Family Reunion

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Clary woke up and Jace was gone. But she heard the steady beat of the shower on. She got up, shrugged off Jace's t-shirt for her own tee. She put on a pair of demin shorts.

"Are you trying to torture me?'

Clary spun around to see Jace wrapped in a towel. He was smiling. "Of course. What fun would it be if I didn't?" she said, walking over to Jace. "Besides, I know you like it."

"Well of course I like it," Jace said, "And actually, it would be way more fun if I tortured you--"

"You do torture me. That's why I torture you. Any ways, you should probably get dressed, we have training to do." Clary said, pushing Jace to the dresser. "I'll be in the training room, hoisting myself onto the beams."

"OK, and Clary," she turned around, "Don't do anything rash."

"I can't make any promises." she said and with a wink she was gone.

  Jace put on a t-shirt and shorts, like clary. He walked out of the room and down the hall toward the training room. As he passed Isabelle's room he heard yelling.

 "Isabelle?" Jace said through the door, "Isabelle is something wrong?"

With that, the yelling stopped and a  red-faced, tear-streaked Isabelle peeked her head out into the hallway. "Jace, what do you want?" she snapped.

"I heard yelling," he said, a concerned look in his eyes, "I thought I'd check it out. I'm sorry. I just wanted to know what was wrong."

 "I'm sorry, I'm just talking to Simon. I didn't mean to snap at you." Isabelle said.

"OK." Jace said, walking to the training room.

Clary was jumping from one rafter to another when Jace walked in. "Glad to see you could make it," she said.

"I was talking to Isabelle."

"Oh, sure. Blame the sister for taking so long. Hey, don't just stand there like you've never seen a girl jump from rafter to rafter and get up here." Clary said.

With one fluid motion Jace was in the rafters chasing after her. Clary jumped over three rafters in a row, (which were spaced three feet apart each) and felt victorious. I don't know where that came from, she thought, but that was fun.

"Oh, so where did you learn to jump like that?" Jace asked.

"I don't know." she said.

Jace ran afler her again, jabbing at her with the seraph blade whom he named Nakir. Clary deflected the blow after grabbing her seraph blade, naming it Ithuriel. She then did a perfect backflip, landing about three yards away from where she was just at.

"That was perfect, little sister." said a voice Clary and Jace knew all too well. She looked down to see him. Sebastian.

Okay, so I know that was short but I didn't know if anyone would like it. That being said, more will be coming soon.

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