Chapter 31:

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I woke up to Olivia crying so I decide to get up and feed her. I bring her down stairs put her in her high chair and go to the fridge to get her food. I grab a jar of sweet carrots and a baby spoon. I pull up a chair and start feeding her. As I feeding Olivia I hear my phone start ringing in my pocket. I pull it out and answer it;

Kale: "hey bro"
Raegan: "hey what's up"
Kale: "when you coming again?"
Raegan: "well my dad doesn't get home till 6:30 and I'm watching Olivia"
Kale: "okay so do you wanna change plans to 7-7:30"
Raegan: "yea sure"
Kale: "okay see you then"

I end the call and continue to feed Olivia while I text Justin telling him plans changed.

Justin: "okay so what's the new plan?"
Raegan: "I'm gonna come over and get you at 7-7:30"
Justin: "okay"
Raegan: "then were gonna go get kale and head to the arcade"
Justin: "okie dokie"

I shut my phone off and finished feeding Olivia.


My dad walked in and had a bag of Taco Bell. I look at him with wide eyes as he hands me the bag.

Dad: "there's dinner for you and Justin"
Raegan: "okay!! Thanks dad"
Dad: "anytime bud I love you"
Raegan: "love you too"

I run upstairs to my room grab my phone charger and climb out my window. I knock on Justin's bedroom window and get no answer. I text him;

Raegan: "babe open your window"
Justin: "baby im in the shower"
Raegan: "oh, I guess I'll leave with your Taco Bell"
Justin: "wait I'm coming!!"

I laugh as I put my phone back in my pocket. After about 2 minutes of waiting for Justin to but on underwear and his binder he finally opened the window.

Justin: "hey baby"
Raegan: "hey cutie tutie"

Justin gives me a kiss on the cheek and puts his sweats on and a shirt. He climbs on to his bed and smiles at me. I pass him his Taco and drink;

Justin: "why do you spoil me so much?"
Raegan: "actually it was my dad this time"
Justin: "okay well your dad spoils me too" he smiles at me.

After me and Justin ate we went back to my house and hung out till 7. At 7 o'clock kale texted me asking him he was ready. I didn't respond me and Justin just started driving to his house. Before we walked out the door my dad handed me 50 dollars and told be I needed to be home by midnight. Half way to kales house we stopped at caribou. I got drinks for me Justin and kale.

*ring ring*

Justin picks up my phone and answers it.

Justin: "Raegans personal teddy bear speaking how may I help you?" He laughs.
Kale: "oh hey jay bay"
Justin: "hey my kale salad" he laughs again.
Kale: "where are you guys?"
Justin: "just heading to your house"
Kale: "okay it's already pitch dark out"
Justin: "I know, winters coming"
Kale: "yas im so excited"
Justin: "same, okay well.......

*car hits car that Justin and Raegan are in*

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