Win My Family Back

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Kenya POV-

"Mommyyyyyyy." Livy ran up to me with a big smile on her face.

I scooped her up and held her in my arms super tight.

"Mommy loves you so much, you know that?"

"Yes." She gave me a huge smile.

"And if mommy ever, ever made you sad by not coming to your recitals, or putting work before you I am so, so sorry and it will never happen again. Okay?" My voice cracked as tears flowed.

"It's okay mommy. I forgive you." Livy hugged me tight.

"Thank you baby mommy needed that." I kissed her cheek, with her still on my hip.

"Where is K-Man and daddy?" I wiped my eyes.

"In the backyard, running football drills."

"Ok. Let's go find them."

I took Livy and we went to the backyard.

"Unh-Unh Ken. You wanna run left, and through the hole." Odell instructed Kenyon.

Kenyon ran the drill.

"Good job baby." I went up to Kenyon. "How are you baby?" I put Livy down.

"Ok." He walked back by his dad.

"You not gonna give me a hug."

He walked up to me like a zombie and gave me a half of hug.

"Kenyon." I softly grabbed him as he was about to walk away.

He looked down, seemingly annoyed.

"Look at me."

He reluctantly looked at me. I got on my knees to where I was looking up at him and grabbed both his hands.

"Mommy loves you so much, and she is sorry for every game she missed. Nothing is more important than you, Livy and daddy. I am so proud of how well you have been playing and I promise I won't miss another game. Okay."

"Yeah." He said dryly.

"He tired of your words Kenya. We all are. When you show up to an actual game, maybe he might be excited to see you. Come on Ken, lets finish running these drills." Odell tapped Kenyon. And Kenyon followed.

"Livy be the referee for daddy and Ken, while we run these drills."

Livy looked at me, then her daddy. She grabbed my hand. "I want to spend time with mommy."

"I don't know why." I heard Kenyon huff under his breath.

"Stop it." Odell looked at him. "That's your mother."

Odell looked at us. "Alright princess. Spend time with your mother." He turned his attention back to Ken and they started running drills.

I walked back in the house with Livy. "What do you want to do baby? I'm all yours. We can have an at home mommy and daughter date. "

"Oooo bake cookies." Livy said excited.

"Bake cookies we shall." We walked to the kitchen.

"What kind you want to make sugar plum?"

"Sugar plum?" She laughed.

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