Chapter 16: school

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Raegan: "oh frack we should start heading to school now"
Justin: "okay let's go"

We walk to school and it only takes us about 10 minutes so we get there on time. We get to the front entrance and I see the fear in Justin's eyes. I feel really bad for him being the new kid. I remember when I was the new kid, it seriously wasn't fun. But then I met my leaf kale🌿.

Raegan: "hey babe, relax everyone's gonna love you"
Justin: "are you sure"
Raegan: "I'm positive"

He smiles and me and goes in to give me a kiss until we were interrupted by our principal calling out Justin's name. We act normal and pretend that nothing was gonna happen. Mr. Nicholas walked up to us and shook hands with Justin.

Mr.Nicholas: "Raegan I've seen that you've already met our new student Justin Blake"
Raegan: "yea we're very close"

I try and hide the smirk that came along with that sentence. Justin laughs and try's to hide that he was turning a little red.

Mr.Nicholas: "so Justin you have the choice of me giving you the tour around school and meeting the teachers or your lovely friend Raegan can"

Justin: "I'm sure your already a hard working man, so I guess Raegan can do it"

I make a surprising face that he actually just said that right in front of me. Mr. Nicholas smiles and walks back in to the school.

I punch Justin in the arm and pretend to be mad.

Justin: "hey what was that for!?" He laughs.
Raegan: "for saying that to my principal"

Justin laughs and tells me that he loves me. I look away pretending and trying hard so hard not to smile or say I love you back. I start walking to the door of the school. I open the door and hold the door open for Justin. He walks in and waits for me. I show him the bathrooms and the lockers. He gives me his locker number and I smile because his was right beside mine. We start heading to locker 16. He opens it and puts all his stuff in. I unlock the locker beside his and he starts looking at me like I just stole money from my moms wallet or something.

Justin: "is that your locker?"
Raegan: "yea"
Justin: "yayyy I get to see you almost every period then"
Raegan: " oh yea what classes do you have"
Justin: " period 1: history
Period 2: gym
Period 3: English
Period 4: science
Period 5: Spanish
Period 6: spare
Raegan: "oh I have spare after lunch, but he we have 3 periods together "

Justin smiles but also looks like he's ready to run out of the school crying. I tell him that everything is gonna be okay and no matter what happens I'm always gonna be there for him. He hugs me and tells me that he appreciates everything I've done for him since day one. We close our lockers and I show him where his first period class would be.

*skip to lunch*

Justin and I go out for lunch because there's a close by McDonalds. Usually almost everyone goes to McDonalds for lunch but for some reason there was no one here. So we pick a spot by an open window and wait to figure out what we wanna order.

*skip ordering*

As we're eating Justin does his daily routine and takes pictures of me and puts them on his snap. I smile and think to myself "where would I be if I didn't know him" Justin understands me for me. He knows what it feels like to be in my shoes. He's the perfect half for my heart. With him my heart is full and complete.

We finish eating and start walking back to school. 4th period starts in 15 minutes so we go to our locker and get our binders. We have science together so we walk together to class and sit at the back together.

Justin: "ugh class hasn't even started and I already wanna leave"
Raegan: "why do you relate to my life so much babe" I say and laugh
Justin: "awe you make me giggle"

*ding ding*

Everyone sits down as we listen to the teacher speak about Ancient Greece. The he realized that there was a new kid in class. He comes up to our desk after he gave everyone an assignment to do and asked what his name was.

*skip the rest of the day*(sorry)

We get home and go to Justin's room to do that homework we got today. We finish all of our homework in less than an hour so we play some black ops 2 on his Xbox. It's 7:05 and I get a text from my dad saying that I needed to be home at 7:30 to eat. So me and Justin lay down on his bed for a bit and just talk and kiss. He looks at me and goes to say something but stops himself.

Raegan: "no babe say it"
Justin: "I wasn't gonna say anything important"
Raegan: "please babe, anything that comes out of your mouth is important"

He smiles and said:

Justin: " I....."

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