Chapter 42: goodbye raegan

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*12:00 in the afternoon*

Damon's pov:

I tried text Justin this morning to see if I could come over but I think he's still sleeping because he wasn't replied. I sit in my room listen to some music as I get a notification on musically from a person named "Mckenzie". I open my phone and go into my dms. I click the message from her;

Mckenzie: "hey"
Me: "hey :)"
Mckenzie: "your cute"
Me: "why thank you😂"
Mckenzie: "my pleasure, so where do you live (sorry if that sounds creepy, I'm bad with convos"
Me: "it's okay and I'm from Minnesota"
Mckenzie: "omg same! I live _____"

I look out my window across the street and see that Mckenzie lived right across from me. Did she know? Was this her plan along?

Me: "I live ____"
Mckenzie: "wait really?"
Me: "yea"

While I was waiting for her to reply I watched a couple of her musicallys. She's really pretty and her eyes... her eyes are so... so perfect.

Mckenzie: "we should go out for ice cream sometime"
Me: "yea we should"

*ding ding*

Justin: "yea you can come over"

Justin texted me back saying that I was able to come over. I grabbed my shoes and a sweater. I walk back to where my phone is in my room and I text Mckenzie telling her I have to go.

Me: "Mckenzie it was nice talking to you but I actually have to go at the moment"
Mckenzie: "oh it's okay, no problem"
Me: "I'll talk to you later tho :)"
Mckenzie: "okay bye :)"

I turn my phone off, grab my charger and walk downstairs. I grabbed my house key off the counter and texted my dad that I was going to Justin's house for a bit.

~time skips~

I walk into Justin's house and walk up the stairs, I knock on the door this time and hear Justin yell "come in"

Justin's pov:

Damon was knocking on my bedroom door because last time he walked in on.. "come in" I yell as I cover Raegan up with another blanket as he's sleeping. Damon walks in and has his penny board with him.

Justin: "Goodmorning bud"
Damon: "morning, how was your sleep"
Justin: "good, what about yours?"
Damon: "good"

I see Damon look at his phone like 10 times in 1 minute.

Justin: "waitin for someone bud?"
Damon: "umm uh... no"
Justin: "omg! Tell me"

I jump out of the bed and onto the small couch beside Damon.

Damon: "hey name is Mckenzie but we don't have anything going on I literally just started texting her this morning"
Justin: "aww Damon is growing up and talking to girls, I'm so proud of you buddy!"

I saw as I pat him on the back.

Justin: "I miss tish"
Damon: "omg same"
Justin: "me you Rae and tish should go to the mall today around 3"
"YES LETS DO IT" Raegan yells as he sits up and looks so happy

Justin: "aww baby your so happy"
Raegan: "I got you in my life why wouldn't I be!"
Justin: "omg your so mushy in the mornings"

I say as I jump on his lap. I look into Raegan's eyes and see that he's been crying recently. His eyes were a bit puffy and his eyes were a lighter colour then they usually are.

Justin: "babe.."
Raegan: "what?"
Justin: "what's been going on?"
Raegan: "nothing what do you mean?"
Justin: "your eyes are puffy and lighter then usually which as meant that you have been crying"

Raegan's looks down at his feet as I get pushed off his lap lightly. He walks to the wall and puts his hands against it. I then see him fall to his knees crying. I run over to him turn him to me and pull him close to me.

Justin: "baby, what's wrong"
Raegan: "I'll never be good enough for you Justin! Don't you see that!" He yells
Justin: "babe where is this coming from!" I say as I feel the blood rise up to my cheeks.
Raegan: "forget it!" He says and runs out.

I backed up into the corner of my room and cried. Damon came up beside me and comforted me. He rubbed my back and told me it was gonna be okay. He told me that Raegan was just having a rough time.

Raegans pov:

This morning when I woke up my phone was blown up with hate everywhere. Usually I block all the hate out but there wasn't one single positive comment.

"Fuck you"
"Kill your self"
"You'll never be good enough for Justin"

I cleared my notifications so Justin wouldn't see. But it was all still getting to me, it was all I could think of. I ran to the closet bridge near by. I pulled out my phone and texted Damon;

Damon's pov:


Raegan: "tell Justin I love him no matter what and none of my recent actions are his fault"
Damon: "Raegan wait, what are you doing?"
Raegan: "please just tell Justin I love him"
Damon: "no raegan what are you doing"

I look up at Justin and I don't know if I should tell him. Justin looks up at me confused and I see that his eyes are red and puffy.

Damon: "Justin call 9-1-1"
Justin: "why what happened?"
Damon: "raegans trying to hurt himself"

Justin's face went pale and he started shaking.

Justin's pov:
My heart felt like it was gonna explode out of my chest. I close my eyes and try to get rid of the voices that I was hearing say :

"It's all your fault dumb fuck"
"Look what you've caused"
"Your selfish"

I pull out my phone and realize that when Raegan and I were playing hide and seek I put a tracking device on his phone so I could find him easier. I go into the app and see that he's at _____ bridge.

Justin: "I know where he is"
Damon: "let go then"
Justin: "call 9-1-1"

Damon and I run to the bridge and start looking for him.

Justin: "it says he's right here"
Justin: "WHERE IS HE!"

My heart was hurting the world started to spin. "Justin are you okay" I hear Damon say.

I look to the other side of the bridge and see raegans phone on the ground.
I run to it and pick up his phone. It was on noted and there was a note on it.

"Dear Justin, I know that you put that app on my phone. Your such a little cheater but I always loved that about you. Your sneaky. I've been getting a lot of hate and I don't know why. It hurts and it's become overwhelming I can't do it. I've decided to make it all stop. I was gonna try some other choices but I figured this was the quickest one. Please understand... remember I will always love you." ----Raegan Beast

I look down at the water and see ripples in the water from something. I fell to my knees crying. My heart felt like it was getting ripped out of my chest. I've never wanted to die so much in the exact moment....
I heard the police sirens as Damon picked me up. The police took the phone from my hand and the sent the divers to go into the water to get Raegan...

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