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Chapter 3

 How could I not have noticed this, Jace thought.

"I mean, after everything we've been through, we are practically sisters. And Jace, looking like you just saw a ghost won't make you look any more attractive," Isabelle said, as Clary laughed.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." Jace said, clearly sarcastic.

"Well, I think I have to go talk to my mom, I mean I didn't exactly tell her where I was going last night." Clary explained. That was true, she showed up at the Institute last night at 9:26. Jace asked her if she was allowed to be there, and she didn't answer.

"I'll walk you home," Jace said.

Isabelle looked at Jace and laughed.

"Um, no offense, loverboy, but Clary and I have some catching up to do, I'm walking her."

"Guys, guys. Stop fighting over me. Jace, I'm walking home with Isabelle--" Isabelle smirked at Jace, "--and Isabelle, lets go." Clary turned around and started walking to the door. When she got to the door, she turned too look at Jace and said, "Bye, Lightwood."

Jace was silent. When she left, he said, "Bye, Fray"

"Right, so I was walking to Taki's once, and I--" Isabelle was cut off midsentence by a scream, stopping in her tracks, realizing that Clary was no longer beside her. "CLARY!" she screamed.

"CLARY WHERE ARE YOU? Clary..." Isabelle ran after the screams, pulling out the seraph blade in her weapens belt. "Micheal!" she cried, watching it glow as she ran. Isabelle knew that Clary could defend herself against a couple ravener demons, so this isn't just a ravener demon. It could be a Forsaken, or a Greater Demon. Clary's screams are stopped, and Isabelle has no idea where she is.

Wait, is that Jace? she thought. Sure enough, Isabelle saw a golden sillhouette with golden hair, and he was carrying something--Wait, someone. "CLARY! JACE! OMIGOD!" Isabelle couldn't control herself, she let a silent tear fall down her face, curving along her jaw before making a pathway down her neck, where the single tear lay on her collar bone. Jace--swiftly making his way towards Isabelle--looked angry, sad, and downright emotional.

When Isabelle was within hearing range, she heard him yelling, "HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN? CLARY COULD'VE DIED!" He let his tone soften, seeing a stain run down her cheek onto her neck, originating from her eye. A single tear. "Isabelle, we have to get Clary to Magnus' before she--" Jace couldn't bring himself to say the word. Before she dies. Isabelle. ISABELLE DON'T JUST STAND THERE LIKE A DEAD ANIMAL AND HELP ME GET CLARY TO MAGNUS'!

Of course, Izzy can't hear me.

"Iz, c'mon. Let's go." Jace started walking towards Magnus' house. Jace didn't look to see if Izzy was behind him, but he heard feet pounding the sidewalk behind him.

"So, what happened, exactly?" Magnus asked, for the tenth time since Jace and Isabelle arrived with an unconscious Clary.

Isabelle looked at Jace, who the nodded his head and looked at Magnus.

"Well, Isabelle was walking Clary home, and I sort of followed them." Jace bit his lip. He nodded at Isabelle, and Isabelle continued with her point of view.

"I was talking to Clary, watching where I was going, and I heard the unmistakable screams of Clary. I didn't even know she was gone. I called for her, and then Jace came. I-I didn't even know Jace was following us." Isabelle glared at Jace. "And, you still haven't told me why you were following us."

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