Your Kind

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Shep POV-

I went to open my door. Hoping it was Deanna. She had been avoiding me the past few days.

I was trying to give her time to process this all, before I checked on her. I was going through, but so was she. She was so young. And then angry Giants fans didn't help, attacking her on social media, blaming her for my release from
The team.

But instead of it being her, it was an unlikely visitor.

"Hey I'm Dr. Jennings. Didn't mean to bother you, but I wanted to talk to you about Deanna. I have some concerns and I know you can get through to her. Its an emergency the only reason I'm here."

It was her doctor. My first thought, was how did this nigga get my address?

"We can talk outside if you want." He saw I was hesitant to let him in.

"Nah its cool." I invited him in.

I directed him to my family room.

"I know Deanna's in school now, that's why I came at this moment."

"How did you get my address?"

"Oh yes. I should've told you that from the beginning. But Anais. I told her the emergency. Asked her if I should call you, and she suggested I actually visit. I hope you're not mad?"

"No. What's the emergency?" I directed him to sit down.

We both did. He on the couch, me in the chair.

"Well, she came in my office the other day asking me to prescribe her some sleeping pills. She said she was having trouble sleeping, but I later figured out she was planning to overdose."

"Are you serious?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.


"You didn't do it did you?" I said worried that's why she hadn't been in contact with me.

"No, of course not. I've learned to read between the lines of my patients. So I figured it out. She got angry and I got her to calm down. And instead I just prayed with her. Letting her know that God never takes us through things to destroy us but develop us."

"Is she okay?"

"Anais says she's been going to classes. But that she just break downs a lot. She really blames herself for what happened to you."

"But I never blamed her. I don't know why she feels like that. I even told her it wasn't her fault and I still love her."

"Yeah but she still feels some sorta guilt."

"Then what am I supposed to do? I don't want her doing something stupid."

"Just keep reassuring her. I have to admit, you're taking this better than most people. It doesn't seem to bother you."

"When you lose your dad, losing all this other stuff don't compare. I'll give it all to get him back. This other stuff..." i fanned my hand. "If God wants me to have it, I will. If he doesn't I know he'll provide another way."

"More people need your resolve."

"Bubba." Toya's loud voice shook my whole fucking house.

"Do you know that..." she stopped talking as she entered the family room with us.

She looked at Dr. Jennings and rolled her eyes.

"Please tell your little football buddy to leave so we can discuss business. Ah la your future that's about to be non-existent."

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