Deals With The Devil

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Deanna POV-

"I see you don't listen well, you consistently stalk me." Dr. Jennings walked in with my chart.

I had made an appointment.

"What's wrong today?" He put on his gloves.

"I need a prescription."

"How do you know you need a prescription, when you haven't told me what's wrong?" He checked my heart rate.

"I'm having trouble sleeping."

"Nightmares?" He tried to crack a joke.

I didn't laugh. His smile faded.

"Tell me more about it. Does anything hurt?"

"No. I just have trouble sleeping and I need sleeping pills."

He looked at me oddly. I turned my gaze to my hands in my lap.

"There are natural remedies. Lavender oil. Chamomile tea. Warm Milk. You don't need pills."

"I do. Those things don't work."

"I use them. They do."

"Ok, well I'm not you. I need pills. Sleeping pills. The strongest kind."

"Try the natural remedies first and if they don't work then--"

"If you don't want to give them to me just say that, so I won't waste my time. And I can find someone who will." I said angry getting up, going to the door.

He grabbed my arm. "Hey."

I yanked my arm back.

"Calm down."

"Are you going to give me the pills or not?"


"Then I'm wasting my time." I tried to leave, but he got in front of the door and stood with his arms folded.

"Move." I said angry.

"Not until you calm down."

"Move." I yelled.

"Calm down." He got in my face and shook me a little.

I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. I broke down. I had ruined Shep's life.

For the first time he comforted me and let me cry on his chest.

"I heard about it on the news. Him getting cut. If God had me, he will have him. Remember the verse." He said as he patted my back.

"I ruined his life. Everything he worked hard for. All because I wanted to be with him. Doc please give me the pills so I can go to sleep and never wakeup."

"I'm not going to write you a prescription, but I will pray you one. That will give you far greater healing than the pills."

He held out his hands for me to grab. I put my hands in his.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you right now asking that you wrap your arms around Deanna. Remove any thoughts of sucide or self-harm she may have. Remind her that when things like this happen O God, it is not our fault or because you hate us. But so that your power may be made perfect in our weakness. We are weak Oh God in this situation. Use your power to restore her and Sterling back to where they were. Allow them to learn from this. Let this situation bring them closer not further apart, and allow them to come out of this stronger than when they came in. In your mighty and matchless name. Amen." He let my hands go and opened his eyes.

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