Chapter 14 - Fire

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Everyone was confused. Who the heck was this guy? They all recognized the previous voice as Phone Guy, but Nate saw something else about the guy. He was looking directly at Nate, nearly ignoring anything else.

"Who are you?" He asked.

God, this idiot still doesn't remember? Fine then, I'll play along. "I'm your employer, Nate. I go by many names. Phone guy, Matthew-"

"Is one of those names evil dirtbag with a chainsaw?" A.J joked.

Matt stabbed the chainsaw into his stomach, looking into his eyes. "Why yes actually! That one's my favorite!" Then he ripped it out, watching A.J's lifeless body hit the floor.

"You're going to burn for this." Mark said.

"Cool. Looks like I've brought the right tool for the job then!" He trigger the flames on the chainsaw and laughed manically.

Freddy, attempting to help, looked up at Matt, yelling "Leave them alone! This is my restaurant!" But Matt just kicked him away, with the noise of Freddy hitting the window shocking Mark and Nate.

Matt turned to Mark, giving a small, satisfied laugh. "You know, I should probably be thanking you Mark. None of us would even be here if you had just listened to what I had said on the first night."

"Don't be afraid?"

Matt started to put his mask back on. "They just want to say hi!" Then he laughed again. But that's when Nate clued in. The whole time, Phone Guy was the father of the boy who died at Freddy's, the one he was friends with for a short time. But why would he ever go this far? Nevertheless, Nate decided to ignore it for a short time. He had more important issues.

"Not all of them!" Mark said, releasing Springtrap. Instantly, A.J's creation attacked Matt, banging him against the wall. Matt tried to fight it off, but the flame trigger activated, and started burning the building down. A fire was spreading.

"We should probably override the door controls." Nate said to Mark. Mark just turned around and ripped the buttons off the door. It opened instantly. "Or that works too." Nate ran out the door with the other animitronics, while Mark grabbed Freddy and ran out after them, leaving Matthew to his doom.

Or so they thought...

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