Chapter 8

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Hello readers. This chapter is going to consist of events in the past in Xavier and Diamond's life.

I am doing this so you all can know a little more about their past and not just their present and future.

I hope you all enjoy this. Please dont forget to comment and vote every chapter.



Diamond's 14th birthday

Diamond's P.o.v

I walked to my locker sighing and then grabbing my books out. Turning around stands a nervous looking Xavier with a basket filled with things in his hand.

"Happy Birthday" "Thanks" He smiles and hands me the basket. "This is for you. I-I made it myself. Well my mom helped me a little but it was all my idea and I bought everything and all" He says. He bites his lip nervously and looks at me. "Are you still mad at me?" I look up at him and sigh. "I swear Diamond it was a mistake. A stupid mistake. I should have never done that I was just acting stupid and childish" He explains.

Last night me and Xavier were suppose to go on our first date after the football game him and his team won. This whole time weve been together weve never actually gone on a date. Well basically all his teammates were going to go out for pizza and he said he couldnt make it and of course they asked him a whole bunch of questions. When he told them he was taking me on a date they teased him and called him a 'pussy' and things like that.

Of course him being a stupid jerk he cancelled our date and went with them so they wouldnt think he was a 'pussy'. Ugh I just hate him so much for it. All last night I cried in my bed.

I look up at Xavier and give him a kiss on the lips. "No Im not mad anymore. Just dont do it again please" "I wont, I promise" He kisses me on the lips and hands me the basket.

Xavier's first Highschool Football Game

Diamond's P.o.v

"Gooooo Xaaavviieerrrrrr!" I yell out among the crowd. Xavier runs down the field and makes a touchdown. We won! We won! We won! We won! "Thats my baby!" both Xavier's mom and dad yell out. Xavier's brother Patrick whistles while my mom, dad, and brother Dyaln claps.

We all stand up and go to the field where Xavier and all the other players are. We all take pictures with Xavier and a group photo. Dylan and Patrick announce that their leaving to go on a double date with their girlfriends and our parents tell us they'll meet us at the car. Now me and Xavier and walking down to the locker rooms and Xavier wont stop smiling.

"I cant stop smiling" he says. "I see that" I laugh. "I cant believe I made a touchdown my first game and Im only a freshmen they were all probably doubting me" "I wasnt I know your a great player". Xavier kisses me on the nose and holds my hand. "Sorry I stink" he apoligizes. "Im use to it" He chuckles.

"Wait up" Andre yells from behind us. Oh great. This clown. Andre speeds up to us and walks in the middles of us. He grabs Xavier's head and pulls him close. "You fucking monster your the reason we won. Thats what Im talkin about" Andre yells while Xavier laughs. He lets go of Xavier and as we continue to walk they talk about the game.

Finally we get to the locker rooms and we stop in front. "Ill see you inside" Andre nods at Xavier and enters the locker room. Xavier comes closer to me smiling and holding my hand. "Im going out with the guys for winning our first game and they said our parents, family, and friends can join. Do you want to go with me?" he asks. I smile and nod my head. He kisses me on the lips "Ill see you there".

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