Tesekkür Ederim

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Well for those of you that have come this far thank you for supporting this story, it means a lot to me.
I did not write a lot of  author''s note in the chapters because I did not have time. This is a story I wrote like two years Ago and I just copy and paste it here when I have time. I did a lot of editing to get this book where it is.
You might be wondering what the chapter title means , well it's Turkish for 'Thank You'
I really appreciate those that gave this story a chance. I'm aware the story is a bit sketchy but you have to know it's entirely fictional. How it's written here might not necessarily be how it is in real life.
I really don't want to bore you with a long authors note. So thank you guys a lot and if you haven't voted in the previous chapters please do so and drop your comment as well. It's really fun reading them. If you would like to contact me I'll leave my social media links below.
Facebook:chimdi Udeze
Snapchat: itz_bree247.

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