Help Me

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Mitch's POV

So, one of my best friends goes running off alone to find someone else, not knowing or caring if he's dangerous.

And I go after him.

I'm sorry, but can you think of a better option here? There's no way in the Nether I would let Sky go into something possibly dangerous alone.

I mean, come on. Someone's got to be there to keep his sorry butt alive if he needs it.

I jump over the wall of the tower, ignoring my brother's yells for me to stop, and aim for the water below.

Not surprisingly, I hit it. I seriously doubt the author would let me die this early in the story.

*sigh* You know what? I don't even care anymore. The wall's broken in a million friggen pieces.

The impact of the water stings, but I get over it, as I always do. I've had to deal with jumping into water from high places before, and I can do it again.

I climb out if the water, soaking wet of course, and head after Sky.

Jason's POV

I switch on my jet pack, getting ready to soar through the clouds after Sky, when Rose stops me.

"Jason, I swear to Notch if you leave me here to get there myself when I could've gone with you, you will regret it." She grins.

"I'll bet." I smile, and grab her hand. I can't help but notice her blushing a little, but I don't know why. (A/N: Boys and their cluelessness, right girls? XD)

"You might want to hold on." I say, and take off into the starry night, paying attention to the ground and following Sky.

"Holy Notch, this is crazy!" Rose yells to be heard over the wind, and I smile.

"You get used to it!" I yell back.

Jerome's POV

There's a tree from the jungle right next to our lookout post, and before I know it, Darkclaw's on top of the tree, grabbing onto a vine to slide down like a fireman's pole.

"Beat you down, Jerome!" She calls, and I grin. No way I'm letting her beat me to the bottom.

I jump onto the tree and grab onto my own vine just as she begins to slide to the ground.

"WOOHOO!" I hear her yell, and I know she thinks she's gonna beat me. Yeah, right.

I notice the pond that Mitch jumped into is close enough for me to jump into, so I climb back up to the top of the tree.

"Jerome? Where'd you go?" Darkclaw calls up.

I back up a few steps, and then I run to the edge of the tree and jump.

"GERONIMOOOOOOOO!" I scream at the top of my lungs, and land with a splash in the water.

When I surface, Darkclaw is standing at the edge of the pond, grinning.

"I win, slowpoke." She says. It doesn't even faze her that I just jumped off of a maybe seven-story-high tree.

"Dang it." I mutter.

"Come on, crazy bacca." She laughs. "We're not gonna be the last ones there!" She starts running after Sky and Mitch, and I climb out and follow her.

Shane's POV

I just witnessed my brother jump off of a seven story tower.



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