeks. Then, we go to end this."

Everyone nodded. Well, everyone except one person.

"What?" Hope asked, clearly shocked by this outcome. "Are you crazy? This is a suicide mission."

"Hope, it's for the greater good. We can end this." Ssundee said.


Hope slammed her fist down on the table. "You know what? I've HAD IT! First you drag me away from the only place that has ever felt like home. Then, you train me to fight SQUIDS. THEN, you expect me to fight for a boy who is BROKEN!" I noticed Sky shaking at that. "I am DONE!" She had tears of frustration and rage in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Hope, we never knew you felt like that." Jason said, looking sadly at Sky, who looked like ready to tear Hope's head off.


"Then LEAVE!" Sky said through clenched teeth.

Everyone stared at him in shock and despair as Hope turned and stormed out.

"HOPE, WAIT!" Shane tried to go after her but Mitch held him back. "MITCH, STOP! LET ME GO! We can't just let her go!" He protested.

Sky turned to him. "She's already gone." He murmured regretfully.

It was then, when we heard the scream.



Congratulatons to @KittStarr11 for winning the contest!!! The piece she wrote starts at the * in this chapter, and goes to the very end. I think she did awesome, and everyone needs to make sure to check out her Wattpad page!!!


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