Chapter 30: ghost

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We're sitting at McDonalds eating some breakfast. Justin and I decided to take Olivia out for breakfast. We didn't realize she couldn't eat anything yet so we brought her some milk.

Justin: "we should do a meet up"
Raegan: "where tho?"
Justin: "caribou?"
Raegan: "omg yes!"

I reach for his hand across the table and hold it for a while. A bunch of kids from my old school walked into McDonald's. They saw me and didn't bother looking at me again when they saw Justin. I start getting all the garbage together and throw it out. Justin gets out of his seat and sees the kids.

Raegan: "babe, let's just go"

Justin gave them a dirty look and walked out. I followed him while pushing Olivia in a stroller.

*later that day (5:00)*

My dad made dinner early because me and Justin were going to the mall. So we eat and get money. My dad drives us to the mall.

Justin: "where do you wanna go?"
Raegan: "lets go get food" I laugh
Justin: "babe we just ate"
Raegan: "I know I was kidding baby"

Justin rolls his eyes and starts walking into hmv. He goes over to the music/cd section and starts looking for something.

Raegan: "what are you looking for"
Justin: "James Arthur"

I start helping him look for some but I couldn't find any.

Raegan: "omg yea!

I see "James Arthur" my the end of the row.

Raegan: "here babe"
Justin: "omg thanks b"

I smile at him and we go pay for the cd. We walk out and see a couple fans standing there waiting for us to notice them. I look at Justin and he looks back at me. We walk over to the girls and start talking to them and asking for their Instagram's.

*ding ding*

Dad: "I'll be there in 30 minutes"
Raegan: "okay, can we stop by to get our stuff from the p.o boxes?"
Dad: "yea"

Justin and I had no idea what to do for the next 30 minutes so we just walked in and out of stores.

Raegan: "so how did your parents react when you came out to them?"
Justin: "my dad kinda already new after me being trans, my mom on the other hand... well she's getting there I guess"

Justin pulls out his phone and posts a picture of us because it was 4:20. I laugh and wonder why he always does it because he never does drugs.

Justin: "have you talked to kale?"
Raegan: "no why?"
Justin: "idk he's really chill and I miss him"
Raegan: "we could do something with him tonight if you want"
Justin: "he should go to an arcade"
Raegan: "that's actually a good idea"
Justin: "okay let's do that"

I pull out my phone and message kale;

Raegan: "Justin and I will be at your house around 6 to pick you up"
Kale: "why?"
Raegan: "we miss you so we're gonna take you to a arcade"
Kale: "omg lit thanks bud"
Raegan: "okay see you then!"

Justin went home after we got back so me and Olivia went for a nap.....
Authors note- hey leave some chapter ideas down below and sorry that I haven't been writing chapters these past couple days I'm getting writers block

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