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"Up!" I yell at Jason, who was still sleeping.

"We've got training to do, be ready in 3 minutes. I'll meet you in the training room. I'll leave little sticky notes on the walls telling you where to go. It isn't that far."

I throw some of Jace's old jacket, pants and weapons belt at him. It landed with a thud on his stomach. Well now we know that he has muscle.

I laugh to myself and walk out of the room, slapping sticky notes to the walls every three feet so he knows exactly where to go.

Once I get to the training room, I start setting up.

First, we work on knife throwing.

I set up five dummies around the room, two of them swinging from the rafters. I grab twenty knives from the weapons room and set them in two rows of ten on the table. I grab a few seraph blades for hand on hand combat after the knife throwing.

I grab one of the knives from the row of knives and throw it and the moving dummy. It sticke out from the heart-or where the heart would be if the dummy were alive.

Someone starts clapping.

I snap my head at the door, and Jace is standing there, just watching me. My lips from a smirk.

"Well hello."

He doesn't say anything, he just walks toward me. I stealthily grab one of the knives and hold it behind my back.

"Jace. What do you want?"

He keeps walking until he's only a foot away and I can hear his heartbeat.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

My mouth can't form words as Jace just looks at me.

"Hey, Clary. Wait this is the training room, right?"

I move so I can see Jason walk into the room. I look back at Jace but he's gone.

I'm quiet for a few seconds but then I gather up my strength to speak,

I give Jason a small smile, "Yeah, this is it."

I set the knife I was holding down and walk over to the dummy and pull the knife out of its chest. Jason looks at me bewildered.

"Are we..?"

"Knife throwing? Damn right we are. Now grab a knife."

(I was going to end it here but then I thought, nah. That would be cruel.)

Ifall onto my bed backwards, exhausted. Jason and I have been training together for the past week, and I never thought it would be this much work. I guess it doesn't help that all Jason does is ask questions.

We had to work on knife throwing for a solid three days before I gave up. Then we worked on hand on hand combat. I almost wanted to go back to knife throwing.

I got up, set my thoughts aside, and walked to Jace's room. I knocked three times. I heard a groan and then shuffling feet.

And then - guess who opened the door - Stacy was revealed on the other side, wearing nothing but one of Jace's old sweaters and underwear.


I froze. What do I say? Hi, you're the one who stole my boyfriend. Now I wanna talk to him? No way.

So I did the thing I did years ago - I ran.

Okay.. So this one was better, still short, but better. And YAY! Two chapters in one day! I feel like I won a gold metal or something.

And questions of the day: Cace or Cason?

Don't forget to tell me what you thought by commenting and voting!

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