All Jace's Fault

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Four years. Four damn years. Four years of Clary gone. She just vanished off the face of the earth. Although, of course, I know where she is. And, she told me, well wrote me, I quote:

Isabelle. That's the last time I say your name. Wanna know why? Ask Jace. Or, no. Actually, wait until he asks you where I am. I know you can find me with the help of the parabatai rune, but please don't try. Have a happy life. XOXO ~Clary

Now, I hate Jace. He might have been taken in by my parents, but he will never be my brother. And the fact that he stayed with that brunette makes it even worse. Way worse.

Anyways, Alec has made up with Magnus, I made up with Simon, now we are all waiting for Jace to make up with Clary. But unfortunately for him, he doesn't have the balls to do so.

"Iz? Iz!" Alec shouted, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and fall off my chair.

I shoot a glare at Alec, who is doubled over laughing.

"What? I haven't got all day," I say, getting up from the ground and sitting in my chair again.

"I was just going to tell you that Clary is coming to-"


"I tried. You zoned out." he said, rubbing his ears. "You hurt my ears, by the way."

"Get over it, you big baby."

"Hmph." he said.



"Hey," Jace said.

"Hey," I say softly, smiling up at him.

"I love you, don't forget that." he says.

"I don't think I'm the one who could potentially forget." I say, crossing my arms over my almost bare chest.

He give me a confused look and opens his mouth to speak. But I'm having none of that.

I hold my arm up, my hand in the air, as if to shush him.

"I still don't forgive you. I probably never will." I snap.

"But... What... Huh?" He says.

"Don't act so innocent. Does 'brunette' ring a bell? If not, then let me ring it for you. Brown eyes, about 5'6", brunette. What was her name..?"

"Stacy..." he says quietly.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch that."

"Stacy." he says, only a bit louder.

I woke up sweating, my breathing fast, my heart pounding. Did I seriously just dream about Him?

God, I think too much about this. I'm only going to say hi. And maybe help them with a problem. Lets just say somebody *cough* Sebastian *cough* let a few people drink from the Infernal Cup and sent them to mess with the New York Institute. I mean, I wanted a reason to go back and see Mom, Luke, Isabelle, Alec, Magnus, Simon, and.. Church. I miss that little furball. Seriously.

We leave tommorow. I've packed and unpacked all my things about a gazillion-bajillion times. I don't know what they will think of me. Dammit, Clary. I say to myself. You shouldn't give a damn what they think of you. You weren't born to impress them.

I'm pretty smart.

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